2005 -2014 SurvivalBlog Archive Now Available!

The expanded 2005-2014 SurvivalBlog Archive is now available as either a digital download, or as a DVD. Now, you’ll get not just one extra year of the blog but many more bonus books. (49 books, in all!) This is a complete archive DVD of all of the SurvivalBlog posts from 2005 to 2014. The article titles on this DVD are keyword searchable and are provided in both HTML and PDF. Effectively, it emulates SurvivalBlog offline, on your PC. It runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux. With this DVD, you’ll always have access to the SurvivalBlog archives, even if the Internet …

Why You Should Build Community Before SHTF, by J.W.

Establishing a network of local contacts is imperative for long-term survival during and after SHTF. As survivalists and preppers, we take excruciating measures to prepare the tiniest details for what events might come. We read up on which ammo will pierce an engine block the best. We invest time choosing food-grade plastic in which to store kitchen staples, and we upgrade to the fanciest water-purification systems and run practice drills for if an intruder were to crash through our front door. Then, we debate those things on the Internet, because we as humans love to get lost in the details. …

Three Letters Re: Livestock Guardian Dogs

HJL, We’ve had Anatolian Shepherds for twelve years. They are very independent dogs and very protective of their charges. They must be acclimated early but will guard your herds and flocks thereafter. Ensure you have good fences to keep wandering animals away from your herd and flock, as the dogs will kill them. I’ve had to bury all manner of animals that have tried to eat my chickens. Get two dogs, so they have each other to burn off excess energy with each other rather than try to do so with the herd. I don’t allow visitors near my guardians, …

Economics and Investing:

Currency Wars: Is Surrender And Option? o o o The United States Is Imploding, On The Eve Of Destruction. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Draghi Commits to Trillion-Euro QE in Deflation Fight – I love it. “The risk of deflation forced Draghi’s hand.” Again, it’s more nonsense. It should read “with deflation threatening to collapse our debt-based monetary system, Draghi bails out the banks and sets the pace for assets bubbles” Davos Not So Sure About That Fed Rate Increase You’re Expecting

Odds ‘n Sods:

From SurvivalBlog reader B.B. comes this video – Lars Andersen: a new level of archery . I have long sat on the border of whether archery was a path i wanted to go down for SHTF. High power bows and the need for feeding them aluminum shafts have always kept me in check. However, this video has changed my perception completely. This is now a skill I highly desire. o o o Background checks: inside the mind of Alan Gottlieb – RBS o o o The Worst News Story of 2015. – J.L. o o o The ultimate nanny phone: …

Notes for Friday – January 23, 2015

January 23rd is the birthday of John Moses Browning, born 1855. He was the brilliant designer of dozens of guns, including the M1911 pistol, Browning Automatic Rifle (BAR), and the venerable M2 .50 Caliber Machinegun. The latter is still in service in at least 95 countries, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it is still in service in 2075 or even 2100. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 56 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any …

Prepping for Prepping: Initiating the Uninitiated, by R.S.

If you are like many in the prepping community (not of the lone wolf variety), then you have developed or are working to develop a network of people with similar ideology regarding SHTF or TEOTWAWKI. We’ve been taught to believe that there is strength in numbers, and OPSEC aside, I tend to agree that surviving together beats surviving alone. In that case, you will inevitably need to reach out to people to build your network, and if you’ve had more than two if these conversations, I’m sure you’ve run into someone that either thinks you’re crazy or needs a great …

Letter: Livestock Guardian Dogs

Hello Hugh or Jim, I am hoping to get feedback from your readers on Livestock Guardian Dogs. I am interested in the breeds called Turkish Boz Shepherds, Kangals, and Anatolian Shepherds. I don’t know anyone personally that has one and would like to hear opinions from someone besides the breeders. They are fairly uncommon in this country, and I don’t speak Turkish. Since SurvivalBlog readers are more likely to have livestock to protect, I thought someone might have some information to share with me. Thanks in advance for any help you can give. – A.S.

Economics and Investing:

Russian Food Price Inflation Reaches Up to 150%. – H.L. o o o Rickards: Brace For Financial Storm 6x Larger Than 2008 – A.M. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Switzerland Wins As Its Central Bank Surrenders Video: Peter Schiff :: Inflation Deterring Economic Growth The Euro Crashes To 12 Year Lows And Now The US Commerce Secretary Starts To Grumble About A Strong Dollar – Keep in mind the only way to win a currency war is to not fight and surrender, but don’t be mistaken the U.S. will likely join the war in full force again soon, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

“If You Question Authority, You Are Mentally Ill”, Report Finds – J HJL adds: The issue is even deeper than this article states. The DSM used to be about bonafide mental disorders/diseases. Now it is a manual to describe any deviant behavior (intentional or unintentional) for coding purposes within ObamaCare. The result is that many things that are simply personal preferences or intentional behavior are now classed as mental disorders. Anyone can access tax dollars through these faulty medical diagnoses, and worse, anyone can be found mentally defective should TPTB need such a diagnoses. o o o Beartooth Transforms Smartphone …

Notes for Thursday – January 22, 2015

Today, we present another entry for Round 56 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795, DRD Tactical is providing a 5.56 NATO QD Billet upper with a hammer forged, chromlined barrel and a hard case to go with …

SurvivalBlog’s Annual Disclaimers, Provisos, and Public Notices

SurvivalBlog, a private information service, is obliged to post some disclaimers and provisos, annually. These notices are current as of January 1, 2014 and remain in force unless later specifically revoked or modified by the Editor. Advertising and Reviews Per FTC File No. P034520: SurvivalBlog accepts cash-paid advertising. To the best of my knowledge, as of the date of this posting, none of our advertisers that sell the products mentioned in this blog have solicited SurvivalBlog or our staff to write any reviews or endorsements, nor have they provided me any free or reduced-price gear in exchange for any reviews …

Motorizing a Country Living Grain Mill for 12-volt Battery and Solar, by I.S. – Part 2

We’re continuing the instructions for motorizing a Country Living Grain Mill that can run on battery- or solar-generated power. Part 1 dealt with the full list of material and the first step, building the base board. Here, we continue with instructions. Create and Prepare the Motor Mounting Board. This is a critical but confusing step, so pay attention! Cut a 6-1/2” x 9-1/2” piece of 3/4″ plywood. The longer sides will be the front and rear. Mark one flat side as bottom. You will mount the hinge to the bottom and the motor to the top at opposite ends. Think …