News From The American Redoubt:

Some useful data from Atlas Van Lines: 2013 Migration Patterns. The migration trend toward The American Redoubt looks like it is accelerating. The only contrary data point is the recent out-migration from Wyoming, but I suspect that much of that is attributable to the petroleum engineers, roughnecks, and assorted camp followers who are heading toward the ongoing Bakken oil boom in North Dakota and adjoining eastern Montana.

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Coeur d’Alene cops release shooting video. (You can see the video here.) JWR’s Comments: This looks like another intentional “Suicide by Cop” initiated by someone who was mentally unbalanced. Considering how quickly someone could cover that distance, I’d say the officer showed good restraint. And speaking of good Idaho cops: FBI: Bonners Ferry man targeted ATMs throughout U.S.

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The flu hits the Redoubt: Kootenai Health says patients are close to capacity

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Senators, Crapo, Risch sponsor bill to expand concealed weapon rights. Some details can be found at Senator Crapo’s web site. JWR’s Comment: What we really need is nationwide Vermont-style (Permitless) concealed carry!

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WSU scientists order MRI for a grizzly suffering from seizures