Notes From JWR:

The bidding is now up to $135 in the SurvivalBlog benefit auction for a copy “Rawles Gets You Ready” preparedness course. The course was kindly donated by Jake Stafford of Arbogast Publishing. Please submit your bids via e-mail. This auction ends on September 15th. The following article was written by the winner of Round 5 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. It is a fine article that deserves special recognition. But unfortunately since Peter just recently won the writing contest, he isn’t eligible to win again for 10 more months. 🙁 So to reward him, I just sent him a …

Personal Hygiene in a Biowarfare World, by TruthFirst

It’s a new world: West Nile virus, Cryptosporidium, Anthrax, Norwalk virus, Cholera (in the Gulf States, from shellfish!), Avian Flu, Ebola, Malaria (yes, in the US!), Hepatitis C, HIV / AIDS, genetically-engineered bacteria, and the ominous and very real threat of biological warfare. Thanks to the speed of international travel, persons who would have never made it very far from the point they were infected can now circle the globe in the time it takes to develop symptoms. Someone you bump into at the mall could have contracted an exotic disease in Africa last week. The person who used the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

While on the road yesterday we were traveling though horse country. Every little herd seemed to have at lest one Paint or Appaloosa. I think that what we were witnessing was the collective maneuvering of umpteen rancher’s daughters. Obviously they all convinced daddy of their fond desires.    o o o Today we are looking ar some real estate on behalf of a consulting client. The criteria list is extensive. In this case we are looking for a remote property that is well off any expected refugee lines of drift. The property must be at least five acres and it …