Living In The Age Of Deception And Betrayal

…protests agents the lock downs since they got selective. No churches have rose up , No common people raise up as long as the 401 makes money. So please your grace in god is OK but please actually do something in mass. Not gonna happen is it. Be a sheep no prob . Please dont talk about the effect it has on you cusze it does not you still making money. If you actually organize a mass protest let me know. Blm antifa do it all the time lol. Peace Sleepless Telesilla of Argos- Can you further elaborate on the comment about weather patterns in eastern TN? We are considering Morristown/Jefferson City/ Johnson City areas for our retirement. We are currently living on the SC coast and are weary of hurricane season. Are you referencing tornadic activity? Any more comments would be greatly appreciated. We just came back from a…

Blueprint for Rebuilding- Part 1, by GRC

…the virtuous cycle needed to create a sustainable local economy[21]. Consider creating a local currency now to exchange locally produced goods, just make sure it is always backed by something tangible[22]. Remember, a closed loop cannot be “cut off” in any consequential way. Food is the ultimate currency; warmth is the ultimate luxury. Even pre-Reset, that may be all the economy a community truly needs. References [1]Congress Passes 1.1 Trillion Dollar Spending Bill [2]America’s Accelerating Decay [3] [4]Social and Economic Effects of the Plague [5]The Empire after the Thirty Years War [6]A City of Despair and Lawlessness [7]Character Lessons From the Greatest Generation [8]No, You’re Probably Not Smarter Than a 1912-Era 8th Grader [9]Paul: Glee in WH after 9/11 [10]Farmer’s Tower [11]Revisiting Montana’s Historic Landscape [12]Fortified Churches of Europe [13]Blickle, Peter (2004) Heimat: A Critical Theory Of The German…

Christian Manliness and the Collapse – Part 2, by Dr. Joseph

…of a Nation: The Psychology and Physiology of: Human Desperation, Starvation, and Living Without Rule-of-Law Through a Prolonged Grid Down Scenario, (US Taskforce on National and Homeland Security August 2023), [5] James Wesley, Rawles, “Letter Re: Why Christianity? and Recommendations on the Great Lakes,” June 2, 2006, [6] J. Folks, “Manhood Under Attack,” May 4, 2024, [7] For YouTube commentary on the state of social decay of man-women relationships see, PearlDaily, with Pearl Davis, “50% of Women will be Single and Childless. Marriage is Never Returning – What Does the Future Look Like?” and Whatifalthist, “A Message to Young Men,” and “The Coming Population Crash.” On the issue of “What is a Woman?’ see Matt Walsh’s online film, at [8] C. Murray, “Man or Bear? Many Women Say They’d Rather be Stuck in the Woods with a Bear in the Latest TikTok Debate,” May 3, 2024,…

Rourke on: Establishing a Survivalist E-Mail/Cellular/Wireless PDA Alert System

…mention of any additional ones that you find to SurvivalBlog. Alerts to your email you can set for free now: Terrorist Alerts News Alerts by CNN, you can control why area of news: News or Web alerts using your own key words:   (try doing “Bird Flu”, you won’t believe how many you get each day) Severe Weather Alerts: Weather, Alerts for your area: (or find a station in your local area, this is an example) Earthquakes in your area: Conditions in Space: Examples of things that you can monitor on original source web sites: Current National Weather Information: National Weather Radar: Earthquakes – The Jet Stream: (where is fall out going) Near Earth Object Program: (Asteroid/Comet Watch) Space Weather: World Tsunami, Volcano, Earth quakes: As an example of real time video cameras you can log…

Applying For a Non-Resident Concealed Carry Weapons Permit/License, by Sgt. Survival

…NC, OH, OK, PA, SC*, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, WV *= only resident permits are accepted as valid in these states Washington The Washington License to Carry-Concealed Pistol is issued by the Washington State Patrol: The cost of the license is $55.25-$68 for 5 years. Non-resident applicants can apply at any law enforcement agency in Washington state. If you are in the military, your military ID and a copy of your orders listing your station location are required for the application process. The Washington LCCP is valid in the following states: AK, AZ, ID, IN, KY, LA, MI*, MS, MO, MT, NC, OH, OK, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA *= only resident licenses are accepted as valid in these states A few more web sites I’d like to recommend dealing with concealed carry: For residents of Illinois: For residents of Wisconsin:

Internet Auction Sites for Preppers, by B.F.

