Note From JWR:

I would appreciate your help spreading the word about SurvivalBlog. Doing so is in your best interest. Why? Because each neighbor that you convince to prepare will be one less person that you’ll find begging on your doorstep, come TEOTWAWKI+1.

Note From JWR:

As you can see from our new ClustrMap web visit tracker, there are now SurvivalBlog readers all over the world: BTW, it appears that we will have a new foreign correspondent, in Brazil. I’ll have more details about that in the next few days. Thank you for making SurvivalBlog such a rapid success. Please keep spreading the word. One awareness tool that has been proven to work well is a “fortune cookie” paper strip that you can hand out at public events such as gun shows, ham radio swap meets, first aid courses, et cetera. Or you can “carelessly” leave …

Note From JWR:

Our new ClustrMap web hit tracker is now working. See:  Please tell your friends that live overseas about SurvivalBlog, and you can watch them pop up on the map, a day or two later.

Note from JWR:

You may have noticed that #1 Son added a nifty new web mapping tool down at the bottom of our scrolling ad bar. This plots the source of SurvivalBlog web hits on a global map. Tres cool, huh?  (Sufficient data to plot “clusters” should be available by Monday. Be sure to click your browser’s “reload” button to see the results.) We didn’t do this just for the wow factor. Our goal is to find some more international correspondents for SurvivalBlog, who will serve in the same capacity as David in Israel. (They’ll have to be be in just for the glory, …

Note from JWR:

If you have been putting off signing up for our “10 Cent Challenge”, then here is a quick and easy way to set up an automatic monthly PayPal billing (just $3 per month.) Is reading SurvivalBlog worth 10 cents a day to you? If so, then please click this button:

Important Note from JWR:

Well, I’ve taken the plunge: I just gave my boss two months notice. (Up until now, I have been working a “day job” as a full time salaried technical writer, and just blogging part time.) As of the last day of March, I will be devoting myself to writing about survival and preparedness topics and will be republishing my novel “Patriots.” My immediate goal is to build up the number of SurvivalBlog advertisers as well as the number of  “10 Cent Challenge” contributors. If you feel convicted to do so, please pitch in your 10 cents. Thusfar, only 65 readers (out of …

Note From JWR:

I am seriously considering taking up SurvivalBlog as a full time occupation. (I currently write/edit this blog in my “spare” time which means that I’m working 11+ hours a day.) If I do switch to full time blogging, then I could then expand the blog and cover topics in greater depth. Sooo… If you’d like me to do so, just take out and ad, or send a 10 Cent Challenge donation. Thusfar, only 62 readers (out of 9000+ who read SurvivalBlog at least once a week) have ponied up 10 cents a day, or more. If you chip in, then …

Note From JWR:

Yesterday, we surpassed 6 million page hits and 227,000 unique visits.  Thank you for making SurvivalBlog such and astounding success in just six months.  Please visit the web sites for each of our advertisers, and see what they have to offer.  Thanks!

Note From JWR:

Today we feature another entry in Round 3 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The writer of the best contest entry will win a four day course certificate at Front Sight. (An up to $2,000 value!)  The deadline for entries for Round 3 is the last day of March, 2006. We’ve already had plenty of motivational pieces submitted.  Please keep your contest entries focused on practical skills.  Start writing, folks! On another note: If you know anyone that sells preparedness-related good r services, please ask them to advertise on SurvivalBlog.  Thanks.

Note From JWR:

And The Winner Is… It was tough judging all of those great entries, but we reached a decision on the winner of Round 2 of our non-fiction writing contest. Congratulations to “EMT J.N.” who wrote the excellent article: “Getting Your Group to Buy In: The $20 Medical Kit.” (This article was posted on Friday, January 13th.) J.N. wins the contest prize: a “gray” fully transferable four day Front Sight course certificate. These certificates can be worth up to $2,000 each! Start writing and sending your entries for Round 3 of the contest. This contest round will again run for two …

Note From JWR:

We will be announcing the winner of Round 2 our non-fiction writing contest on February 1st. The prize is a four day course certificate at Front Sight. I greatly appreciate your e-mails, folks.  Please keep them coming.  They are what make SurvivalBlog great.  Your collective knowledge is phenomenal.

Note From JWR:

Things are progressing well with my proposed “Paratus Farms” retreat community. (See my post on Saturday, January 21, 2006.)  One gent tells me that he wants to purchase between two and four of the parcels. That will leave at least three more parcels, but these will sell out quickly. Don’t hesitate, folks.  Additional details are available upon request, via e-mail.