Notes from JWR:

Pat Cascio (our Field Gear Editor) receives a large number of products to review. So many, in fact, that starting this month we will be posting two of his product review articles per week. For anyone who might be wondering: Pat Cascio is paid by SurvivalBlog for each of his articles. But to assure his neutrality, he never receives any compensation from product manufacturers, importers, distributors, or dealers. — Today is the birthday of John Cantius Garand (born 1888 – February 16, 1974.) Born in St. Rémi, Quebec, John Garand designed one of America’s best known battle rifles, the M1 …

Want To Raise Pigs? by Mountain Top Patriot

  I hope this missive provides you the reader with insights and useful knowledge to raise your own pigs. I’m not a farmer, just a regular guy with five acres and the desire to eat healthy food our family raises, save some hard earned bucks, and be as self sufficient as practically possible. My intention is to provide a complete 1st hand account in order to convey the pertinent details so you can make your own determination as to pig raising and it’s feasibility in regards to your particular circumstances. It is hard work at moments, but as pigs are …

SurvivalBlog’s Annual Disclaimers, Provisos, and Public Notices

SurvivalBlog, a private information service, is obliged to post some disclaimers and provisos, annually. These notices are current as of January 1, 2014 and remain in force unless later specifically revoked or modified by the Editor. Advertising and Reviews Per FTC File No. P034520: SurvivalBlog accepts cash-paid advertising. To the best of my knowledge, as of the date of this posting, none of our advertisers that sell the products mentioned in this blog have solicited SurvivalBlog or our staff to write any reviews or endorsements, nor have they provided me any free or reduced-price gear in exchange for any reviews …

Two Letters Re: Diabetics in Disasters

Mr. Rawles, I’d ike to describe a way to flash-freeze insulin for (theoretical) long-term storage. I have had Type 1 Diabetes for 15 years.  I was raised in a house that always had food storage, extra fuel for heating, and tried to prepare as best we could.  After I was diagnosed, I realized that I would not be able to survive long if anything happened to the insulin supply chain.  Meir L. mentioned getting pens instead of vials to get more insulin per month.  I started out by asking my diabetes care provider to write my monthly prescription for a …

Economics and Investing:

There is some ground truth in this video excerpt: Will USA Default Or Inflate? Mike Maloney U.S. Jobless Claims Rise to Near Nine-Month High. (Thanks to R.B.S. for the link.) Items from The Economatrix: Peter Schiff On The Fed’s Audacity Welcome To Schizoland, Media Headlines Edition Gold Heads For Worst Annual Loss In 32 Years Despite The Propaganda, The US Economy Is Collapsing

Odds ‘n Sods:

G.G. suggested: Forget panic room – here’s a panic HOUSE! Inside the $11.5 million nuclear-proof doomsday bunker that was built to look like an ordinary family home    o o o The annual SHOT Show will begin January 14th, in Las Vegas.    o o o Roger E. recommended a new essay from Claire Wolfe: Just Who’s The Boss, Here? – Enemy At The Gates    o o o A horrible precedent: North Carolina Appeals Court Allows HOAs To Arrest For DUI. (Thanks to Dan T. for the link.)

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“Given how damaging it can be, it is remarkable how long corruption can continue.  Unless there is a crisis, a gap can endure almost indefinitely between the public discourse of an honest, neutral civil service and the private reality of a set of self-enriching bureaucrats.  What starts out as a rational, if dishonest, response to an opportunity to make money often becomes hardened into a dominant culture that can last for centuries.  Indeed, it can become embedded so firmly and accepted as part of the system that in one sense it ceases to become corruption and merely becomes a different …