Notes for Friday – June 12, 2015

On June 12, 1987, during a visit to the divided German city of Berlin, President Ronald Reagan publicly challenged Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev to “tear down this wall.” o o o On July 3-5, 2015, the community of Marble in northeastern Washington, will be hosting the “God and Country” celebration featuring John Jacob Schmidt (of Radio Free Redoubt) and Rep. Matt Shea as speakers. Find out more about this unique celebration at They are also seeking a land developer or development group that can help them complete their community. Ideally, they are seeking self-employed younger families, rather than …

Prepping Like It’s 1920, by G.S.

My grandparents were born at the turn of the century, right around 1900. They were married around 1920, and my grandmother died in 1923, a year after my dad was born. Their entire life was, in a snapshot, the epitome of today’s prepper beliefs. If it didn’t happen virtually without the involvement of anybody except the immediate family and what was there at the farm, it didn’t happen. It did help that they were far in the woods on top of a mountain in Vermont. The funny thing is that when you really look into it, they had everything we …

Letter: The Lack of Police and Fire Training or Preparation For the Aftermath of An EMP

I have been visiting west coast fire departments and law enforcement agencies, and none of them, including LAPD, LA Sheriffs, Seattle PD , Oakland PD, or Portland PD, have or plan on scheduling any EMP training drills, and they are not even thinking about how their police or fire agency is going to deal with the aftermath of an EMP. Everyone talks about how devastating an EMP could be and how the aftermath will affect everyone, but no one from Police and Fire is talking about what and how are they going to react to a catastrophic EMP event. Has …

Economics and Investing:

As currency dies, Zimbabweans will get $5 for 175 quadrillion local dollars. – M.W. o o o Interview on current events with Bix Weir o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Students Will Have $3.5 Billion of Student Loan Debt Wiped Out & They Are Not Happy About It– This is just craziness– more debt. We are all on the hook for select people’s mistakes. Bird Flu Leads to Egg Shortage, Higher Prices Fund Managers Dump Government Bonds, Rout Continues

Odds ‘n Sods:

This Map Details Whether Asset Forfeiture Laws in Your State Are Good or Awful. – H.L. o o o Simple, healthy, and affordable food. – Free your body. – G.P. Seriously, does anyone even bother with a basic Google search for product marketing before naming these things anymore? And the “green” color on a black/white web page is just inexcusable! Charlton Heston in the 1973 sci-fi classic: Soylent Green Is People!!! – HJL o o o Homemade Pickle Bill Among Dozens Signed Into Law in Denver. – JBG o o o Rebel attack in Colombia leaves 300,000 in the dark. …