Letter Re: Suidlanders, by ShepherdFarmerGeek


Conservative Christian white citizens of South Africa believe that anarchy and a racial civil war are soon coming there. So, they have created a national emergency response plan consistent with the Geneva Convention as a Civil Defense organization. They have limited this organization’s activities in order to be internationally recognized and legally protected

  • Warnings
  • Evacuations
  • Management of temporary shelters
  • Management of collapsing infrastructure (life saving)
  • Medical services, including first aid
  • Firefighting identifying and marking dangerous areas
  • Disinfecting and similar safety measures
  • Supplying emergency accommodation and supplies
  • Emergency management and restoring order to crisis stricken areas
  • Assisting in the maintenance of infrastructure essential to survival
  • Handling the dead
  • Assisting in the maintenance of important resources
  • Additional activities required to do any of the above mentioned tasks, including but not limited to planning and organizing.

Continue reading“Letter Re: Suidlanders, by ShepherdFarmerGeek”

Economics and Investing:

New Jersey Town Takes On Wells Fargo Bank: ‘They Stole Our Wealth’ – DSV

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Economic Reality: Bottom 50% of Americans No Longer Matter. “The unfortunate truth of the matter is a record Half of American Families Live Paycheck to Paycheck.”

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Central Banks’ Obsession with Price Stability Leads to Economic Instability

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Analytical Charts – Jim Wyckoff Gold Scores a Solid 1st Quarter Performance

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SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Horror! The Horror!. The third president in a row reneges on his promises to get America out of the nation building business.

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The Terrible Damage Created by the Left’s War on Women. Excerpt: “Now, even worse is the Liberals’ War on Women. No fault divorce and women’s rights plus Democrat financial policies in government have forced wives and mothers into the marketplace and their children into daycare warrens. The government is being made the parent. Is that sick or what? Women now epitomize just what our culture does not need, namely binary entities that won’t nurture, can’t love and who are caricatures of authentic women.” – D.S.

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Just because you’re not paranoid doesn’t mean someone isn’t preparing to influence/control/direct your thinking! MISOC: The U.S. Military’s Secret Brand of Fake News – C.C.

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Kind of missing the point – hunger strike, snowflake style: Yale Grad Students Go on ‘Symbolic’ Hunger Strike Where They’re Allowed to Eat – DSV

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John McAfee Just Announced The Most Private Smart Phone Ever: Here’s How It Works – H.L.

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“When people can vote on issues involving the transfer of wealth to themselves from others, the ballot box becomes a weapon with which the majority plunders the minority. That is the point of no return, the point where the doomsday mechanism begins to accelerate until the system self-destructs. The plundered grow weary of carrying the load and eventually join the plunderers. The productive base of the economy diminishes further until only the state remains.” – G. Edward Griffin

Lessons From the First TEOTWAWKI- Part 2, by Sarah Latimer

Reviewing Where We Left Off

In this series of articles, we’re looking at the lessons to be learned from the Genesis creation story, particularly from the actions of Eve. The choices she made are similar to the ones that are drastically affecting our world today. They are even affecting the survival community and you also, whether you. It doesn’t matter whether you are male or female or whether you recognize it or not at this point.

Eve Knew the Instruction & Vision God Gave Adam

God’s plan for Adam was to care for all that which was within this paradise garden. Eve was to be his helper/completer/partner. Both Adam and Eve were of equal value, coming from the same flesh and both formed with God’s hands. However, The accountability of Adam was  higher. We don’t have a record of God’s or Adam’s specific talk with Eve about the instruction not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We do know that she knew that she was not to eat from this tree.

God walked and talked with Adam regularly. I make some assumptions that Adam shared his knowledge with Eve. He probably shared his ideas and visions for their future with her as well. She told the serpent about the limitation on eating from the tree, so she new of Adam’s conversations. However, the fact remains that whether God told her or Adam did, she knew. Yet, “the serpent” easily manipulated her.

Genesis 3:1-7

Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

Some of Eve’s Mistakes

The Scripture says, “…when she saw that the tree of knowedge of good and evil was good for food…” Oh, she made the mistake of listening to deceptive messages that convinced her to trade God’s vision for one that would cause her to lose her home and family as well as security and comfort, which are core pursuits of women, in general.

Eve made a variety of clear mistakes within this Scripture.


