Letter: Use Even More Caution Putting Personal Information Out There

HJL, A study by the RAND Corporation, published in the Journal of Cybersecurity, looked at the frequency and cost of IT security failures in U.S. businesses and found that the cost of a break-in is much lower than thought, typically around $200,000 per case. With top-shelf security systems costing a lot more than that, not beefing up security looks in some ways like a smart business decision. “I’ve spent my life in security and everyone expects firms to invest more and more,” the report’s author Sasha Romanosky told The Reg. “But maybe firms are making rational investments and we shouldn’t …

The Time Is Short, Stock Up!- Part 2, by J.H.

What Do You Need? (continued) Black Rifle Accessories/Parts As mentioned, I am not a gunsmith by any means. Fortunately for most enthusiasts, however, most issues that develop can be resolved without a professional, and broken/worn parts can be easily replaced yourself. With this in mind, I recommend purchasing one entire bolt carrier group for each of your black rifles. These contain every piece that will commonly need replacement over the course of your rifle’s lifetime. The chance that you will need all of them is slim to none. However, in addition to ensuring you have the necessary parts to repair …

Making Your Home a Castle Hidden in Plain Sight, by B.T.

Many people do not seek professional advice about home security, because there are many do-it-yourself resources available. This, coupled with a handful of common sense, can get you a long way in home fortification. Let’s talk about how to get these upgrades to work together in a synergistic manner that maintains a low profile but increases your security posture. I have 15 years of military experience, 12 years of law enforcement experience, and four years of experience providing personal security for top U.S. government and foreign officials. I have traveled the world, working with foreign governments, militaries, and police forces. …

Letter Re: Missouri Constitutional Carry—Not So Fast

Gentlemen, The recent override of Governor Nixon is indeed a step in the right direction. However, it is important to remember that Missouri citizens do not enjoy state preemption. This bill only allows permitless concealed carry where permitless open carry is currently allowed. Many localities ban carrying a firearm (concealed or unconcealed) without the state concealed carry license. If you choose to carry a concealed firearm without a valid permit, you will NOT enjoy any of the exemptions that are enjoyed by those who DO carry on a valid CCW permit, including exemptions to federal laws that prohibit firearms in …

Bitcoins Are Now Available for Anyone to Buy, by G.S.

I saw an article today announcing PayPal will be accepting Bitcoins (BC) in the future through a BC payment platform called Coinbase. I am using Ebay sales to fund my preparations and supplement my income, so I already have a significant online signature. (I know, I know.) Many of you may be using Ebay and PayPal as well, so you may be interested in how you would also accept Bitcoins for your sales or purchases. Others out there might be interested in investing in Bitcoins, and Coinbase makes that possible for all on a limited scale. You may be interested …

Letter Re: Offensive Against ISIS

Hugh, Regarding ysterday’s posted story: Another potential mass shooter at the Oregon Clackamas Mall turned the long gun on himself, after killing two, when confronted by one civilian armed with a pistol. With a new administration, if we can stop subsidizing those of the do-nothing immigrants with undeserved and costly welfare, many of them will self-deport. Also, fewer of that type would come in the first place. They have no reason to assimilate if they don’t have to work. Why are you and I financing this? Syrian refugees are not only potentially very dangerous, but our government is purposely not …

Taking the Offensive Against ISIS: A Historical View- Part 2, by S.G. in Florida

Bret Stephens in the Wall Street Journal recently identified political beliefs that are endangering Europe.iii Mr. Stephens should have broadened his view to the West in general. Piggybacking on his ideas, the first thing that the West must do is recognize that there is something in the West worth preserving. It requires a great unlearning of the political mythologies on which modern society is ingesting. Among those mythologies: that the relative peace of the post-World War II world is the result of a postwar moral commitment to peace rather than a Paz-Americana; that Christianity is of merely historical importance rather …

