2018– The Decisive Year, by R.M.

It is my wholehearted opinion that the year 2018 will become the decisive year for the future of life on this planet. Culminating in an all-out nuclear war at worst, or ground war at best. Things as they stand are untenable for much longer. I am not advocating one position or plan over the other with this brief writing and I am not stating that violence or harming others should be considered. I am merely offering a wide variety of situations and possibilities to bring about different thoughts and ideas. Long Gone is Political Leaders’ Desire to Promote Public Good …

Student Safety in Active Shooter Situation- Part 2, by P.N.

As an educator, I’ve been a part of many types of drills for safety, including active shooter drills. Most schools practice active shooter drills by “calling” the drill while students are already in class. When the drills are called, the teacher shuts the door (that typically is already locked from the outside) and the students sit in the corner away from the door. Then the drill is “cleared”, and that’s pretty much it. There are a variety of problems with this, and as parents we can do some things to improve the safety of our students by helping them be …

Letter: Survival of the Weaker Sex

Hugh, I am having a difficult time with the “Me too” movement and the allegations being raised throughout the country. In my mind, I find this as just another divisive trend. Where does it stop? Is this just another way to divide this nation? If you mention immigration, you are a racist against persons from Mexico and other Central America states. If you mention unruly protests by BLM, you are a racist against black people. When the need for the end to “Gravy train” handouts is mentioned, you are deemed inhuman. The mention of self sufficiency pegs you as a …

Student Safety in Active Shooter Situation- Part 1, by P.N.

As an educator that has worked in quite a few small and large schools, there are a number of safety drills I have been required to take part in. The list includes fire drills, shelter-in-place drills, bomb threat drills as well as lockdowns (active shooter) and evacuation drills. One drill that I find lacking in every school I’ve entered is the active shooter drill. Security in schools are more than willing to admit that “it’s not if, but when” for the next school shooting. Current Active Shoot Drills Most schools practice active shooter drills by “calling” the drill while students …

The Measure of a Man, by J.H.

Not too terribly long ago, I was at work and came across a young man. (The word “young” is used as a relative term. I am 37, and this young gentleman was approximately 20.) I work for the U.S. Army on a military installation in CONUS, and this young soldier out of uniform happened into my work area to ask me a question. And the manner in which he asked me the question made my blood boil. It wasn’t that he was disrespectful or rude. By those standards he was completely polite. But he looked at my feet and muttered, …

Letter: Is the Country Degenerating More Rapidly?

Hugh, Is it just me, or is our country changing more rapidly now? I’ve noticed a large increase in cases of people’s lack of consideration for others lately, especially when driving. Cutting others off, passing when it’s unsafe, cutting behind someone backing out of a parking space, driving well under the limit with a dozen cars stacked up behind you, et cetera. It seems like the speed of the descent into social chaos has really quickened lately. We live in a rural area, and it’s bad everywhere now but even worse in urban areas. – L.H. HJL’s Comment: It’s not …

Preparing for Infectious Diseases, by Maple

While there are many good articles out there on preparing for pandemics, there is little information that really breaks down infectious diseases and how to alter your actions depending on the disease. There are also conflicting reports on exactly what actions to take and if/when to take antibiotics and in what dosages. I hope this article will provide you with the tools you will need to decide what actions to take. This article will cover some basic infectious disease terms and patterns and then two resources you can use to decide what actions to take and when. Infectious Diseases When …

Hope With A Temporal Leftist Regime- Part 2 , by JRV

We have reflected upon the situation of the leftist influence and pressures in our culture. It goes beyond pressures to now forcible ideology in some instances. It is, as Jacques Mallet du Pan (1749—10 May 1800), wrote about the first leftist reign of terror, in his 1793 essay that “…the Revolution always eats its own children.” In Part 1, I wrote of many examples in history of socialists doing just that as communist and socialist leaders collided. I also wrote about the cultural marginalization and the game the leftists are playing. But the optimistic twist about leftists or fascists is …

Hope With A Temporal Leftist Regime- Part 1 , by J.R.V.

