The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…module efficiency and lower module cost. The price of different module technologies — including crystalline-silicone, cadmium telluride, and copper indium gallium diselenide — are forecast to lessen in the coming years with more efficient manufacturing.” How Much Do Solar Panels Cost in 2022? This summary article was recently posted over at MarketWatch: How much do solar panels cost in 2022? Why the Ozarks is Mecca for Doomsday Preppers This article that dates back to 2018 is some quite useful reading: Why the Ozarks is Mecca for Doomsday Preppers. In Remote Alaska, Meal Planning Is Everything Linked over at the great Notes From The Bunker blog: In Remote Alaska, Meal Planning Is Everything. The Terminal List: Series Review GunMag Warehouse posted this review: The Terminal List — Series Review (With Guns!) Here is an excerpt: “The show has a fairly simple plot. After a series of tragic events, James Reece seeks…

Little Things WILL Become Big Things, and Food Will Be Everything!, by L.T.

…sold our home and everything we deemed non essential– jewelry (though we kept gold for barter), antiques, and such– and moved to the Missouri Ozarks. We know about the concerns living near Whiteman AFB and the nuclear plant in Jefferson City, but we decided the advantages for us outweighed the negatives. The Ozarks have abundant water, clean air, wood for heating, fish and game, privacy without isolation, somewhat near to family, low property taxes, land that is not terribly expensive, and people who are friendly but respect our privacy. We are three hours from Kansas City and Costco and not too far from a Wal-Mart. The Redoubt is just too far away from family, and we intend to be a sanctuary. Unfortunately, no one in our family thinks we are sane, and we gave up trying to convince them. We will just welcome them when the time comes. It took…

Three Letters Re: Lessons Learned From an Ice Storm

…commercial power, thereby preventing the generator’s electricity from feeding back into the power company’s lines and injuring their linemen trying to restore the system after a power outage. Plus, you don’t have to worry about tripping over all those pesky extension cords running to your refrigerator or freezer or whatever. Next, hire yourself a licensed electrician to install said switch. This cost me under $200, but this was over 10 years ago, so YMMV. Knowledgeable, experienced electricians able to do this work are common in the Ozarks, as many make their living installing transfer switches on chicken houses. When I bought my generator, all I could afford was a 6,500 watt gasoline-powered screamer. I wish I could have bought something bigger and better (read: diesel), but just couldn’t come up with the bucks. Consequently, I am unable to power everything in my (unfortunately) all-electric house simultaneously. This necessitates careful load…

Dr. Bob on Snakebites in TEOTWAWKI

…two-child operation).  In the buckets [among the other snakes] were two Copperheads!  They did take a teaching moment and tried the “this is a no-touchy snake” lecture, but no one really believes they won’t do it again next year.  One of the kids was a 3 year old, certainly at high risk for trouble if he had been bitten by even a middle-sized Copperhead.  Life in the Ozarks, gotta love it! The other major problem in patient risk assessment is misidentifying the perpetrating snake and therefore the venom risk.  Here in Missouri, if someone is bitten by what they think is a small timber rattler and is a normal 200 pound guy, we watch him and away he goes with little in the way of symptoms and very little risk of death.  But, if he was wrong and it was a Eastern Massasauga rattler instead, which has very toxic venom, we watch him get…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…a regular old gas mask is a huge improvement over a N95 mask. If still available, the Czech M10, and 4 sets of replacement filters rated for biologicals is less than $50.00 including shipping. Hope you got the one’s I linked to. These were new, not surplus. A common man’s level 4 outfit that I have, might be justified in certain situations. And a gas mask, even if rated for only chemical hazards, will eliminate the stench from dead bodies. Horrible to think about, but this is where it could go. Tunnel Rabbit Check out the Ozarks. Land is on the increase, yet much more affordable and warmer weather. Similar kind of people there. Hot and humid in the summer tho, but lots of water in some parts. Give me a shack and 5 arces and it would be good enough. Move fast as this virus is also moving fast….

