Odds ‘n Sods:

Russ in Georgia sent an article link from Israel that reminds us that the threat of bulldozers should be considered when planning for defending your retreat. It doesn’t take much welding know-how for a miscreant to add a few armoring plates to a Cat. With this in mind, have you laid in a small supply of AP ammo? Let me clarify about the Federal law here in the US: There are no Federal restrictions on most “rifle” AP ammunition, but things get complicated for ammo that can also be fired through some pistols. Pre-ban manufactured AP “pistol” ammo is legal for private parties to buy, possess, and shoot (in most states), but only if it is not newly-loaded, or bought from a FFL holder. That makes the small quantities still available on the secondary (private party) market scarce and expensive.

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Ready Made Resources now stocks the Technon “Breath of Life” protective mask. I’m planning to pack a couple of these whenever I travel.

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SF in Hawaii recommended a new book from Hesperian Publishing (the publisher of the “Where There is No ..” books). It is titled: “A Community Guide to Environmental Health.”

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Cliff H. mentioned this NPR story from Beirut, Lebanon about hardening houses: Not your average home improvements