Recognition of the inevitability of comprehensive bureaucratization does not solve the problems that arise out of it.—Joseph Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy Many of us—including me—worry about the downward arc of liberty, ethics, and economic freedom and contemplate where we might find hope. If you are taking the time to read this article, in all likelihood, I needn’t detail the myriad challenges we face for you either. Rather, the question is: is there any hope? Or are we fated to descend into a new Dark Age, aided and abetted, in the famous words of Winston Churchill regarding National Socialism, by …

The Texas Church Shooting Aftermath, by Sophie in Texas

Being from a small town (population 450) outside of San Antonio, Texas and one who regularly attends Sunday services at an evangelical church, it was devastating news to hear of the evil inflicted on the Sutherland Springs congregation. Our hearts and prayers went out to the families that suffer and to the community that lost so many souls. Churches Formulate a Response In the aftermath of such pain, many churches and Texans began to formulate a direct response to the evil that occurred. You may know about the 26 churchgoers killed and another 20 wounded, but my story is how …

Guest Article: The Second Amendment and Its Relevance In Today’s Society, by B.E.

Amendment II (the Second Amendment) of the United States Constitution’s Bill of Rights declares a well-regulated militia as “being necessary to the security of a free State” and prohibits infringement of “the right of the people to keep and bear arms”. It is a controversial subject whose ramifications are still being debated to this day, over two-hundred and thirty years after it was written. Its place in the Bill of Rights as the Second Amendment is indicative of how important our nation’s founding fathers thought that right should be. It is still relevant in today’s society, despite haphazard attempts at …

A Lesson in Preparedness Satirical Humor in Very Poor Taste, by Old Bobbert

In the beginning of creating this piece, my thoughts were somewhat messy in that I wanted to relate through humor some of the unhappy moments experienced while talking about preparedness with the “unprepared” over the course of more than 20 years. There is a special emphasis on the Y2K event. Informed Risks of Y2K Computer-Generated Collapse My oldest son and our son-in-law were then, and even now are, very well informed concerning AI and computers. Their advice was simple and was based on their personal experiences. They said that the industry had been quietly working for years and spent billions …

Top Six Common Questions Concerning An EMP, by Old Bobbert

Maybe you, like many, have questions about an EMP. As a friendly, and hopefully a pleasing feature, this article is being edited as it is being typed so as to be read as though it were a friendly two-person, social conversation. The Sit-Rep Situation That Initiated Research The sit-rep situation would necessarily be two good friends talking about a recent article concerned about a potential EMP situation caused by a strong ego-driven leader of a small Asian nation with an attitude and an ego to match. We will call our two friends Bob and Ray. Actually Bob (Old Bobbert ), …

Guest Article: Shooting Second Amendment Blanks- Part 2, by David M. Zuniga

Partial List of Our Servants’ Felonies (continued) Forget the fake “war on terror” and Islamic jihad kindled and reinforced by the CIA. Forget the saber-rattling little fat turd in North Korea, who could be taken out tomorrow by U.S. Special Forces but instead is goaded by the war industry. The truth is: the arrogant organized crime operation known as The Deep State now makes the U.S. Congress the most pressing, potent enemy of these sovereign States and People. It is long overdue that We The People begin to “execute the Laws of the Union” against this Democrat/Republican machine that: Invites enemies across our …

Guest Article: Shooting Second Amendment Blanks- Part 1, by David M. Zuniga

With every real and false-flag shooting in this republic, statists and liberals re-kindle their heated attacks on “our rights under the 2nd Amendment”. The constant reversion back to that Amendment, instead of looking to the authority and duty we have under Article 1 of the Constitution, is a self-destructive habit. Led by gun organizations supposedly on our own side, we keep handing the gun-grabbers easy victories by simply not knowing the powers and duties of “We The People” that we codified in the Constitution. Tactical Civics™ is a new way of life that can finally put full-spectrum popular sovereignty in the hands of every American who …