To be prepared for a crisis, every Prepper must establish goals and make both long-term and short-term plans. In this column, the SurvivalBlog editors review their week’s prep activities and planned prep activities for the coming week. These range from healthcare and gear purchases to gardening, ranch improvements, bug-out bag fine-tuning, and food storage. This is something akin to our Retreat Owner Profiles, but written incrementally and in detail, throughout the year. We always welcome you to share your own successes and wisdom in your e-mailed letters. We post many of those — or excerpts thereof — in the Odds ‘n Sods Column or in the Snippets column. Let’s keep busy and be ready!
Jim Reports:
Because of an injury, I had a quiet week. I concentrated on writing and editing the blog in advance. What happened? I broke a toe, while doing some carpentry. Here is a recap of my mishap: I was building a base for a new outhouse. I used treated 6x6s to construct the base, which measures 4 feet square. Just after squaring it up, and attaching some 2x6s with power screws, I wanted to flip it over, to cut tapers on the front of the 6×6 skids, to make it easier to tow around the Wee House with a tractor or ATV. At that point, the outhouse base weighed almost 200 pounds. When I flipped it over, I misjudged the distance and one of the skids landed on my big toe. Ouch! I was not wearing steel-toed boots. Thankfully, I had been standing on uncompacted gravel. If my foot had been on concrete, this accident might have severed one or more toes. I had a lot of pain for the first four days. It is gradually diminishing. With a broken toe, my mobility will be hampered from most outdoor chores for several weeks. Learn from my mistake: Think things through, move slowly, and wear safety shoes or boots whenever moving heavy objects!
With that injury, I couldn’t do much more than drive our SUV and our pickup to the nearest town for their seasonal snow tire swaps. (Those are already on rims, so it is quick and easy.) There is a lot of snow in the forecast for this coming winter, at least in our region. I hate just hobbling around. But I’ll make the best of it. I plan to catch up on organization projects that don’t require much standing or walking
Now, Lily’s report…Continue reading“Editors’ Prepping Progress”