Economics and Investing:

New Jersey Town Takes On Wells Fargo Bank: ‘They Stole Our Wealth’ – DSV o o o Economic Reality: Bottom 50% of Americans No Longer Matter. “The unfortunate truth of the matter is a record Half of American Families Live Paycheck to Paycheck.” o o o Central Banks’ Obsession with Price Stability Leads to Economic Instability o o o Analytical Charts – Jim Wyckoff Gold Scores a Solid 1st Quarter Performance o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Letter Re: Should I Convert My Nickels to Silver?

Hello Hugh and Jim, Per Jim’s good advice, my wife and I have been taking nickels out of our pocket change each day and setting them aside. It has been an easy and painless way to simultaneously set aside some cash, hedge against inflation, and invest in industrial metals. Over the last couple of years, we have accumulated over $150 in nickels. I’m wondering now, at this point in time, whether it would be wiser to take the cash value from those nickels and use it to purchase pre-1965 “junk” silver coins, or retain the nickels as a store of …

Economics and Investing:

Economic News for Preppers 10 Retirement Stats That Will Blow You Away. Think you’re ready to retire? These statistics might change your mind. – H.L. o o oE NY Times (‘Laughable Stunt By Plutocrats To Enrich Themselves’), WSJ (‘Ambitious Course Correction To Restore Broad-Based Prosperity’) Debate Trump’s Tax Plan o o o Wonder Woman was on to something “Counterfeiting money like that [Printing as much as they want] on a large scale like that would be a very potent economic weapon!” – DMC o o o Ford’s Profit Falls 35% on Recall Costs, Weaker U.S. Sales o o o SurvivalBlog …

Economics and Investing:

Podcast: Despite the new ‘plan’, this is -still- a no-brainer tax strategy “The reason I’m skeptical, though, is that each and every line item in the tax code has a certain group of beneficiaries that’s willing to fight tooth and nail to keep it.” o o o A roundup of articles on the Trump Tax Policyfrom the TaxProf Blog o o o Gold Hostage To Stocks o o o The Healing Power of Gold and Silver – H.L. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Cashless society getting closer, survey finds. “More than a third of Europeans and Americans would be happy to go without cash and rely on electronic forms of payment if they could, and at least 20 percent already pretty much do so, a study showed on Wednesday.” – G.G. o o o Government Employee Salaries Outpace Private-Sector Salaries by Double Digits for Similar Work. “Government employees earn roughly 17 percent more in total compensation than private-sector workers in similar jobs, according to a report from the Congressional Budget Office.” – G.G. o o o Canada’s Housing Bubble Explodes As Its Biggest …

Economics and Investing:

Is The Deep State Creating Another “Crash Of 1929”? o o o Leo Nelissen is sounding like a Perma Bull, over at Seeking Alpha: The Market Is Overbought, But There Is Plenty Of Room In The Near Future. JWR’s Comment: The U.S. equities markets are starting to look “toppy” to me. It is high time to bail out and get into cash and metals. But shorting the market right now could prove deadly. o o o This bubble finally burst. Which one’s next? o o o Sweden’s Gold Reserves: 10,000 gold bars shrouded in Official Secrecy – H.L. o o …

Economics and Investing:

SurvivalBlog reader MHL wrote in: “My son lives and works in Colorado (lucky guy); his father and I are in Ohio. With the offspring soon to celebrate a birthday, my husband wanted to gift the boy with money, which is always welcome no matter what one’s age, so he took cash and one of the kid’s bank deposit tickets to an Ohio branch of our son’s bank (Chase Bank). He was informed by the teller that unless we had an account with Chase, or were co-owners of the Colorado account that they could not accept cash for deposit. I’ll write …

Economics and Investing:

Global Silver Mining Industry Productivity Falls To The Lowest In History o o o The French Election And A Gold Price Forecast o o o The Bullish Case For Oil Is Fading Fast. As the bullish case for oil is losing strength and the contango is back, major hedge funds have started to close some long positions. o o o How a $1.4 Billion ETF Gold Rush Rattled Mining Stocks Around the World o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Letter Re: The Counter War on Credit Cards

Hugh, It seems that at least several times a week there’s a link on SurvivalBlog to a story about the war on cash. Several years ago my city’s water utility department stopped sending preaddressed envelopes in my monthly statement. I assumed this was an effort to get me to quit sending them my payment by check and pay online with a credit/debit card. Today as I was writing my check, a flyer in the statement announced changes to their credit card policy which surprised me since I thought they wanted credit card payments. It started by saying how they were …

Economics and Investing:

Yet another take on the future of cash: Cash Is King No More – O.M. o o o Has The OPEC Deal Been A Success? While the prospect of a production cut extension seems good, OPEC’s decision will ultimately depend on whether or not the members view the cut as a success. o o o Gold Consolidating As French Vote Goes As Expected o o o The epic retirement crisis for older Americans: The median family of retirement age has $12,000 in savings. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our …

Economics and Investing:

Lee Adler: Warning Signs a Stock Market Crash Is Coming o o o Advice from Jeff Miller: Stock Exchange: How to Trade an Overbought Market o o o Over at Zero Hedge: How Heavy Is This? o o o Brick-and-Mortar Stores Are Shuttering at a Record Pace – G.G. o o o Congress Considers Taxing 401(K) Contributions – B.B. o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our Provisos page for details.

Economics and Investing:

Stop federal funding for universities and police that tolerate left-wing violence – D.S. o o o The last time this happened the market crashed o o o Gold Price Forecast: The Correction Into May Has Begun o o o The Great Retail Apocalypse: Americans spend more at bars and restaurants than at grocery stores. o o o The IRS Enlists Debt Collectors To Recover Overdue Taxes, ‘Placing A Bull’s-Eye On The Backs Of Low-Income Taxpayers’ And ‘Putting Out Barrels Of Honey For Scammers’ o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see our …

Economics and Investing:

Cash Crisis in India, ATMs Running Dry JWR’s Comment: Currency “reforms” like these are all about control of the populace and tax revenue. Governments want full transparency of all private transactions—and thus the ability to tax everything. o o o Video: Hidden Secrets Of Money Part 7 – Mike Maloney o o o 50 Great Jobs for Retirees – H.L. o o o 17 Reasons Why You Should Own Gold – DSV o o o Troubling Signs At Bakken As Oil Production Growth Stalls o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not paid investment counselors or advisers. Please see …

Economics and Investing:

Bitcoin Drives Revolution and ‘Startup Government’ for Syrian Kurds o o o Silver Price Forecast 2017/2018: Silver Prices Likely To Rise In A Concentrated Manner o o o US Auto Industry Factory Production Falls Most Since August. “Output at U.S. auto manufacturers fell unexpectedly in March by the most since August of last year, according to Federal Reserve data that was released on Tuesday.” – H.L. o o o Will The Gold Price Always Face Resistance At $1,350?. “Is there really something to the idea of a psychological barrier for gold at $1,350, and if so, is there any evidence …

Economics and Investing:

Why The Permian Doesn’t Keep OPEC Awake At Night. While the much touted Permian basin is a fantastic formation of hydrocarbon holding rocks, the effect of this play on global oil markets is wildly overstated. o o o Auto Loans: The Next Debt Bubble?. The auto-loan market has recently ballooned, but the delinquency data raises questions about how much longer these spending habits can last. o o o News Bites Geopolitical Events No Longer Main Drivers Of Gold Prices o o o Free Money! Banks Paid $22 Billion to Not Lend? o o o SurvivalBlog and its editors are not …