She embellished the facts by adding to God’s instruction when she said that she could not even touch it or she would die; God merely said that she and Adam could not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Yes, God created things that are not good for our consumption. They still have purpose. We must trust in Him to fulfill their purpose, even though we don’t like them or are instructed not to eat them, i.e. cockroaches of the land and sea.) In the case of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it fed the soul (with good) and the flesh (with evil). However, the flesh then began to die, and the disobedience caused separation from God.


She didn’t believe in God’s promises more than she wanted this forbidden food. She believed what the serpent was telling her this fruit offered, so the serpent’s word rose above God’s. The Scripture tells us that she saw that the food of the tree was good for food and pleasant to the eyes. We know that she was looking at it in close proximity rather than staying away. She judged with her eyes instead of listening to God or Adam. (“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” – Romans 10: 17)

Clouded reasoning

She let what was in front of her cloud her reasoning. As mentioned in #2, She knew what God said, but the serpent was in front of her contradicting or twisting God’s word by questioning her. Her insecurity made her waver.


She judged it would make her wise and took the fruit because she has become unsatisfied. She was manipulated because she was not content in her heart. When she ate of the fruit, she gave it also to her husband and then they both were ashamed. Her actions of discontent led to a much greater discontent and shame that spilled over onto her family!

Lack of acceptance of her position

Eve didn’t accept her position of significance and sought something more that cost her and her family their lives, eventually. Not only did it bring great hardship, but it brought death to the animal that God slayed to clothe them. Her decision brought death to all living things thereafter, until Jesus returns to judge, cleanse, and restore His Kingdom again. There has been no greater consequence. There will never be a greater TEOTWAWKI as this, as every living organism– man, woman, animal, plant, bacteria, and virus was drastically affected with the physial removal of God’s presence and the separation from the tree of life. Whether you believe this is allegorical or literal, this is a dramatic lesson that relates to survival!

The Core Lessons For Survival

Fundamentally I cannot stress enough how important it is that we grasp hold of two things. This is important for our survival.

Have faith in the promises of God and build a personal relationship with Him, through His Son, Jesus.

God loves you and made you purposefully. You are unique and no accident! Before time began, he had a plan. Yet this magnificent God desires a relationship with you. He desires for you to become all that He sees you can become.  God loves you, very personally. He wants you to belong to Him so that He can work in your life spectacularly. His blessings are for those who are obedient to Him on this Earth. His eternal salvation and eternal rewards are for those who trust in His Son, Jesus. They follow Him, professing Him, and pursuing a lifestyle that honors Him and testifies of Him.

Jesus was strong and confident speaking before thousands at times. Then at other times, he chose to remain silent or avoid cities or areas altogether. He was discerning, thoughtful, and powerful to cure the seriously ill and disabled and to raise the dead! Yet, he washed the feet of his disciples and showed kindness to lepers.

Put away your past

It is up to you whether you will set aside your old ways, put your sinful lifestyle of discontent, unfaithfulness, greed, back-stabbing betrayal, whining, self-indulgence, worship of materialistic gods, gossip, and other ungodly behavior behind you and submit to a holy God. Walk away from and discontinue your past mistakes by asking Jesus to forgive you, getting into His Word, praying, and making changes in your life to adjust to how Jesus would have you live. Also, learn from Eve’s disaster and don’t listen to people who draw you away from God or what He is doing in your life. Influence others but guard against those who negatively influence you.

God must be God, ruling over all aspects of your life! When you are walking close to God, you will hear His voice guide you, alert you to harm, help you properly prepare, and give you strength for the challenging days. He doesn’t promise that His people won’t endure hardship. However, He promises to be nearby and to care for them in the midst.

Be confident

Regardless of what happens to us physically here on Earth, even in a TEOTWAWKI event, we have a confident hope of what happens when this physical body is gone; we know that our souls go to be with the LORD and that someday we will be given new bodies to live again in Zion. We also know that we are not alone and that an all-knowing God is ever-present with us to guide us if we are seeking Him and walking in His ways. Make sure that you first are a sincere servant of Jesus, as this one act is the most important to survival, above everything else!

We have some ideas pretty twisted that being a servant, as referenced in the Bible, is a bad thing. It’s much like our employment contracts today. I’ve had bad bosses and I’ve had good ones. I choose to give above and beyond to those who are good people, kind, and honest. To be a servant of Jesus is to be provided for and protected by the King of kings. It is not a lowly position to be a servant of an honorable, kind man. How much greater to be the servant of God and to live in His House!

See also: Lessons From the First TEOTWAWKI- Part 1, by Sarah Latimer

Letter Re: Should I Convert My Nickels to Silver?

