Economics and Investing:

Obama administration confirms double-digit [Obamacare] premium hikes. o o o Signs of the times: America’s biggest banks are closing hundreds of branches.  JWR’s Comment: Whenever The Powers That Be get around to instituting their long-dreamed-of Cashless Society, there will be no need for brick and mortar banks. Nor will there be any privacy about what you buy and sell. Every transaction made with electronic currency will be permanently cataloged and cross-correlated with your social media interactions.  Thus, the entire lives of most citizens will be transparent to police and intelligence organizations. To mitigate this, I recommend both: A.) Creating a …

Economics and Investing:

Alasdair Macleod: Fiat Money And Gold. JWR’s Comment: A government simply cannot triple the money supply without it affecting wages, consumer prices, and commodity prices.  We are witnessing deflation now, but in the long term, mass inflation is inevitable. Be ready for both, folks. o o o Republican Trump says 70 percent of federal regulations ‘can go’ o o o Zero Hedge: Three Weird Consequences Of NIRP o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Tesla, Apple and Uber Push Lithium Prices Even Higher o o o Goldman Sachs Top Lawyer Is Part of a Secret Banking Cabal as CEO Blankfein Denies One Exists o o o Video interview over at Real Clear Politics: Resort Casino magnate Steve Wynn:  Printing Money Degrades Living Standard, Causes Anger; Healthcare Goes Up, Product Doesn’t Get Better o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Fortune magazine reports: Apple’s Next Goal Is Killing Paper Money Once and For All. (Thanks to G.G. for the link.) o o o Saudis, China Dump Treasuries; Foreign Central Banks Liquidate A Record $346 Billion In US Paper o o o Michael Pento: Equity Bubble Has Run Out of Excuses and Time o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

The Contagion Deutsche Bank Is Spreading Is All About Derivatives o o o Mark O’Byrne: Euro Will Collapse…As It Is A House Of Cards o o o Silver Eagle Demand Returns With A Vengeance As Political & Economic Turmoil Increases o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

I’m going to go out on a limb and make a prediction as of today (October 21, 2016):  I am convinced that as long as the Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP) continues, there will be a strong demand for not just mattress money but also for physical silver and gold.  So I’m now going on record as saying: There should be a steady bull market in the monetary metals for as long as NIRP is in place.  Meanwhile the industrial metals will probably continue to be in the doldrums.  This explains why an ounce of platinum is now selling for …

Economics and Investing:

Martin Armstrong: Nonperforming Loans in European Banks 10x that of U.S. Banks o o o Understanding Deutsche Bank’s $47 Trillion Derivatives Book .  (SurvivalBlog readers have been warned about derivatives counterparty risks for a  full decade.  When the global OTC derivatives implosion finally occurs, it will be traumatic and have far-reaching effects, possibly toppling entire nations states. o o o I missed seeing this article when it was published last month:  Britain’s May meets Goldman, Amazon, IBM to discuss post-Brexit investment o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page …

Letter Re: Coin Roll Hunting for Remnant U.S. Circulating Silver

James, The Coin Community site forum has many areas in their forums but has a section specific to coin roll hunting. There is a lot of silver in the wild from what many of these posters state. Even the War Nickels are still out there if nickels are searched. Halves are the best most likely since many don’t realize the 1965 to 1970 dated halves are 40 percent silver. ? I have searched some and found a few but a pain to later dispose of the halves. We just end up spending them on small items, or as tips to …

Economics and Investing:

Mark O’Byrne: Gold In GBP Up 43% YTD – Massive Twin Deficits To Impact UK Assets o o o I found this over at The Daily Reckoning: The End of the Great Experiment. o o o Hubert Moolman: Silver Price Forecast: Higher Silver Prices For Many Years To Come o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.s

Economics and Investing:

Compare the disparate results in these two YouTube videos: Mining The Banks For Silver:  Is It Worth It? and Coin Roll Hunting Walkers, Franklins, & Kennedys. Obviously, you have to find a bank in a small town that has not yet been harvested by Coin Roll Hunters. For someone who is retired or disabled, or for anyone who travels by road regularly, this could be fairly profitable. o o o How Not To Manage A Currency o o o So much silver! (Coin roll hunting.) And one result that was even better: Are You Kidding Me?  There are still lots …

Economics and Investing:

The banksters’ Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP) appears to have quietly put the IMF’s analysts in a Modified Stationary Panic. See this August 2016 IMF white paper: Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP):Implications for Monetary Transmission and Bank Profitability in the Euro Area.  Buried in the report is this little zinger; “Early evidence suggests that the adverse impact of negative rates on bank profitability may increase non-linearly as the policy rate declines further.” We are headed for some interesting times, folks! The Deutsche Bank death spiral may be just the beginning of a full-blown, widespread debt crisis contagion. o o o …

Economics and Investing:

We were already tipped off long ago about gold in a world of negative interest rates.  Now consider Ray Dalio’s Long-Term Debt Cycle Charts (over at Barry Ritholtz’s The Big Picture.) o o o From Mr. Econocobas: Deutsche Bank Considers Thousands More Job Cuts: Source – Keep watching this. I fully believe that they don’t want this to happen and will do everything they can to help paper it over. But if Deutsche goes down then  it will make Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers seem like just a walk in the park.  It is noteworthy that Deutsche has some of …

Letter: Advice on How Hedge with Foreign Currencies

Mr. Rawles, You recently mentioned that you had bought some Swiss Francs, as a hedge. Back 15 years ago, I knew that the Yuan–the Communist Chinese Currency–was being held at about 1/4 (or less) of it’s real value.  I wanted to trade some US currency  into it, but couldn’t figure out ho, short of flying there and filling up a suitcase. I think many of your readers would like to know how to do currency trading. Today, I’d like to buy some British Pounds as I think the UK exiting the EU [the recent “Brexit”] will only make England’s currency …

Economics and Investing:

Charles Hugh Smith:  Please Assume Crash Positions o o o Cash is piling up faster than Warren Buffett can invest it.  Most of the mainstream media analysts seem to see Buffet’s growing cash position as crafty planning for some major acquisitions.  But I suspect that he has actually become risk averse and is putting cash on the sidelines in anticipation of a major market correction. This correction would most likely be triggered by another global credit crisis that will dwarf the 2008 crisis. I predict that when Buffett again buys stocks substantially, it will be at or near the bottom. …