Letter Re: A Visual New Zealand Earthquake Web Site

Hey Jim It has been a while since I’ve written, but we still read you every day. Have a look at this site, with a map that show the recent Christchurch New Zealand earthquake and it aftershocks. It provides a very graphic ‘time to relocate’ signal for anybody with a little common sense. Regards, – Joe Ordinary Voortrekker

Letter Re: Geysers in Kingfisher, Oklahoma and the New Madrid Fault

James: I just watched the video of the geysers in Kingfisher, Oklahoma. Just downright amazing what I saw. No, not the geysers ….. the people and what they said: Newsgirl …… “Something never seen here before and will never be seen again.” ??? Lady on the street …. “I’m just concerned that it may pollute our water supply.” Newsgirl … ” State officials say that fast moving natural gas underground is forced into pushing upwards.” Newsgirl ….. “State officials are trying to determine what the source of the natural gas is.” Do any of these people have any clue what …

Letter Re: Caution on Masonry Construction in Earthquake Zones

Mr. Rawles: You recently advised your preference for masonry, adobe, and rammed-earth retreat construction for the obvious ballistic protection and I agree. But here in northern Idaho and Montana we have recently experienced increased earthquake activity and you might caution your loyal readership to visit the excellent USGS website http://neic.usgs.gov/neis/states/idaho/hazards.html which provides detailed USA earthquake zone maps. Three million folks in Pakistan are now presently homeless because their bullet-proof houses crumbled after the earthquake. Before anyone builds their retreat they should also learn about California earthquake building codes and how to add inexpensive metal strapping to wood construction so their …

Letter Re: Earthquake Preparedness and Charity

I just thought I’d share some notes on my efforts. In the suburban setting I currently live in, I feel that my biggest day-to-day threat would be from a major earthquake hitting nearby. I would view this as a short-term emergency (2 weeks, perhaps) with somewhat localized impact. While there could be mass looting and rioting, I don’t feel it’s that likely in my particular neighborhood, although I do maintain a stock of arms, a bullhorn, spotlight, extra batteries, etc. My current target is to have a 1-month supply of food items, with a mix of ready-to-eat canned foods and …