Hello Hugh and Jim,

Per Jim’s good advice, my wife and I have been taking nickels out of our pocket change each day and setting them aside. It has been an easy and painless way to simultaneously set aside some cash, hedge against inflation, and invest in industrial metals. Over the last couple of years, we have accumulated over $150 in nickels. I’m wondering now, at this point in time, whether it would be wiser to take the cash value from those nickels and use it to purchase pre-1965 “junk” silver coins, or retain the nickels as a store of copper and nickel as a hedge against inflation. Very interested in your opinions on this matter. Thanks, SB in CA.

HJL’s Comment:

Both silver and gold seem to be holding relatively steady right now. While not as low as it has been, the price is reasonable. Depending on the seller, you should be able to get nearly eight ounces of silver for your $150 right now. Seems like a good move to me, as junk silver is fairly well recognized.

Economics and Investing:

Economic News for Preppers

10 Retirement Stats That Will Blow You Away. Think you’re ready to retire? These statistics might change your mind. – H.L.

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NY Times (‘Laughable Stunt By Plutocrats To Enrich Themselves’), WSJ (‘Ambitious Course Correction To Restore Broad-Based Prosperity’) Debate Trump’s Tax Plan

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Wonder Woman was on to something “Counterfeiting money like that [Printing as much as they want] on a large scale like that would be a very potent economic weapon!” – DMC

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Ford’s Profit Falls 35% on Recall Costs, Weaker U.S. Sales

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SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Odds ‘n Sods:

All Eyes on N. Korea “Major Major Conflict Possible” – D.B.

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How very sad: President of Austria: ‘The day will come that we must ask all women to wear a headscarf’ – Turning the concept of “assimilation” on its head – H.L.

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Violence mars Brazil’s anti-austerity general strike

Brazil protesters, police clash in first general strike in decades

Are we looking at our future, as we keep spending and increasing government and personal debt? – H.L.

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2% Of Counties Have More Than 1/2 Nation’s Homicides “The report released this week said the United States can be divided into three types of places regarding homicide: ‘Places where there are no murders, places where there are a few murders, and places where murders are very common.’ “

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Memories of the ’50s: Feds prep for nuclear attack in NJ – W.W.

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“And, behold, there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name; and when he saw him, he fell at his feet, 23 and besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live. 24 And Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him.” Mark 5:22-24 (KJV)

Notes for Saturday – April 29, 2017

This is the birthday of actor Daniel Day-Lewis (born 1957), often remembered for his starring roles in Last of the Mohicians and in Lincoln.

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Today, we present another entry for Round 70 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The nearly $15,000 worth of prizes for this round include:

First Prize:

  1. A $3000 gift certificate towards a Sol-Ark Solar Generator from Veteran owned Portable Solar LLC. The only EMP Hardened Solar Generator System available to the public.
  2. A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate that is good for any one, two, or three day course (a $1,195 value),
  3. A course certificate from onPoint Tactical for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses, excluding those restricted for military or government teams. Three day onPoint courses normally cost $795,
  4. DRD Tactical is providing a 5.56 NATO QD Billet upper with a hammer forged, chrome-lined barrel and a hard case to go with your own AR lower. It will allow any standard AR-type rifle to have a quick change barrel, which can be assembled in less than one minute without the use of any tools and a compact carry capability in a hard case or 3-day pack (an $1,100 value),
  5. An infrared sensor/imaging camouflage shelter from Snakebite Tactical in Eureka, Montana (A $350+ value),
  6. Two cases of Mountain House freeze-dried assorted entrees in #10 cans, courtesy of Ready Made Resources (a $350 value),
  7. A $250 gift certificate good for any product from Sunflower Ammo,
  8. Two cases of Meals, Ready to Eat (MREs), courtesy of CampingSurvival.com (a $180 value).

Second Prize:

  1. A Model 175 Series Solar Generator provided by Quantum Harvest LLC (a $439 value),
  2. A Glock form factor SIRT laser training pistol and a SIRT AR-15/M4 Laser Training Bolt, courtesy of Next Level Training, which have a combined retail value of $589,
  3. A gift certificate for any two or three-day class from Max Velocity Tactical (a $600 value),
  4. A transferable certificate for a two-day Ultimate Bug Out Course from Florida Firearms Training (a $400 value),
  5. A Trekker IV™ Four-Person Emergency Kit from Emergency Essentials (a $250 value),
  6. A $200 gift certificate good towards any books published by PrepperPress.com,
  7. A pre-selected assortment of military surplus gear from CJL Enterprize (a $300 value),
  8. RepackBox is providing a $300 gift certificate to their site, and
  9. American Gunsmithing Institute (AGI) is providing a $300 certificate good towards any of their DVD training courses.