… I think of kind of like eBay, only less well known. It is the web site that local Goodwill stores from all across the country use to sell items that they feel they can get more money for from an auction than by selling it in their local store. Because it is not as popular as eBay, I believe you can find more bargains, since there are fewer knowledgeable people bidding against you. The search engine is not the most powerful among auction sites. They tried to upgrade it a few years ago, but had a bad failure when doing so. The web site was down for more than a week before they restored it back to what it was before. I have found some of the best bargains on things like coats and jackets,military surplus, holsters, binoculars and knives. You can sometimes…

Letter Re: Resources for Preppers in South Africa

components buy them cash from your local gun shops in staggered amounts and please stick to the law. (Credit card and EFT) OTC Medical supplies. We get some from and some from Both of these national pharmacies require a verbal ID (Name, address and ID number) when ordering basic over the counter (OTC) medications. Create a pseudonym that you can easily remember, they don’t ask for a visual ID. Don’t buy your first aid kit supplies here, rather check out one or both sites that are mentioned below. Online suppliers for medical kit and hardware that we have used with great success are. (They also supply security related products) and Hand powered equipment and antique tools. Find your local smallholders’ livestock auction. Typically held on a Saturday in rural / Peri-urban areas. These auctions most often have a flea market attached to them that sell all…

The Pharmacy Around Us – Part 1, by Jen R.

…because some of these tribes were unaware of juniper’s uses for smallpox? Or was it because they all got hit so quickly that there was no time to prepare the medicine? Jen R I checked all the links when I submitted my article to Survivalblog last month. Unfortunately, this link is no longer good. In fact, the entire website has disappeared. Jen R Thank you for your kind comments. One of my sources, Stephen Buhner, author of Herbal Antibiotics and Herbal Antivirals, is an excellent reference. Both of those books focus on the strongest natural antibiotics and antivirals and provide details on making the medicine from them. I highly recommend both. Unfortunately, some of the plants he recommends are not native to much of the US or cannot be easily grown, especially…

Preparedness Notes for Wednesday — August 26, 2020

play.] [Proceed through the Youtube warning.] Anonymous California Apocalypto By Victor Davis Hanson August 25, 2020 GGHD Be sure to watch the videos linked by Tunnel Rabbit. … Make sure to watch the one about the Molotov Cocktail tossed at the ‘Shooter’ fleeing, ~before he shoots the first person. … The description of saying the ‘mob’ was throwing things is NOT very descriptive, about the danger the ‘shooter’ faced. The last video about the ‘timeline’ of events will reinforce things stressed here at SurvivalBlog. 1. Stay physically fit. The 17 year old ‘shooter’ demonstrates why militaries put the young men into combat; both physically fit and resilient. 2. Maintain situation awareness. The ‘shooter’ took a tumble and then some whacks from the mob. … The ‘shooter’ handled the rifle very well, and shot the people ‘he’ saw as dangerous. (He didn’t open fire at everyone) [Drugs and…

Stockpiling Medications Inexpensively, by J.B.

…Antibiotics in Survival Medicine What is really needed for long term medical supplies Sulfa Antibiotic (Bactrim or sulfamethzone trimithaprim) Clindamycin: Antibiotic Azithromycin by Dr. Bones Survival and Fish Antibiotics Series: Amoxicillin Ciprofoxacin: Doxycline: Metronidazole (Flagyl) A few examples on Survival Blog: (Use Survivalblogs search engine and create your own medical library file) A Doctor’s Thoughts on Antibiotics, Expiration Dates, and TEOTWAWKI, by Dr. Bones Dealing With Hypothermia by Joe Alton, MD and Amy Alton ARNP The Mass Casualty Incident: Triage, by Amy Alton, A.R.N.P., and Joe Alton, M.D. Guest Article: Vehicular Terror – The Easiest Blueprint For Creating Mayhem, by Joe Alton, MD SAM mmm Bacon… [say as Homer Simpson] Sorry. Could not stop myself [not that I tried]. LargeCarl Genuine meds. I’ve been ordering from them for years Ani Sadly this is not going…

