Letter Re: Hope and Preparedness–A Budget Prepper’s Observations

James, The sheeple‘s fear is now electric. You can feel it bristle on your skin whenever you are in a public space. It is on the lips and in the hearts of any news-watching human. What about our retirement fund? How will we afford our regular bills? How will we feed and clothe the kids? There is a little warm spot inside me. The part of me that feels confident in our preparations. Tucked in every nook of our tiny, modest house, an ATM, a grocery store, pharmacy, garden supply plus clothing, shoe, sporting goods stores and all around trading …

Letter Re: A SurvivalBlog Reader’s Relocation to the Interior of Alaska

Dear Jim – Thank you for the note and I think its the least we can do to support such a worthy web information source. I’ve learned a great deal reading your archives and I’m doing my best to try and promote a self-sufficient lifestyle for our family. We have chosen to live in interior Alaska for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is a steady job, but not without serious consideration. We are very well aware that we’re at the end of the food chain up here and things are a bit more expensive (and can …

Letter Re: Getting Adult Family Members Home in Times of Crisis

Greetings, Mr. Rawles, I need advice and I trust you implicitly in survival matters. Here’s my issue: I live in the country north of Tampa, Florida. Good dirt, well water (and well bucket), dogs, garden, silver coins stashed away. We are ready for whatever happens. My 27 year old daughter lives in Austin, Texas. We have discussed her bugging out to come home, or to her grandmother’s home in Southwestern Alabama. She is preparing her bugout pack today, and waiting to hear from me to tell her to come home. My question is this: At what point do I tell …

Letter Re: Finding a Like-Minded Spouse

JWR – I have read through all of your archives, and your Finding Like-Minded People in Your Area [static page]. From a recent personal experience, I thought maybe it might help to note that the site www.FarmersOnly.com is an online dating-type site that caters to: “Farmers, Ranchers, Ag Students and all of Agriculture Horse, Livestock Owners and all Animal Lovers Cowboys, Cowgirls, Rodeo Fans and Country Wannabes” I recently signed up and, unlike the mainstream sites, they give you a three day “try it before you buy it” period. Also, unlike the mainstream sites, their membership fees are reasonable for …

Letter Re: Getting Adult Family Members Home in Times of Crisis

Greetings, Mr. Rawles, I need advice and I trust you implicitly in survival matters. Here’s my issue: I live in the country north of Tampa, Florida. Good dirt, well water (and well bucket), dogs, garden, silver coins stashed away. We are ready for whatever happens. My 27 year old daughter lives in Austin, Texas. We have discussed her bugging out to come home, or to her grandmother’s home in Southwestern Alabama. She is preparing her bugout pack today, and waiting to hear from me to tell her to come home. My question is this: At what point do I tell …

Letter Re: Pre-Paying Utility Companies in Anticipation of Worsening Banking Disruptions?

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Rawles, Thank you for your excellent blog. My husband and I are benefiting tremendously from the hard work you have put in to this valuable resource. My question: With banking integrity a growing uncertainty, would it be prudent to devote our rather limited capital to build up a credit balance with our utility providers (water, electric and natural gas) in anticipation of possible interruptions in bank transactions? We do have modest contingency back-up systems for all three supplies but as long as the grid holds up we will use the utilities. Sincerely, – Mrs. T. from …

Letter Re: Buying Just One Gun?

Good Morning: In response to the gentleman who wants to own just one gun: Obviously, his mindset is biased against gun ownership. Nothing wrong with that, to each his own. But, I would suggest that he really needs to get his mind squared away before even considering buying anything. Once the bias is corrected, and he has made the decision that he really needs a firearm…..then have him go to his local gun store where they have a range, rent a 38 revolver, a box of shells, some ear plugs and muffs and have at it. I wouldn’t recommend starting …