Third Prize:

  1. A Royal Berkey water filter, courtesy of Directive 21 (a $275 value),
  2. A custom made Sage Grouse model utility/field knife from custom knife-maker Jon Kelly Designs, of Eureka, Montana,
  3. A large handmade clothes drying rack, a washboard, and a Homesteading for Beginners DVD, all courtesy of The Homestead Store, with a combined value of $206,
  4. Expanded sets of both washable feminine pads and liners, donated by Naturally Cozy (a $185 retail value),
  5. Two Super Survival Pack seed collections, a $150 value, courtesy of Seed for Security, LLC,
  6. Mayflower Trading is donating a $200 gift certificate for homesteading appliances,
  7. Montie Gear is donating a Y-Shot Slingshot and a $125 Montie gear Gift certificate.,
  8. Two 1,000-foot spools of full mil-spec U.S.-made 750 paracord (in-stock colors only) from www.TOUGHGRID.com (a $240 value), and

Round 70 ends on May 31st, so get busy writing and e-mail us your entry. Remember that there is a 1,500-word minimum, and that articles on practical “how to” skills for survival have an advantage in the judging.

A Primer on Violence, by P.N.

“All violence consists in some people forcing others, under threat of suffering or death, to do what they do not want to do.” -Leo Tolstoy

Violence is a word that conjures up a number of emotions. Some people think of violence and immediately visualize a major city in their head. Others think of violence as gangs, adolescents, and most often, criminals. For some, the thought of violence brings a visceral reaction that causes panic. For others, violence is simply something that happens on the news, in TV shows, in the movies and is far away from their life. Finally, for others, violence is something to prepare for, something to train for.

When discussing violence, we need not only think about our own emotions and reactions but those of other people. When walking down the street, is the violent criminal concerned that you don’t like violence? Are they concerned that you only believe violence belongs on TV? No, the violent criminal will do whatever they can to achieve their goal. What might their goal be? Sheer violence, robbery, theft, injury, or murder? The point is, we don’t know what level of violence other people are willing to achieve. So how can we prepare?

Antisocial Violence

As stated in many articles and books, we need to look at violence in two facets– antisocial and asocial violence. To define antisocial violence, we need not look any further then the cliché bar fight. A man bumps another man at the bar. The typical reaction includes posturing (to show dominance), possibly a push or shove to intimidate, possibly even a call to friends to “back him up”. In a scenario like this, violence is at the surface, spurred on by alcohol and egotistical behavior.

As humans, we have many skills that can help us avoid antisocial situations. We can use our words to deescalate the situation, we can feign fear and allow the other person to feel their dominance, and ultimately, we can walk away, even if we may be deemed the “coward”. Antisocial violence is something that can be avoided all together, from a situational perspective, and easily defused if it begins by using the skills that we have learned since early childhood (e.g., walking away, talking it out, using “I” messages).

Asocial Violence

On the other end of the spectrum exists asocial violence– violence that has no rhyme or reason, violence that isn’t related to egotism, social status, or even rational thought. When we think of asocial violence, we can think of a ruthless hit man, serial killers, sociopaths, et cetera. What separates these individuals is their utter lack of empathy, compassion and overall acceptance of human life. When discussing crime, we always here about the dreaded “gun violence,” murder statistics, rapes, robberies, thefts, et cetera. What can we glean from this information? We can take from this data that crime has no flow or discernible pattern when we look at it through the lens of antisocial and asocial behavior.

The difference between antisocial and asocial violence is the overall intent of the person performing the action. A carpenter can take a hammer and build a house; a criminal can take a hammer and bash someone’s skull in. What separates the two individuals? It’s only intent. What I am discussing here are not the individuals that take that hammer and use it for self-defense if being attacked by a criminal. I’m talking about the individual that maliciously, without concern for another individual’s well-being, picks up that tool and commits a heinous crime.

Any tool, when placed in the hands of a person with a vicious intent, can become a tool of destruction. At our base, primal level as human beings, we all have the ability to commit a crime. We only have to look back to the story of Cain and Abel to realize that even family members can kill when they have a specific intent. Again, it isn’t the tool that matters; it is the intent of the individual.

