Recipe of the Week: Peanut Butter Hummus, by A.S.

How would you like a quick homemade dip for those dinner guests that arrive suddenly or a quick, healthy dip for your family that is nutritious, easy, and healthy to boot? This will take just 15 minutes of your time and make 1kilo/2.2 pounds of delicious dip ready to eat with carrot or celery sticks. Note : If you are cutting the unhealthy carbs from junk, such as deep fried takeout, this is an ideal alternative. Ingredients: 2 cups canned chick peas (garbanzo beans), drained until all the “froth” from the water is gone 6 Tbsp peanut butter (crunchy or …

Letter Re: A Year’s Supply of Food/Cooking Oil Alternatives

Dear Hugh, With regard to the discussions about a renewable source of cooking oil, bio-diesel, and perhaps lubricating oil as well, I’ve often thought peanuts (aka, “goober peas”) may be a viable option for those of us who live in the south. Obviously, they’re not as visible as sunflowers, and statistics at this website seem to suggest that they produce a higher yield of bio-diesel than rapeseed. I’ve read bits and pieces about backyard peanut growing, but I suspect large scale cultivation may be necessary for meaningful oil production. At any rate, their obscure growing nature, nutritional value (including protein), …

Economics and Investing:

Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules Have Cost Cafeteria Worker Jobs – D.S. o o o Printing Money Goes Haywire in Venezuela – G.G. o o o In 2008, Fewer Than 30 Million Used Food Stamps. Now 46 Million Do. – GJM o o o Illinois Pays Lottery Winners In IOUs After $30K/Month Budget “Guru” Fails To Produce Deal – GJM o o o China is the biggest Bubble in History

Odds ‘n Sods:

Radio talk-show callers demand slaughter of whites and cops ( caution – language ) – T.P. o o o Bill That Was Supposed To Limit Police Drone Activity Changed By Lobbyist To Enable Weaponized Drones – B.B. o o o The Key To Disaster Survival? Friends And Neighbors – G.G. o o o Start Your Spring Garden – D.S. o o o Free No-Nonsense Amateur Radio Study Guides – RLH

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the …

Notes for Sunday – August 30, 2015

August 30, 2014 is the 95th birthday of Joachim Rønneberg, a hero of the Norwegian resistance during World War II. His exploits earned him the War Cross Wtth Sword, Norway’s highest military honor. In April 2013, Rønneberg was presented with a Union Jack during a ceremony at the Special Operations Executive (SOE) monument in London to mark 70 years since the successful Gunnerside heavy water plant sabotage mission. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 60 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $10,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three …

Forecasting Disaster Part 2, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

The Unfolding Disaster There is another category of crisis that can be forecast in a sense, and that is the “unfolding disaster”. Some crises don’t just strike out of the blue one day; they begin and gather steam. Keeping an eye on national and global news, we can spot events that are clearly going to worsen and spread. We won’t be able to predict the exact day of the turning point or the milestones as they unfold, but it becomes obvious that something bad is dead ahead and there’s no getting out of it. Others may be in denial and …

Letter Re: Scot’s Product Review: Burris 2-7xx32mm Handgun Scope on the Mexican Mauser

Good morning, Hugh, In reading Scot’s excellent review of the Burris 2-7X Extended Eye Relief rifle scope he mentioned using a ballistics program to determine a 200 yard zero which would also allow hits within four inches of point of aim at 250 yards. Inadvertently, I think, Scot broached the topic of Point Blank Range with that sentence. If one watches movies and television dramas, one probably believes Point Blank Range to be several inches to a few feet in front of a firearm’s muzzle. It is not. The definition of Point Blank Range is: “The maximum distance at which …

Economics and Investing:

Stocks Are Likely in for Another 6 Months of Volatility! o o o Currency wars can quickly spiral downward into a vicious black hole & that makes precious metals all the more attractive…. this time the threatened currency destruction will be global o o o Global Silver Inventories Tipping Point? New Threat To The Fracking Industry o o o Why The Great Crash Is Still In Motion

Odds ‘n Sods:

‘Production Versus Plunder’ Part 22 – The Code of Production o o o A nap a day could save your life, research suggests – D.S. o o o Smith & Wesson investors are celebrating today – D.S. How is it that S&W can be doing so well and Colt is in bankruptcy? o o o Though the author of this piece isn’t as resourceful as many preppers I know: Food items you should never buy in bulk – K.C. o o o Cattle rustling Marion County style – T.J.

Notes for Saturday – August 29, 2015

August 29th is a mournful day, as we remember the anniversary of the death of “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” – Isaiah 40:3. John, the Baptist, who heralded the first coming of our Lord and stood true to his belief in the face of death, was beheaded on this day in 29AD. In 1862, the Battle of Bull Run in Virginia began, along with the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. o o o Today, we present another entry …

Forecasting Disaster Part 1, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

Have you heard? There’s a lot of speculation lately that we might see downright apocalyptic events in mid-to-late September. I have to admit; it’s an impressive list of events, prophecies, and trends, and I’ve been encouraging my family and friends to top off their preparations in anticipation of what might happen. My “threat level” assessment is high. However, this is also an opportunity to revisit this whole idea of “projecting” trends and “forecasting” events, so that we are not tripped up or misled by the limitations of that process. Rather, we should focus on what truly is important, especially if …

Letter Re: A Year’s Supply of Food on a Budget by J. H.

HJL, Regarding your question regarding cooking oil that doesn’t stand out like sunflowers, I researched oil seeds for producing biodiesel. Canola rapeseed oil was the highest yielding and some varieties are grown for cooking oil. Some are genetically engineered so you need to find the right variety, but it grows well in Washington and British Columbia. It’s a brassicus with a yellow blossom so can be mistaken for wild mustard by passersby. – M.W.

Economics and Investing:

Bank system outage This will be interesting when the system really is closed, won’t it ? – A.S. o o o Fed Up Investors Yank Cash From Almost Everything Just Like 2008 – JBG o o o Eliminating Physical Currency Necessary To Give Central Banks More Power o o o Why Stocks Could Fall 50% If The Fed Makes The Wrong Move Items from Mr. Econocobas: Fed Up Investors Yank Cash From Almost Everything Just Like 2008 The Financial Times Demands End Of Cash, Calls It A “Barbarous Relic”