Like Something Out of a Novel–Some Predictions for 2009-to-2019

The economic headlines in the past couple of weeks have sounded like something out of a disaster novel that I once read wrote. The international financial and equities markets are spinning out of control, with seemingly wider and wider gyrations with each passing day. Since there are so many variables, the end result is difficult to firmly predict, but one thing is clear: It will be neither easy nor pleasant. My current prediction is that the governments of the English-speaking nations and Europe will co-conspire with the banksters to concoct the most grandiose Mother of All Bailouts (MOABs) yet. This …

Letter Re: Males – 15-25 Will Be the Most Dangerous Segment of Our Population in TEOTWAWKI

James, I believe in a TEOTWAWKI situation the most dangerous segment of the roving gangs will be the displaced teenage men. After all those are the ones that are warriors in other countries, not the fat 40’s couch potatoes. They are strong, tough and smart. In essence, we will be fighting our own neighbor’s children. Consider this news article from Arizona: Suburban gang’s rise unnerves authorities. Respectfully, – Robert O. JWR Replies: Sadly, I have to agree with you. OBTW, our friends in England refer them as “Yobs”, “Yobbos”, “Townies”, or “Chavs”.

From Our Correspondent in Argentina: What to Expect

SurvivalBlog’s correspondent in Argentina received the following e-mail: FerFAL: I greatly value your experience in Argentina. Since you have traveled in the U.S., I would like to know what you think will be the impact of our relative lack of corruption, at least at local levels, to what we may face in our coming economic crisis. Perhaps a separate post on the subject, if you have time? Here was his reply: This is where things get more into the “guesstimating” territory. Nothing is for sure and all we have is certain situations being more probable than others. Inflation That is …

Sometimes We Actually Get Through to Our Family Members

Jim – I got this letter from my little sister: “I used to think that you were so off the wall on your beliefs and how this country was falling apart. I would make little jokes because I had no idea what you had seen or done while you were in the military, but you thought that this world was coming to an end. Well, I am no longer laughing at you and it goes to show to not always think that because someone else’s ideas or a little extreme that they are crazy because they might turn out to …

Letter Re: Saving Your Life and Saving Your Relationships–Don’t Drive Your Loved Ones Away

Dear Mr. Rawles, Emotions are sure running high out there. I’ve tried my best, as a clinical psychologist, to let my readers know that they can have a good life, albeit of a very different sort, as our economy continues to deteriorate. Your site has done so much to provide a blueprint and important details as to how to go about it. I’ve read some of your material (the Rawles Get You Ready [preparedness course]; “Patriots“, and your blog) and I see in your words the deep respect you have for your readership, and for the importance of leading a …

Letter Re: Some Practical Notes on Third World Living

Jim, As this is not a competition entry, it has not been reviewed by an outside set of eyes yet, and I’m sure its kind of disorganized, but this is some info about third world life, as I can see it here, after things stabilize. My wife is from Peru. She was born during the Peruvian hyperinflation and transition to its next fiat currency, the Nuevo Sol. (Yeah, we’re young whippersnappers) She recently started to help out in getting ready. What helped her was comparing the current economic climate here to Peru. This allowed her to correlate things that occur …

Letter Re: Saving Your Life and Saving Your Relationships–Don’t Drive Your Loved Ones Away

Memsahib, You are “spot on” with your comments regarding “Saving Your Life and Saving Your Relationships–Don’t Drive Your Loved Ones Away.” We are in our early sixties, married for 20+ years, and retired for several years. I’m the “captain,” and handle our finances (with the Admiral’s advice and consent…). That said, the fact is we see the World differently. I am for the most part externally oriented. The Admiral is mostly internally oriented with regard to our home and events, but she indulges me to a certain degree as I wander around studying the situations and circumstances. Often these situations …

Two Letters Re: Advice for City Folks on a Budget?

Dear Mr. Rawles, I am writing to ask for your advice and for your charity, and also because I think this subject may be of interest to many of your readers. I discovered your web site a week ago and have found it to be both very informative and also very alarming! It was major wake-up call for me. In my opinion, I am not at all prepared for the upheavals that are already underway and that lie ahead of us. I would very much like to change that situation, but it all (considered as a whole) seems so overwhelming. …