Letter Re: Where To Park Some Funds?

James Wesley,
I read your blog daily for news and inspiration. I just sold my house and have equity that we want to purchase a new home with…debt free, pay cash.We will be looking for a home in Texas, and hope to be settled in in the next 18 months. My question, what do I do with $200,000 in the mean time?  I’m terrified to put our earnings from the sale into a bank.
Thanks – Stacy D.

JWR Replies: In my opinion silver bullion (pre-1965 “junk” coin bags or 100-ounce serialized Engelhard bars) are your best bet, for an 18 month time span. With the recent dip in silver prices, you will at least break even, and might come out ahead. If secure storage space is at a premium, then you could opt for gold American Eagles. (Gold is presently 61 times more compact, per dollar.)