Preparing for Asocial Violence

In any case, we must look at what needs to be done to prepare for the unknown level of asocial violence that may meet us one day. For those of us that prepare for a multitude of situations (e.g., financial collapse, nuclear war, natural disasters, et cetera), we must prepare ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally for this level of crime.

As we have seen during natural disasters, riots, protests, et cetera, antisocial violence is quite common in any type of situation outside the normal realm of day-to-day life. Some examples include people breaking down store windows and looting during “protests,” and assaulting police officers and those individuals that have a different viewpoint then their own. All of these things sit to one side of the violent crime spectrum that isn’t close to the discussion of asocial crime. We can arm ourselves, avoid negative situations, and overall be prepared for situations that are predictable.

Predictability (or lack of)

Asocial violence is not predictable. It is not so easy to prepared for. In a true collapse of society, we can assume that a great deal of asocial violence will be occurring for people (mainly criminals) to stay alive. It is just as important to be prepared for asocial violence in our day-to-day lives as much as it is in a true collapse situation.

How is it possible to prepare for something as unpredictable as a violent, criminal, asocial attack? A few simple methods to achieve this include:

  • always maintaining your awareness to a level of Condition Yellow,
  • physically preparing yourself to fight outside the realm of organized, “fair” fighting, and
  • doing mental preparation to “game plan” for any situation.

Colonel Jeff Cooper’s Color Code

White– You are relaxed and unaware.

Yellow– You remain relaxed but are aware of who and what is around you.

Orange– You have identified something of interest that may or may not prove to be a threat.

Red– If the focus of your attention in condition orange does something you find threatening, you will shift to condition red. Condition red simply changes the focus of your attention from a potential threat to a potential target.

On a day-to-day basis, you must live your life in condition yellow always prepared to shift quickly and decisively to condition orange, and if absolutely necessary then to condition red. When dealing with asocial violence, if you are in condition yellow, you are at least a step ahead of those in white and will typically be less of a target for a person looking to commit a crime.

Typically, criminals stay in condition yellow, orange, and/or red and are always prepared to commit a crime whether you, the victim, are ready or not. Look no further than gang members who walk out of their homes expecting to be shot. They live day-to-day in condition orange and red. If you were to find yourself in an area where individuals think this way, you must also be prepared to match their level of preparedness.

What is fair?

The next step to dealing with asocial violence is removing yourself from the realm of “fair fights”. When discussing fighting, regular people with compassion and empathy don’t want to hear about kicking/punching someone in the groin, gouging someone’s eyes out, or intentionally trying to dislocate joints. In a true asocial attack, is the criminal/sociopath going to abide by fair, clean rules? Absolutely not! You will not see “clean” blows if you were to go online and look up prison yard fights. What you would see are intentional stabbings to vital organs or decisive hits/kicks/punches to critical areas. You will see the general use of violence that is not conducive to a “civil” form of fighting. Remember, in the world of MMA, the fighter’s ultimate goal is to knock the person out or perform a submission that will cause the person to “tap out”.

Their goal is not to kill their opponent. Their goal is to cause the person to quit through a submission or lose consciousness.  The referee then steps in and stops them from continuing to pummel the person while they are on the ground. Does a person committing an asocial crime have a referee ready to stop them? I can safely answer “No!” to that question. We have criminals in prisons that are reading Gray’s Anatomy to better understand the human body and how to harm it; you must also complete your own studies to match the asocial criminal intent.

Be Vicious

Train yourself to viciously target those areas on the body that will cause the most harm in the quickest fashion. You must keep in mind that I am not talking about a bar room fight. Nor am I focusing on someone bumping into you aggressively on the street. In antisocial situations, using severe tactics can get you in extreme trouble. I can make a fairly educated guess that those individuals reading this website are preparing for when antisocial behavior is not existent. We are preparing  for when we are in the asocial realm completely. Ensure that your training involves unstructured, brutal attacks that are more likely to occur on the street. These types don’t usually exist in the studio or dojo where you may currently train.

The method that I find extremely useful and highly effective is mental imaging or visualization practice. Not only is this method simple, but it is free and easy to complete anywhere, anytime. At some point throughout the day, close your eyes and picture yourself walking down the street. Imagine an individual walking toward you that looks suspicious. Immediately, your internal radar pings and you sense that something just does not seem “right” with this individual. What’s your plan? Do you have a weapon handy? Can/should you cross the street to avoid this person? At what distance will you make your judgment to act if a threat seems imminent? Simply closing your eyes and imagining possible scenarios is crucial to helping you develop a response if/when those situations arise.

