Budget Planning- Part 3, by Sarah Latimer

Goals and Self Discipline Before we jump into the section on budget expenses, I want to emphasize the importance of self discipline and getting a handle on what money should be used for. I realize I have spent a lot of time writing about money already, but to properly utilize and manage our money requires the proper perspective of what it is, whose it is, and how we are to view it. Getting a handle on it is just as much about this intellectual understanding and psychological perspective as knowing how it is being utilized and making concerted choices about …

Letter Re: Prepper Axioms

HJL, It is most certainly true that people should not choose to bug out in certain situations unless they have a sustainable location prepared in advance. However, many SurvivalBlog readers work far from home (well over 2,000 miles for me) and we absolutely must have detailed plans in place to get back to our families in a TEOTWAWKI event. This will become more common in a severe economic downturn. In that case, you’d be wise to have those packs prepared the author of this article speaks against, just in case your primary mode of transportation doesn’t get you home. And …

Economics and Investing:

Austrian Economics and the Entrepreneur o o o China Is Planning To Shock The World By Pushing The Price Of Gold Over $10,000 o o o Yellen’s Great Interest Rates Game o o o Taking the Measure of Britain’s New Normal. The betting is that Brexit will tip the economy into recession. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Odds ‘n Sods:

Coup Attempt in Turkey: A Feast of Pretexts o o o Black Lives Matter near Union Station in Washington DC on July 20. Note the presence of police. “Protesters let black people through blocked locations but not white people,” (WTTG) – T.P. o o o France: After the Third Jihadist Attack – D.S. o o o Michigan Goes Total Police State With Roadside Saliva Check Points – H.L. o o o Video (1 minute): Bizarre behavior from Clinton– M.T.