Notes from JWR:

The 6th of June is remembered for both D-Day and for the birth of Dieudonné Saive (born 1899.) He was the designer of many well-known firearms including the Browning Hi-Power, the FN49 and co-designer (along with Ernest Vervier) of the very popular FN-FAL rifle, which was issued to the militaries of more than 90 countries. — The semi-annual sales on Mountain House long term storage foods at Ready Made Resources and Safecastle are continuing for just two more days. Both companies are offering free shipping and discounts of 25% to 40%. Take note that Mountain House plans to significantly raise …

Prepping Saved My Dog’s Life, by L. Joseph Mountain

Suddenly all chaos broke loose. For a second it sounded like an unknown dog had got inside the fence. I grabbed my staff and was out the door before anyone else could react. I was briefly reassured to see the fence was holding an unknown pit bull out but my pit bull was in full war mode. They were in fact fighting, trying to fight through the fence. Given enough time they would get through it, over it or under it. The hose was called for. Moving quickly but carefully I unwind some hose and return to see the Sheltie …

Michael Z. Williamson’s Commentary: Peak Oil Meets Yuppie Marketing

Over at the One Scythe Revolution web site, Peak Oil expert Richard Heinberg states that in order to continue to grow the same amount of food in the future, without the use of cheap oil, we will need 40-to-50 million farmers, farming 3-to-50 acres each, cultivated with hand tools. No, not like in the Middle Ages. We are talking about “appropriate technology” here. But let’s face it, “appropriate technology” is wielded by slaves. Masters wield guns. Slaves wield scythes. Here is quote: “One good scythe per farm, could revolutionize small-scale farming.” I kinda feel like this has already been done. …

Economics and Investing:

News headline from Wednesday: Markets Around The World Getting Smoked — Dow Falls Below 15,000 The mainstream investors catch on, belatedly: Gun collecting: Worthy investment or risky business? (Thanks to H.L. for the link.) Collapse Isn’t Coming -We’ve Already Begun (an interview with David Quintieri that highlights the derivatives timebomb.) Jim Kim of Fierce Finance asks: Is a credit bubble about to pop? Promises by one or more third party governments must have been made! Rhode Island-Based Firm Announces Bid For Massive Amount Of Outstanding Greek Debt U.K. gang steals $775,000 – on just ONE American Express Black card. Items …

Odds ‘n Sods:

The “Rawles Gets You Ready Preparedness Course” is continuing to sell briskly, since it is now priced at less that $20. You’ll get immediate delivery, via digital download.    o o o Welcome to the circular firing squad: Liberals’ urge to self-destruction. And meanwhile: Hundreds of Gunowners Show up in Temple, Texas with Loaded Guns At the “Come and Take it” March. And in Colorado: Big Apple Bucks: Morse Tells Post He Hopes Bloomberg Sends Some More Money. How sweetly ironic, coming from a Governor who tweets: “I intend to fight this – we cannot allow outside interest groups to …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“When the oil stops, everything stops, nothing left in the fountain Nobody wants paper money son, so you just well stop countin’ Can you break the horse, can you light the fire, what’s that I beg your pardon You best start thinking where food comes from and I hope you tend a good garden Getting down on the mountain, getting down on the mountain Don’t wanna be around when the sh*t goes down I’ll be gettin on down the mountain When the truck don’t run, the bread don’t come, have a hard time finding petrol Water ain’t runnin’ in the …