Letter: Full Capacity Magazine Price Inflation and Scarcity

James, I too purchased a PTR-91 [HK91 clone] rifle and ordered 50 magazines from PTR 91 Inc. The shipping was reasonable and when I received them, there were [actually some free “bonus”, for a total of] 55 magazines. They ranged from good to like new condition and had dates all the way from 1963 thru early 1990s. For $107 delivered, I got 55 magazines and a very big smile on my face. – M.E.K .

Letter Re: Private Gated Communities May Not be Gated After All

Hi Jim, Due to the real estate slump and the poor economy, my wife and I are trying to unravel our mess of real estate investments. One thing we did, was to abandoned our McMansion in a rural area near Seattle, Washington. It was a new four thousand square foot custom home in a gated community. All the other houses were as large and some significantly larger. We had abandoned the house about a year ago after failing to sell it for what we owed, and have not made any house payments since then. We also chose not to pay …

Letter: Full Capacity Magazine Price Inflation and Scarcity

Greetings – Just wanted to say “thank you” for suggesting the PTR-91 as a battle rifle option. I will freely admit to getting caught up in the AR-15 hysteria but I have come to my senses and saved money thanks to SurvivalBlog. German surplus G3 alloy military surplus magazines in good to excellent condition are easily available in quantity for $3-to-$4 each. Contrast that with AR-15 mags at $15+ each, and that’s a 5:1 ratio. Or, for the same $90 folks are paying for a single AR-10 mag, they can get more than 25 surplus G3 mags, shipped! In addition, …

Letter Re: Wealth Destruction–Real Wealth or Just On-Paper Wealth?

Sir: I followed the link in Thursday’s blog to this I followed this news story: 45 percent of world’s wealth destroyed: Blackstone CEO. It stated: “Between 40 and 45 percent of the world’s wealth has been destroyed in little less than a year and a half.” I don’t see how Schwarzman can be right about that. The factories are still there. the farms are still there. The houses are still there. And there are still warehouses full of everything from Machinery and bar stock to Sponge Bob Squarepants toys.So what has been destroyed are just “on paper” profits, not any …

Letter Re: Supply and Demand at American Gun Stores

James, We finally caught up on magazine sales in late February, filling our last outstanding back orders, and I actually have a limited number of C Products AR-15 magazines in stock and some Magpul PMags (which I really like). The manufacturers tend to send out a half of an order and then a few weeks later, the balance of it. They are clearly allocating inventory across their customer base and I would estimate that they are running two to three months behind. The delivery situation is getting worse, and my guess is that new orders placed today would likely arrive …

Letter Re: Some Observations at a Recent Gun Show

JWR, I attended a gun show in a Southern state this weekend and wanted to share my observations. I got there very early and was among the first ten in line. By the time we were allowed to enter, the line was out the door of the building and around the corner. I’d estimate around three hundred people in line. I left the show a mere hour later and the room probably had in excess of eight-hundred people and the line was still quite long. Ammo, of course, went fast. I was able to acquire all the ammo I desired, …

Letter Re: The Impact of FDIC Insurance Rate Increases on Small Banks

Mr. Rawles, We live in mostly rural northeastern Oklahoma. Our local newspaper just printed an informative editorial about FDIC changes which result in huge fee increases for member bank. Here is an excerpt from the editorial Oklahoma banks paying price for bailouts: “Imagine paying $500 per year for your car insurance and then being told it had gone up to $4,000 even though you have been a perfect driver with no accidents, no moving violations. That’s the magnitude of premium increases local bankers are facing. The local banks I spoke to had no part in the sub-prime loan implosion and …

Two Letters Re: Voting With Your Feet–Comparing Economic Freedom in the 50 States

Jim: When I read that academic study of economic freedom in the various states, and saw the summary map, it was a strong piece of “ah-ha” confirmation for me. It immediately struck me that what a close correlation there is to what you had posted two years ago in your State Rankings on places to move with the best retreat potential. [in 19 western states.] Independently, you nailed those recommendations squarely, sir. Bonus Brownie points for you! Wishing You The Lord’s Blessings, – Ted J. JWR, I read through the PDF that you mention in your “Voting with your feet” …