Taking the Offensive Against ISIS: A Historical View- Part 1, by S.G. in Florida

Islamic mass casualty attacks have been all the rage among the Islamic barbarians. Unfortunately, the current administration has allowed the Jihadi idea to metastasize so that now, instead of taking the fight to the enemy, the enemy is bringing the fight to our homes. This article will examine the implications of the current wave of Islamic attacks and contemplate the possibility that this is a world wide clash of civilizations, requiring a systematic and unrestrained unconventional military response. When it comes to the prevention of mass casualty attacks, it is very difficult to discuss successful prevention methods, since by definition …

Letter Re: Storing Cash at Home

Hugh, Caution. My dad stored several mason jars around the property stuffed with $100 bills rolled tightly. When he moved from the old homestead, we helped him dig them up and found mold had invaded the jars so the outer eighth inch of $100 bills turned to dust. The bills were in so tight we had to break the glass to get them out. We will never know how much was lost, but if i were doing the same thing today I think I might look at vacuum packing to insure survival. – M.

Letter Re: Storing Cash at Home

Hugh, Every small fire resistant safe I’ve found has a warning that the fireproofing material emits moisture, and they recommend putting papers in plastic to protect against mildew and rot. They also recommend airing the box out periodically, which might be difficult if it’s cached someplace. We use our Foodsaver to protect against this. Just wanted to mention it in case someone doesn’t read the instructions that come with the safes. Regards, – P.T.

Lay The Groundwork for the Future- Part 2, by Sarah Latimer

Building Your Garden’s Foundation Are you ready? Do you even know where you’d put a garden on your property so that it gets optimum light, water, and wind protection? Have you begun clearing and tilling the land so that it is free from rocks, debris, pests, and unwanted vegetation? Have you amended the soil so that it is not too dense with clay or too sandy, too acidic or too alkaline, too wet or too dry? If you haven’t even begun to work on a garden, the fall is the time to do it. Actually, now is a good time, …

Letter Re: Storing Cash at Home

Hugh, A caution to those storing cash at home: Those “fire-proof” lock boxes are only relatively fire proof and are typically rated for temperatures up to 1000F for up to 20 minutes. High temperatures for long periods will completely destroy them. A severe house fire can easily exceed 1000F and take hours to extinguish. The best place to keep them is in a basement or crawlspace, which tends to remain (relatively) cool even in a devastating fire. Regards, Don in Oregon

The “Chicken Little” Syndrome- Part 2, by Peter Martin

Opinions So, what is wrong with opinions? Well, for the person holding it, nothing is wrong. It is their opinion, and that is all that is important. So, what is the problem? An opinion is not necessarily anything factual. Huh? If I like my steak well done, then a good steak is a well done steak. To others, a good steak is rare, or medium rare, medium, et cetera. So, the opinion is accurate or valid to the holder of the opinion, but it’s not necessarily valid to anyone else. The President recently stated, “…that no one ever running for …

The “Chicken Little” Syndrome- Part 1, by Peter Martin

Definitions for this article: Misinformation: as used in this article, is information that is for the most part correct. It is the manner in which it is presented (spun/spin) that is misleading and therefore makes it “misinformation”. Disinformation: information that is 90% fiction (not true) and 10% or less true/factual. Discernment: 1) The ability to judge well, 2) the quality of being able to grasp and comprehend what is obscure: skill in discerning. Introduction In these troubling times we can be inundated with enormous amounts of information, from radio (AM/FM/SW), TV (Network and Cable), newspapers, the Internet (news-sites and blogs), …

A Plea to Those Still Dependant Upon the Banking System, by G.S.

Recently, I discovered the last local bank in the area is being bought by a bank with eight times more exposure to derivatives. As I attempted to explain the dangers of this increased exposure to my family one evening, I realized my father may have more than the current FDIC insured limit stashed in this one bank. In an attempt to make the case for him to at least spread out his savings, I have been researching the many reasons he should consider changing where his money is kept. I believe it is important for everyone to recognize the danger …