Economics and Investing:

The Wall Street Journal reports: Uneasy Investors Sell Billions in Treasurys. (Thanks to Robert L. for the link.) Tim J. sent: Food Prices Could Rise if the Country Hits the Debt Ceiling Items from The Economatrix: Marc Faber Warns “There Is No Safe Haven” The “Aggregation Of Rackets” That American Life Has Become Is Rolling Over There Is No Question That We Are Now In The End Game

Letter Re: The Inflationary Handwriting on the Wall

To SurvivalBlog Readers: I have gone back and read or skimmed the archives of every entry in SurvivalBlog since it’s inception in 2005. I’m sure that anyone who has read even a small portion of this excellent resource has come to realize that a means of self-protection is critical in a SHTF situation and that firearms are the primary tool to that end. To those that may not yet be aware, many popular types of ammunition have been scarce and have become more expensive and attempts by the government to regulate sales and possession of ammunition are becoming more frequent. …

Economics and Investing:

Here it comes! The IMF Proposes A 10% Supertax On All Eurozone Household Savings. Americans should be forewarned. We too need to minimize our bank deposits and shift into tangibles investing. (Thanks to “Beekeeper” for the link.) C.D.V. sent this: Fitch puts US AAA rating on rating watch negative Nobel Prize U.S. winner warns of ‘bubbly’ global home prices Items from The Economatrix: 22 Reasons To Be Concerned About The U.S. Economy As We Head Into The Holiday Season The US cannot avoid a soft default even if a hard default is avoided: Debt ceiling already breached and US Treasury …

Economics and Investing:

Life imitates art: IMF chief: U.S. dance with the debt limit is ‘very, very concerning’ [JWR’s Comment: Thankfully, she stopped short of saying: “default appears imminent.” Perhaps next week someone from the Deutsche Bundesbank will make some off the record remarks…] G.G. flagged this: U.S. Adds Two Times More Debt than Economic Output in Last Two Years Shenandoah blog: Stasicare. (Thanks to B.B. for the link.) P.W. sent this from Zero Hedge: They’re Coming for Your Savings Also from P.W.: U.S. banks no longer too big to fail says Tucker From The Economatrix: If We Are In An Economic Recovery, …

Economics and Investing:

Several readers mentioned this: Computer Glitch Blamed For Nationwide EBT System Shutdown On Saturday. The food handout computer system came back up late Saturday evening, but just imagine this happening in all 50 States and in all of the Territories for more than a week. When some people vote with their feet, it gets noticed: Billionaire Branson Leaves UK for Caribbean Tax Haven Items from The Economatrix: Nothing Left To Financially Lose: Biggest Drop In Confidence Since Lehman Brothers And Why Some Are Unmoved By Government Shutdown. Unemployment Claims Surge, Partly Due To Shutdown Lew: Benefits at risk without rise in …

Economics and Investing:

Jim Grant: America’s default on its debt is inevitable National Pravda Radio (NPR) recently produced an infographic showing Everyone The U.S. Government Owes Money To, In One Graph. Laughably, it shows the 2.1 Trillion owed to the Federal Reserve shaded in blue as debt held by “Federal Government.” I have a news flash for them: The Federal Reserve is no more “Federal” than Federal Express. It is a private banking cartel that was given a monopoly when it was created a century ago. So for Democrat Congressman Alan Grayson to suggest the Fed “cancel” its Treasury debt (as he recently …

Economics and Investing:

The Dread Pirate’s Cash Stash is Still Safe U.S., Switzerland Export Largest Ever Amounts Of Gold To Hong Kong And Investors Should Take Note G.G. suggested this piece: What’s happening in the Treasury bill market today should terrify you Items from The Economatrix: The “D.” Word, again: Boehner says U.S. on path to default if Obama won’t negotiate Governments Will Start Panicking As Chaos & Crisis Accelerates Peter Schiff Warns Yellen’s Nomination Means Any QE Taper Expectations Are “Delusional” Obama Offers Two Choices: Unconditional Surrender Or Default

Letter Re: Where To Park Some Funds?

