Economics and Investing:

Kmart gets into the liquidation business. Why be surprised? The entire company is going bankrupt. Why not take somebody else’s unwanted garbage along for the ride. – RBS o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: You Are Here – I am not a chart expert by any means, but this is worth a quick peek. Negative Rates Are a ‘Dangerous Experiment’, Warns Morgan Stanley Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Regulator: Feds Face Rising Risks for Managing Fannie, Freddie (Washington Examiner) Excerpt: “The current situation is unsustainable, Watt said, not only because of the lack of capital at the two …

Economics and Investing:

Why OPEC Production Freeze Could Pave The Way For Actual Cuts o o o More indoctrination of our kids. “Ultimate Banking” Monopoly Edition Goes Completely Cashless – L.P. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Why Negative Interest Rates Will Fail (Mises) Excerpt: “…there is an old adage: you can bring a horse to water but you cannot make him drink! With the world economy sinking into recession, few banks have credit-worthy customers and many banks are having difficulties collecting on existing loans.” Percent of Total Wealth Owned in the United States: Bottom 40% Control -0.9% Meaning Close …

Economics and Investing:

The War On Paper Currency Begins: ECB Votes To “Scrap” 500 Euro Bill – G.G. “Draghi: any ECB action on EU500 note is not about reducing cash. Translation: the ECB action is only about reducing physical cash, some 30% of it to be specific.” o o o Central bankers ‘don’t have a clue’ – Jim Rogers – G.G. o o o When Cash Is Outlawed… Only Outlaws Will Have Cash– Sent in by D.S. o o o Percent of Total Wealth Owned in the United States: Bottom 40% control -0.9% Meaning Close to Half the Country has a Negative Net …

Economics and Investing:

Items from Mr. Econocobas: Larry Summers Launches The War On Paper Money: “It’s Time To Kill The $100 Bill” – This is going to keep being in the public sphere, because I believe it gets us used to the idea. With NIRP banning cash is almost a necessity even though it is not without many consequences. Here’s Why (And How) The Government Will ‘Borrow’ Your Retirement Savings – This is not a new idea even for the U.S., but it is a Rubicon to still be crossed. The Return Of Crisis – From Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity, as always …

Economics and Investing:

Deranged Central Bankers Blowing Up The World – S.Q. o o o Financial Crisis 2016: High Yield Debt Tells Us That Just About EVERYTHING Is About To Collapse o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News What Energy Bankers are REALLY Saying: “We are looking to save ourselves now!” (Zero Hedge) Excerpt: “…anyone holding out for a big push higher across energy equities as a result of a wave of distressed equity M&A can give up: according to Credit Suisse the next wave of mergers will take place via ‘debt negotiations’, not equity buyout offers….” Warning: Commentary following the …

Economics and Investing:

Fingerprints for Food: Venezuela Rolls Out New Plan to Keep Shelves Stocked. “…critics warn that the scheme — which is not mandatory for the moment — will be one more way for the state to keep tabs on the population, or might be a precursor to rationing.” Submitted by T.A. o o o ‘Look out, we are heading for a crash again’, warns William White, the central banker who predicted 2008 crisis – G.G. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Food Stamp Beneficiaries Exceed 45M for 55 Straight Months (Washington Free Beacon) Excerpt: “The USDA has been …

Economics and Investing:

Alternate Unemployment Charts 25percent sound good – B.B. o o o The world can’t afford another financial crash – it could destroy capitalism as we know it – S.B. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Four Horsemen of the Economic Apocalypse (Business Insider) Excerpt: “It’s getting impossible to ignore all the risks… We know how leveraged banks are… If they get in trouble, then that money is gone. People have been avoiding thinking about it.” Yellen’s Dilemma: A Downturn with No Easy Response (Reuters) No right answer, and there’s no way out. In my opinion, there were …

Economics and Investing:

Venezuela’s Collapse Brings ‘Savage Suffering’ – Submitted by P.S. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Welcome To Obama’s Recovery: Carrier Moving 1400 Jobs To Mexico | Zero Hedge Items from Professor Preponomics: US News How Negative Interest Rates Could Remake the Global Financial System (New York Times) Excerpt: “A decade ago, negative interest rates were a theoretical curiosity that economists would discuss almost as a parlor game. Two years ago, it began showing up as an unconventional step that a few small countries considered. Now, it is the stated policy of some of the most powerful global central banks….” …

Economics and Investing:

Genius: FATCA has brought in just $13.5 billion in revenue on a cost of $1 trillion o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Investors ‘Go Bananas’ for Gold Bars as Global Stock Markets Tumble – Getting more serious by the day. Yellen on Negative Rates: ‘We Wouldn’t Take Those Off the Table’ – You bet your biscuits, negative rates are not off the table. However, they have painted themselves in a corner, without an “event” that provides the cover to say, “Well things were going great until XYZ event, which was totally unforeseen and unpredictable.” Items from Professor Preponomics: US …

Economics and Investing:

What does Wal-Mart owe the towns it leaves? 9 experts weigh in – There are a variety of opinions, but the bottom line really is that Walmart does not owe the community anything. Smaller businesses were driven under because the community chose to save a few bucks. It is the community itself that bears the responsibility. – RBS o o o CEO of shipping giant Maersk says economy is “worse than 2008” TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles – RBS o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Fed’s Yellen Says Global Risks Could Pose US Growth Threats (Reuters) Excerpt: “But …

Economics and Investing:

Fed May Lack Legal Authority for Negative Rates: 2010 Memo – G.P. o o o Collapsing America: America’s Infrastructure Decaying Into 3rd World Status. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News 2016’s Economy Begins with a Whimper (Mises) Excerpt: “During many Fed tightenings, the stock market and overall economy improved for years afterward because the Fed stimulus had actually brought a temporary form of economic recovery. But rarely, if ever, has the mood turned dark so fast after the Fed officially announced that the recovery is sound and the life support can be removed.” Puerto Rico Emergency Fiscal …

Letter Re: Digital Currency

Dear Readers, This Digital Currency Nanny State issue has already affected me twice in the last several years. As a business owner in my state, I’m required to pay sales tax and quarterly business taxes via the state website. A few years ago I mistakenly clicked “savings” account instead of “checking” on their site while trying to pay the amount due. Later we received a threatening letter stating they would “seize” assets, property, or funds to get the amount they said we owed. A couple of days later the funds were seized from our account, with a penalty. I didn’t …

Economics and Investing:

Feds unlikely to hike interest rates in the months ahead – P.S. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Greek Tragedy: Pension Pandemonium Sparks Bank Crash, Stocks At 26 Year Lows – The first line sums it up. And you thought Greece was “fixed”, but now problems are manifesting themselves globally. Greek Stock Market Falls Sharply on Banking Sector Meltdown – More evidence Three Reasons To Be Worried About The Economy – Zero Hedge Items from Professor Preponomics: US News JP Morgan Strategist: Central Banks Tried to Control the World…and Failed Miserably (Business Insider) Excerpt: “In Kelly’s ideal world, the …

Economics and Investing:

22 Signs That The Global Economic Turmoil We Have Seen So Far In 2016 Is Just The Beginning – Sent in by B.B. o o o Four of the Largest Wall Street Banks Hit 12-Month Lows Last Week – D.S. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: US News Grantham: The Stock Market Sell-Off Makes Me Nervous, But I Fear the Big Crash is Coming (Business Insider) Excerpt: “I still believe that, with the help of the Fed and its allies, the U.S. market will rally once again to become a fully-fledged bubble before it breaks.” The Opaque Process of …

Letter Re: Making a “Last Run” When the SHTF – How Do They “Ring Up” Your Purchase?

Hugh, Thank you GMJ for your great article. Having some cash at home is a great idea for when the ATM and credit/debit card readers no longer work with no power. When you make that last run to the grocery store, bring your greenbacks with you. Be prepared if their power is out. You’ve made your organized path through the store and your cart is full. You pull up to the non-functioning conveyor belt to unload your purchase to scan. Because there’s no power it means no barcode price scanner and no credit/debit. The clerk is practically paralyzed, because they …