Game plan

Any number of scenarios can be “game planned” prior to any real-life incident occurring. Through our viewing of television shows and movies, and our access to the Internet and its multitude of videos, we don’t even have to fabricate situations. We can simply play that clip over and over in our mind. We insert ourselves into the situation and judge what our reaction would be. Compare yourself to the person in the situation that you viewed. Once again, watching videos will show you that the asocial criminal can and will strike at any moment. It does not always wait for any form of provocation. Overall, visualization techniques allow us to prepare in a way that otherwise is impractical from a financial standpoint (meaning going to a site to train) and in some ways from a physical standpoint.

In the end, individuals who prepare for the worst-case scenario (regardless of the chosen scenario) have to deal with the reality of antisocial and asocial violence. You may not have to deal with asocial violence at any point throughout your life. Though usually everyone experiences antisocial violence at some point in time. At the minimum, you need to be preparing for asocial violence if your chosen disaster does happen. You never know if tomorrow may be the day that something terrible may occur. So you must begin preparing now for any situation that may arise.

Letter Re: Strangling Wranglerstar

Dear Mr. Rawles and Mr. Latimer,

You’ve mentioned that Wranglerstar is your favorite YouTube channel. As you may know, YouTube has changed the rules. Wranglerstar has a “not family-friendly” rating and is not eligible for advertising revenue. Meanwhile, Wranglerstar has never featured a tiny shred of the porn, violence, or other foolishness that abounds elsewhere on/in YouTube. They have also done this with other channels conveying useful information. Gun-safety, ethical hunting, or most everything else depicted therein of a traditionalist Americana cast is hit. Enclosed below is the relevant video by Wranglerstar.

But I also wanted to ask if you, who would seem to know a great deal more about the practical aspects of the legal world than do I, might be able to think of a way to bring some kind of Trump Administration DOJ/Commerce antitrust pressure on YouTube, which, as I understand it, is a tentacle on the privacy-peeling Google Octopus, and which keeps buying up all emerging video-transfer-competitors, making itself a de fact cartel in the video-knowledge-transfer business.

If multiple and competing video-distribution networks existed, traditional Americans could vote with their virtual feet. A Just and open market would be able to determine what we—those Americans still normal enough to actually have and raise families—thought worthy of our patronage. Any ideas?

Here’s the relevant Wranglerstar video. The portion concerning the strangulation of any content not in accord with Google’s Worldview begins at about 11:38 – GJM

HJL’s Comment:

There has been quite a bit of discussion among bloggers on finding alternatives to the 800lb gorillas of Google (YouTube) and Amazon and no real consensus has been reached. Part of the reason they are so ubiquitous is the fact that everyone knows that they can get product/services from these giants. In addition, the very fact that they are 800lb gorillas gives them the ability to deliver. Sadly, it also gives them power to strangle. There is considerable debate even about their reasoning for the restrictions that both giants have placed on their services, but there is no question that there are many incidental casualties as well as intentional casualties. Some firearms-oriented vloggers like Hickock45 are migrating towards Full 30 while others are talking about Patreon. We would love to hear from our readers about other viable options.

Economics and Investing:

Podcast: Despite the new ‘plan’, this is -still- a no-brainer tax strategy “The reason I’m skeptical, though, is that each and every line item in the tax code has a certain group of beneficiaries that’s willing to fight tooth and nail to keep it.”

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A roundup of articles on the Trump Tax Policyfrom the TaxProf Blog

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Gold Hostage To Stocks

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The Healing Power of Gold and Silver – H.L.

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SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Odds ‘n Sods:

A fool and his money are soon parted [or Lord of the Flies Redoux]: ‘Rich kids of Instagram meets Hunger Games’: Guests at luxury Fyre Festival where tickets cost $12,000 ‘mugged, stranded and hungry’ – C.S.

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Brushbeater has posted a PDF of Fiedler’s NVIS Handbook. “An absolute must-have for your tech collection, this Handbook is generally regarded as one of the best of its kind.”

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In an ominous move South Africa Cancels 2,100 Amateur Radio Licenses – T.P.

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Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales tackles news with WikiTribune – Excerpt: “Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is opening a unicorn reserve where he will breed baby unicorns with rainbow colored fur to spread peace and love around the world. Oh no, wait. My bad. He’s launching a new website called Wikitribune whose main purpose is to combat “fake news”. So, just like unicorn farming, then, only a bit more fantastical, naive, and ludicrous.” – D.B.

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Venezuela video teaches the value of the Second Amendment in 71 seconds – T.P.