James Wesley, I read your blog daily for news and inspiration. I just sold my house and have equity that we want to purchase a new home with…debt free, pay cash.We will be looking for a home in Texas, and hope to be settled in in the next 18 months. My question, what do I do with $200,000 in the mean time?  I’m terrified to put our earnings from the sale into a bank. Thanks – Stacy D. JWR Replies: In my opinion silver bullion (pre-1965 “junk” coin bags or 100-ounce serialized Engelhard bars) are your best bet, for an 18 …

Economics and Investing:

Until October 15th the documentary An Inconvenient Tax will be available via streaming to Netflix subscribers. Economics Professor Laurence Kotlikoff: Oh, and By the Way, Our Government Is Totally Broke! A useful primer: Rehypothecation of Collateral G.G. flagged this: Five Alarming Facts About Entitlement Spending Items from The Economatrix: The D Word, again: US default seen as disaster dwarfing Lehman’s fall “Among dozens of money managers, economists, bankers, traders and former government officials, few view such an event as anything but a financial apocalypse.” Peter Schiff Warns of Martial Law Where Did The Gold Go?

Economics and Investing:

John E. sent this: Russia to Grab Pension Money, Temporarily Michael Z. Williamson (SurvivalBlog’s Editor at Large) spotted this: Obamacare’s winners and losers in Bay Area. (One confused Dem resident of the People’s Republic of California commented, after learning that his insurance rate would jump to $10,000 per year: “Of course, I want people to have health care. I just didn’t realize I would be the one who was going to pay for it personally.”) The bond funds are still getting hammered by just rumors of Fed tapering: Gundlach’s Fund Had Its Biggest Redemptions in September. Items from The Economatrix: …

Economics and Investing:

G.G. flagged this: Families hoard cash five years after crisis. [JWR’s Comment: Could it be that the collective conscious recognizes that the “recovery” is a charade? Not mentioned in precious meta;s saving, which is the norm in India, although actively discouraged by the government.] MasterCard joining push for fingerprint ID standard. (Thanks to H.L. for the link.) What the wealthy are doing to beat inflation Items from The Economatrix: The Biggest Drag on the Job Market Just Got Bigger Catastrophic Consequences of a U.S. Default Explained The Grand Financial Shift: Rich Own Assets While Poor And Working Class Deep In …

Economics and Investing:

The release of the latest anti-counterfeiting edition of the U.S. $100 Federal Reserve Note is scheduled for today. The new bill has lots of pretty gold-colored elements on the right side, but like its predecessors ever since 1963, it has NO gold or silver backing. So this is just the latest in fiat funny money. I’m often asked by readers if they should gradually replace their stored cash when new currency is released. The general answer is yes, since there may come a day when the older bills are repudiated. (After all, what is the point of anti-counterfeiting features if …

Life in the Year 2020: America With 20/20 Hindsight

By the year 2020 we may be in the midst of (or in the early stages of recovery from) a major depression or perhaps even a full-blown socioeconomic collapse. An old saying is: “Hindsight is 20/20.” So here is a gedanken: What will people observe in the year 2020, with the benefit of hindsight? The following is my conjecture on what folks will cite when asked: “What went wrong?” Profligate government spending at all levels Multigenerational welfare Rampant food stamp dependence (1/6th of the populace, as of 2013!) Loss of American competitiveness Declining academic standards and performance Decline in manufacturing …

Economics and Investing:

Sue C. suggested this: What would a U.S. default look like? The FBI’s Plan For The Millions Worth Of Bitcoins Seized From Silk Road H.L. sent: Property owners in Lake Mead forced to leave their own homes until government shutdown ends. [JWR’s Comment: I’ve often warned about the risk of being a “inholder” on Federal land. Here is one implication that has come to pass.] Items from The Economatrix: ‘You Should Be Concerned’: Obama Warns World Markets There Is No Guarantee U.S. Will Avoid Defaulting On Its Debts Jobless Claims Rise, And Hiring Remains Slow The Rise Of A Semi-Employed …

Economics and Investing:

Brendan D. sent this: How long do we have before seeing hyperinflation? Where’s sense of crisis in a 17% government shutdown? Items from The Economatrix: “The Party Is Over” For Housing — And Bank Earnings: Chris Whalen Heavy Metal: Gold Could Rush Back To $1,425 Says Jeff Kilburg Ron Paul: “The Country Is Bankrupt… The People Are Being Bamboozled”