Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Vance in Delaware sent us some humorous video links of some stupid crook tricks, like falling through ceilings, having problems with doors that only open one way, losing control of their guns or failing to unplug cash registers before grabbing them, robbing a store in front of a police office, and even shooting themselves.

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Some good news: House Unanimously Adopts Kelly Amendment to Ban Funding For UN Arms Trade Treaty.

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Brandon Smith: Building Your SHTF Combat Overwatch Rifle

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Reader B.B. suggested this collection of self-sufficiency and disaster preparedness knowledge, in Wiki format: The Basic Life. The author’s catchphrase: “With the world economy currently going to H*ll in a cheaply made hand basket imported from China, it makes sense to be prepared to take more responsibility over our own lives.”

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AMA declares obesity a disease
. The good news is that for 99% of those who are obese, the cure is simply reducing caloric intake and increasing exercise.