Strategies for Buying Rural Land

…Hi K, I would simply learn by doing. Map it out. Money for land, and money for beans, bullets and band-aids. It could be done on the cheap. Check out the Ozarks for the least expensive land and taxes. Get the book Strategic Relocation to find the best place to be in the Ozarks, or any other place. Canadians will likely be selling their expensive vacation property here in droves, but there will be competition from Americans fleeing the big cities who will be buying. Prices in the Redoubt are going higher. I would not wait. Don in Oregon County building codes usually specify requirements for driveways including roadbed, width, and turnaround. This is for ambulance access as well. In my case, even absent a building permit for a house, the County road department wanted to approve my choice of where the driveway would come off the road. Don in…

An Old Boy Scout’s Journey – Part 1, by Rocket J. Squirrel

…the libtards in the smaller towns and cities are everywhere, and have ruined most of the younger generation. We will have to contend with them someday, but at least the numbers are low compared to the masses found around population centers. Land and taxes are much higher here than in the Ozarks. There are lots of God fearing people there, and inexpensive land and taxes. The Ozarks have mild winters, and longer growing seasons. I suspect the culture is in general more traditional America than in some parts of the Redoubt. I would check out Joel Skousen’s analysis of that and other regions in his soon to be, or already updated book, Strategic Relocation. If you are set on the Redoubt, occasionally places like this pop up. This one is only 97K: Didi Coeur d’Alene has top notch medical facilities if you’d like to consider it as an option,…

Garden Lessons – Part 2, by R.R.

…get lot of sun.” Who is doing the growing. Us? Or God? I simply plant, water, weed, and harvest. God grows the garden. Carry on Ozark Redneck I have enjoyed the gardening article and the comments. Gardening across the US is very different. What grows in one area, will not grow in another. Talk to your local extension office, be involved in their ‘master gardener’ program (until you end up teaching it or know all the questions people ask). Soil, as many mentioned is the key. Compost your own produce waste and improve your soil. Like others, I have my favorite books; “The Heirloom Life Gardener” by Jere & Emilee Gettle. These folks live near me, and for the Ozarks their ability to grow food and save seeds is amazing. I convinced one of my employees to purchase seed from them and he said, “I can’t believe it, everything I…

Letter: The End of OTC Veterinary Antibiotics

Dear Jim: Many preppers store antibiotics for fish or livestock water/feed medications over the counter (OTC). As of January 1st, 2017 this will come to an end as livestock producers will be required to get a VFD (veterinary feed directive) from a veterinarian to obtain these antibiotics. I don’t want to go into the specific differences but think of it as a prescription.   For anyone  wanting antibiotics I would recommend getting some before the first of the year.   I am a mixed animal vet in  the Ozarks. –  E.E. JWR Adds: A full list of drugs transitioning on January 1st from OTC to VFD status can bee seen in this FDA PDF. As news about this upcoming law change spreads, we can surely expect to see shortages at farm and ranch stores, and from mailorder vendors.  Stock up.  Several of our advertisers sell veterinary antibiotics at competitive prices….

Writing Contest Winners, and a New Prize

…Idaho Dispelling Some Homeschooling Myths, by Lori R. Nursing an Infectious/Infected Patient Post-Collapse, by P.C., RN One Way Out of Dodge by Mrs. W. in the Missouri Ozarks Helicopter and Fixed Wing Drones for Retreat Security, by Long Jim Dealing With Biting and Stinging Insects by K.F. Cooking the Farmyard Fowl for Modern Eaters, by Irishfarmer Preparedness for Short Term Regional Disasters, by K.H.H. Things to Understand When Interacting With Police, by G.S. Thoughts on Dogs at Survival Retreats, by D.K., DVM Leading from the Middle: A Lesson Learned from the Middle East, by Brian H. Become Your Own Herbal Doctor, By Elizabeth Y. How to Prepare for a Home Birth in a Post Collapse Situation, by C.C., CPM Caring For Moms and Babies in Disastrous Times, by EMT Tina Fire: Your Partner in Survival, by Pledger Caring For Kids, by Mrs. H. Surviving Snowmageddon, by Lugknut32 Emergency Bags for…