Letter Re: Voting With Your Feet–Comparing Economic Freedom in the 50 States

Mr. Rawles, A study was conducted by William P. Ruger and Jason Sorens of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University on a ranking of states basis on personal and economic freedoms. It is titled: Freedom in the 50 States: Index of Personal and Economic Freedom. It encompasses items such as income tax, gun laws and homeschooling (among many other areas). My state unfortunately ranks in the bottom thirteen. As my family and I search for another income means it may behoove us to “vote with our feet”, as you say. Here is an abstract of the study: Abstract This …

The Long Arm of the Lawless, by Fred Burton and Scott Stewart

Last week [in a STRATFOR briefing] we discussed the impact that crime, and specifically kidnapping, has been having on Mexican citizens and foreigners visiting or living in Mexico. We pointed out that there is almost no area of Mexico immune from the crime and violence. As if on cue, on the night of Feb. 21 a group of heavily armed men threw two grenades at a police building in Zihuatanejo, Guerrero state, wounding at least five people. Zihuatanejo is a normally quiet beach resort just north of Acapulco; the attack has caused the town’s entire police force to go on …

Self Defense and Christianity, by Tim P.

When Christians talk of self-defense and their reaction to violence in general, they frequently speak of turning the other cheek. While I would not attempt to dissuade someone from that point of view I have always been against that type of pacifism in the face of violence – particularly in the case of deadly violence. In the extreme example of self-defense against someone who wants to kill you – people who advocate turning the other cheek advocate throwing away God’s gift of life or worse yet not defending those you love when their lives are threatened. That I could not …

Letter Re: US Dollar Slide Versus Iraqi Dinars

Mr. Rawles, I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you I enjoy your blog daily and have read it almost from the start. I am currently in Iraq a little North of Joint Base Balad. On the local economy the Iraqi Dinar is 1000 dinars to 1 American dollar. However, the past few months if you want to pay with American dollars in the local economy, they are discounting it by 66%. What 1000 dinars buys, 1 dollar used to buy. Now it cost 3 dollars. At the local Iraqi police academy there is a stall that …

Letter Re: Deep Apprehension About Dangers in the Near Future

Mr. Rawles: I, as well as possibly tens of thousands of my fellow Americans, are extremely fearful that the United States Government is slowly becoming like the former Soviet Union and that the day will come when the citizenry is in serious trouble. I continue to prepare as best I can for my family in the event it all comes crashing down but I cannot see where I will prevail long against American soldiers, police, and gangs that might try to harm me and my family. I am further afraid because I do not know Jesus Christ as my Savior …

Three Letters Re: The Feeding Frenzy Continues–Gun Store Shelves are Depleted

JWR: I saw the article on how Cabela’s shares surged based on gun sales. Let me tell you, we are in the midst of a feeding frenzy here in Colorado. First, its not just guns, its all of the accessories as well. I had to return some items from Christmas to Sportsman’s Warehouse and found that the whole gun department was basically empty. They only had some black powder firearms and a couple of shotguns. Nothing else. I had run into this before Christmas when I bought my two oldest boys new elk rifles – and got the last .308 …

Depression Proof Jobs for a 20 Year Depression – Part 1: The Counter-Cyclical Jobs

The current economic downward spiral has prompted several SurvivalBlog readers to write me and ask: “My job is now at risk, so what are the safe jobs?” I’ve actually addressed this topic fairly well since I started SurvivalBlog in 2005. We ran a “best recession-proof jobs” poll, back in May of 2006. Then, in February, 2007, we ran a poll on “Best Occupations for Both Before and After TEOTWAWKI”. Later, we even ran a poll on the current occupations of SurvivalBlog readers. In the past three years, we’ve also posted a panoply of more detailed employment-related letters and articles on …