Coronavirus: More Thoughts on N95 Masks, by Survivormann99

…with a great immune system, all anyone in the medical community can do right now is provide comfort care, there is no vaccine and there is no such thing as a virus killing medicine. Thats my two cents, take it or leave it, Montana Rancher I’ve been using 3M n95 masks for years, specifically the ones with the valve in the front. My problem is I raise hay and have terrible allergies, so I use them from about May till August not only in the field changing sprinklers but also when I buck the hay bales in the summer. I need eye protection too because the pollen will effect my eyes as well so I wear these: Between these 2 items I don’t have any problem with my allergies unless I don’t change my clothes after I get in from the field, as the pollen sticks to my…

Keeping Your Newborn Safe and Content – A First Time Mom’s Primer, by Jenna S.

…I look for thrift stores to be of the highest value and for key/quality items to go fast.  The masses are not looking right now, which makes for plentiful rummaging for you and me.  All of these things are not completely necessary to rear your baby.  But in unthinkable times when shortages are the norm and security is always on your mind they will make your life a lot easier and give you the resources to adequately care for your ever growing baby.  As a quick overview these items are worth having in your stash: Breastfeeding Resources- “The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding “- by Diane Wiessinger, La Leche League International Baby Carriers- Cloth Diapering – Baby Food – “Baby Greens: A Live-Food Approach for Children of All Ages”- by Michaela Lynn “Organic Baby & Toddler Cookbook”- by Lizzie Vann and Daphne Razazan….

Preparedness Notes for Saturday — November 7, 2020

…his team, and for the nation. Telesilla of Argos It may be that Parler is overloaded. The move to that site may be overwhelming the available systems. Hold steady and stay right on in there. Hopefully this resolves with relative speed. Telesilla of Argos Here are a couple: Just the News with John Solomon: Sara A. Carter: Citizen Free Press: The Liberty Daily: American Thinker: Censored News: Washington Examiner: The Gateway Pundit: Our list of news sites is quite extensive… This is just a nibble. We search for good quality reporting all over the place! Charles K. I was, for a while, a capitol L liberterian. After a while, like the founders of the Libertarian Party, I had to leave. Over the years the party has become a leftist party. Jo Jorganson, the latest L party candidate for President might as well…

Letter: Elderberry and Wuhan

Dear SurvivalBloggers: Just a quick note concerning Elderberry syrup and the Wuhan coronavirus (now named “COVID-19”) that I didn’t want to get lost in the extensive comments about the virus at and : Normally, with flu, elderberry syrup is a positive and helps fight the virus.“Sambucol Elderberry Extract and its formulations activate the healthy immune system by increasing inflammatory cytokine production.” However, “…elderberry also enhances cytokine response, which may not be so good when one of the complications of pandemic influenza is cytokine storm.” And here we have that immune dysfunction also showing up with COVID-19 “In most moribund [dying] patients, 2019-nCoV infection is also associated with a cytokine storm…” See this video at 19:42 for a description of what a cytokine storm does: “Zhou Zheng (周正), an expert in respiratory medicine at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University in Hunan Province, said one…

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods

…8% of Iran’s parliament has the coronavirus, and it released 54,000 prisoners as the country descends into chaos Is Trump Deluded? U.S. has only a fraction of the medical supplies it needs to combat coronavirus China canceled the central event of its political calendar because of the coronavirus, a stark symbol of how it has lost control of the outbreak [Feb 24] Nearly 10% of Iranian lawmakers infected with coronavirus, state media reports [Yesterday, and now some have begun to perish. Iran’s leadership. Last week they were meeting and visiting hospitals to boost morale.]\ From Gab site: Switzerland Quarantines All Active Duty Soldiers Tunnel Rabbit March 5, 2020, 03:00 hrs (Seeing is believing. This is a must see. Get it whatever you need ASAP.) Ice Age Farmer EMPTY PORTS — Supply Chain SHUTDOWN — Prepare for Limited Collapse TexasScout Re: California’s…