Field Gear: Identifying The All-American Makers

…of them are in bright colors.) Tom Bihn – Packs, laptop bags, messengers bags, Mountain Ridge Gear – Pack, pouches, and more. Made in Colorado. Fireforce Tactical Gear – MOLLE gear, hydration packs, load bearing vests, pouches, packs, and belts. SpecOps brand – All sorts of pouches and web gear, including a fantastic buttstock pouch that holds a spare magazine. (A SurvivalBlog advertiser.) Infidel Body Armor – Plate carriers, full vests, etc. (A SurvivalBlog advertiser.) Counter Assault – Bear Spray/Pepper Spray. (Made in Montana) LaRue Tactical – Excellent scope mounts, made in Texas. Buck’s Bags – Shooting Bags, day packs, horse tack, gear bags and duffle bags. Made in Idaho. Cowboy Tactical Gear – Rigger Belts and “Gun Caddy” combination pouches. Made in Kentucky. Dale Fricke Holsters – Kydex holsters. Made in Montana. American Pride Leather Company – Holsters. Ozarks Holster Company – Kydex and Leather/Kydex hybrid holsters. Made in…

Some Notes on Remaining Humble, by Marine in Missouri

…have worked with crops, cattle, and gardening throughout most of my childhood years. When I got stationed in Missouri, my wife and I decided to buy some property, raise some animals, and grow a garden; simple stuff, right? So far I have lost two guineas– one because it got hit by a car (they’re not the brightest birds) and one from an unknown predator just last week. The plan was to use the guineas to roam the yard, eat the ticks that are very prevalent out in the Ozarks, and maybe lay some eggs. The only part of that plan that worked out was the egg part, and that only occurs when I keep the birds in the chicken coop. The plan is not working out terrible, if one considers 33% to be a good average. We have only been at it one year, but the point is I thought…

Don’t Tread On Us, by B.J.

…I, Here am I; send me. Network, recruit, and prepare. If you aren’t in a safe place, pray about it as the time is at hand. People will take issue with me I am sure, but to my mind there are only four places in this country that are worthy of consideration. First and foremost is the American Redoubt, which is why we relocated here from central California decades before it was named that. Second is Texas/Arizona. Third is the south– the Carolina’s, Ozarks, Appalachians, et cetera. Finally, there are sections of Northern California, such as the Red Bluff and Redding areas. I personally think the American Redoubt is superior to those other locations, but the point is if you’re not in one of those areas now, please pray about what God would have you do as you may be in jeopardy List your grievances so that they are clear…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…of cattle are being reported as killed . The inevitable shortage will drive the price of beef up again. Additionally, it appears that a significant portion of the western Kansas wheat crop has been lost. I hope you have your beef and wheat stores in good shape right now. Water While Flint has dropped out of the limelight in the lamestream media, there are still significant problems there. The latest scam is the local government forcing the residents to pay for water that they cannot use or risk having their homes foreclosed on. There is nothing quite like the feeling you get when your elected officials knowingly poison you. Then they threaten to take your home when you refuse to pay for the poison. I’m wondering when the beatings will enter the equation. Retreats SurvivalRealty has an interesting property listed for those who are interested in the Ozarks: A remarkably…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

…a kiln is a must-have to end up with good straight lumber. The video is 12 minutes long and the plans are free to download. o o o T.J. also sent in this article about finding locations that have very few or even no building codes, which makes it easy to build homes out of low cost natural materials and homestead. The Ozarks apparently stack up favorably in this regard. o o o Here is another idea from making your own Gabion Walls. The author is using concrete reinforcing mesh to create the containers for the stone, and while it is alot of work, it is relatively inexpensive compared to commercial products. I especially like this type of wall for erosion control, though I prefer to use the galvanized horse/cow panels rather than the raw steel mesh. Education Reader B.B. sent in this article on TPTB using the college as…