Letter: Cell Phone Jammers vs. Blockers

Hi Hugh, I just wanted to pass along a quick clarification for readers to a posted review by Scot two weeks ago. After Scot’s great review of the MobileSec cell phone blockers, there has been discussion about cell phone blockers vs. jammers. I wanted to make a few points regarding jammers vs. blockers and the pros and cons of each. Jammers, like the Duke (used by the Army), spam the airwaves to prevent detonations via cell phone or other devices. The reason to use them is “area denial”- blocking all the phones around. The tradeoff: The price is high, Jammers …

Economics and Investing:

Central bank prophet fears QE warfare pushing world financial system out of control. – G.G. o o o The Road To The Welfare State: Why 50% Of “Exceptional” America Gets Checks From Uncle Sam o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Honda Warns Against ‘Stupid’ Auto Loans Driving U.S. Sales Gains– Exactly… Video: Peter Schiff: Fed Caused Oil Crash, Stocks Next – This is from December but a must watch Obama Calls for Closing U.S. Income Gap Is Dollar Next? Investors Reassess After Swiss Shock: Currencies– Rate Hike? I am young but old enough to have bought a house and …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Krayton Kerns, DVM Stuck in the Past. – Avalanche Lily o o o When “moderates” appear inevitably destined for the ranks of ISIS, and with U.S. weapons falling into Al Qaeda’s hands along with entire brigade-sized defections taking place, what the world would least expect is for the U.S. to prepare another brigade-sized army to arm, fund, train, and turn loose inside of Syria. But that is precisely what the U.S. is planning to do. 3,000 “Moderate Rebels” Defect to ISIS – US Preparing 5,000 More. – H.L. o o o A Gunfight in Kansas. – T.P. o o o …

Notes for Wednesday – January 21, 2015

On January 2, 1948, Eliza Moore– the last surviving individual born into slavery before the Emancipation Proclamation– died in Montgomery County, Alabama, at age 105. Since 67 years have now elapsed since her death and 150 years have now elapsed since 1865, SurvivalBlog perhaps presumptuously hereby declares that it is now fully high time for Americans to Get Over It and instead focus on current slavery issues, like the uncounted thousands of slaves now being held by Muslims in North Africa or the untold numbers of young girls and boys of all races held as sex slaves. There is no …

Motorizing a Country Living Grain Mill for 12-volt Battery and Solar, by I.S. – Part 1

Introduction The Country Living Grain Mill is a robust mill that will last for generations and is a fine choice for any home or retreat. It has been designed to be motorized easily, however the manufacturer’s motorization kit is expensive and operates on 115 volt AC power, thus requiring grid power, an inverter, or a generator. The following article will describe how to power your Country Living Grain Mill from 12 volt batteries or solar panels for less than $200 (excluding the power source and associated wiring). Currently, all necessary materials are readily available. Tests have shown this setup can …

Letter: An Argument Against Milsurp Rifles

Dear Jim, Good article on Mauser rifles, but I have a few comments to consider. The cost of a milsurp, plus the cost of a free float barrel stock, plus the cost of gun smithing scope mounts on the receiver, plus the cost of the mount and rings cut to fit the receiver profile, plus the cost of a bent bolt that then needs to be fitted to your receiver is more than a bolt action 270 or 308 or 30-06 sporting rifle, which are already setup for off-the-shelf mount, rings, and a standard hunting scope with modern optics. Old …

Economics and Investing:

From Will Lehr: The Swiss That Broke the Camel’s Back o o o Gold Price Model Says Gold Still Undervalued o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: 24 Items Of CPI Inflation The MSM Forgot To Mention Video: Mike Maloney – Global Shockwaves To Come From Swiss Currency Bombshell Another Former Central Banker Finally Gets It: “The Idea That Monetary Stimulus Is The Answer Doesn’t Seem Right” Road To The Welfare State: Why 50% Of America Gets Checks From Uncle Sam – Good article, but it must be noted that this is only possible because of the Federal Reserve Act …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Skynet soldiers cut the cord. – G.P. o o o French Police: Gun Control Isn’t Working for Us. – JBG o o o Remember Facta? Now Meet the IRS Database to Manage Everyone’s Bank Accounts – H.L. The ramifications of this became felt almost immediately, as foreign banks began closing customer accounts and halting any future programs that allowed Americans to transact, invest, or deposit money offshore. o o o Machete-Wielding Attacker Breaks Through Neighbor’s Door. – T.J. Warning: language and violence. o o o The irony of this one is just too good to pass up: Cop suffers minor …

Notes for Tuesday – January 20, 2015

Today, we present another entry for Round 56 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, DRD Tactical is providing a 5.56 NATO QD Billet upper with a hammer forged, chromlined barrel and a hard case to go with …

Tyranny 101, by M.T. – Part 2

In Part 1, I shared some of the history of tyranny and some of the acts of the well-organized conspirators against liberty, here in America and around the world. However, there is more that should concern us and much to do in preparation. There are other reasons to prepare wisely in a God, guns, and grub reality. Our open society is totally reliant on vulnerable technology. Consider the electrical grid, the water supply, trucking, computers, the Internet, and our food supply in general. All these, as well as many more key categories, are extremely vulnerable to mechanical malfunction, human error, …

Letter: Reducing Need for Detergent

Mr. Editor: Reading your news links this morning, the article from Venezuela regarding military protection of food distribution caught my eye. One of the things the article specifically mentioned is the lack of detergent for washing. Recently, in our research we came across the opinion that bathing with soap on a daily basis strips too much oil from the skin, upsets pH balance of the skin, and leads to loss of Vitamin C through the skin. Even bathing in hot water can disturb the balance somewhat, according to this research. Obviously, we don’t need a needless, artificial drain of Vitamin …

News From The American Redoubt:

13 Idaho companies create an all-Idaho firearm – RBS o o o I think after this, I’d be thinking long and hard about what God had in store for me: Interstate 84 semi-truck crash: Crushed by 2 big rigs, he walks out with 2 Band-Aids – RBS o o o Utah Lawmaker Wants To Expand Right To Carry Guns To Buses And Trains – G.W. o o o Idaho has had some of the highest gas prices in the nation for some time, and “no one” in state government can ever tell us why. So this comes as no big …