The Surveillance State Is Making a List and You’re On It, by John & Nisha Whitehead

“He sees you when you’re sleeping He knows when you’re awake He knows when you’ve been bad or good So be good for goodness’ sake!” —“Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” You’d better watch out—you’d better not pout—you’d better not cry—‘cos I’m telling you why: this Christmas, it’s the Surveillance State that’s making a list and checking it twice, and it won’t matter whether you’ve been bad or good. You’ll be on this list whether you like it or not. Mass surveillance is the Deep State’s version of a “gift” that keeps on giving…back to the Deep State. Geofencing dragnets. …

JWR’s Meme Of The Week:

The latest meme created by JWR: Meme Text: It is Hard to Believe That the DOE Entrusted This Serial Luggage Thief With the Security of Tons of Spent Nuclear Fuel His Planned Courtroom Defense: “It Looked Fabulous and it Matched My Wardrobe!” News Links: Luggage thief Sam Brinton appears in mugshot as court sets $15,000 bail. Genderfluid Bag Thief Sam Brinton Sent Packing From Biden Energy Department.

Major Economic Contraction Coming In 2023 – Followed By Even More Inflation, by Brandon Smith

Editor’s Introductory Note:  This article was first published by the Birch Gold Group and is reposted with permission. — The signs are already present and obvious, but the overall economic picture probably won’t be acknowledged in the mainstream until the situation becomes much worse (as if it’s not bad enough). It’s a problem that arises at the onset of every historic financial crisis – Mainstream economists and commentators lie to the public about the chances of recovery, constantly giving false reassurances and lulling people back to sleep. Even now with price inflation pummeling the average consumer they tell us that …

Thinking Outside the Aquarium: A Different View of Government Force

Much like a fish in a small aquarium, the citizens of modern-day nations have a distorted view of the world around them, and their relative freedom. They’ve never known a space any larger than the walls of their fish tank. From their perspective, the aquarium constitutes the limits of their world, and it is the only life that they can imagine. I’m penning this essay in SurvivalBlog to encourage my readers to take a step back and think about the very nature of government — all governments, at all levels. Of the 195 nations on Earth, all but a few …

Why China is a Beta Test for The New World Order, by Brandon Smith

For over a decade there has been an open globalist obsession with the Chinese governmental model – A love affair, if you will. Many top proponents of global centralization including Henry Kissinger and George Soros have praised China in the past and hinted that the communist country is burgeoning into a major player within the New World Order. Soros expressed this exact sentiment way back in 2009, around the time that China began courting the IMF and issuing trillions in Yuan based treasury debt in order to join their global currency initiative. Several years later, China was inducted into the …

Stagflation: The Worse for Us, the Better for Gold, by Arkadiusz Sieroń

Stagflation is coming – and it could make the 1970s look like a walk in the park. As you’ve probably noticed, I expect a recession next year, and I’m not alone, as this has become the baseline scenario for many financial institutions and analysts. Even the DSGE model used by the New York Fed shows an 80% probability of a hard landing (defined as four-quarter GDP growth dipping below -1%) over the next ten quarters. Reasons? Inflation and the Fed’s tightening cycle. The history is clear: whenever inflation has been above 5%, the Fed’s hikes in interest rates have always …

A 2022 Retrospective: America’s Negatrends

In place of our regular Odds ‘n Sods column for this week, we are presenting a late-2022 summary listing of negative societal trends — what I call negatrends — and political machinations, with some apropos links. Please pray daily that our nation collectively repents and returns to a moral and righteous path and that our government is again restrained and respects our rights. – JWR Some Key Negatrends Ongoing urbanization, and its attendant societal ills. Increasing technological dependence of society as a whole and addiction to technology by individuals. Vote-Stealing. Closely tied to this are the Democrat mantras denying positive …

21st Century Life: Controlling and Redirecting Anger, by SaraSue

I’m sure quite a lot of us, tens of millions for sure, maybe a couple hundred million, were slapped across the face a little while ago by the highest officeholder in our land. Anyone who disagrees with the gub’mint is a domestic terrorist, apparently. Also, the “Red Wave” that wasn’t? Or, if you don’t fix the root of the problem, you will get the same result. Sometimes throwing mud against the wall, wishing some of it will stick, is an ineffective use of your time and energy. I’m not saying that voting is a useless exercise. I’m just saying that …

Stagflation Is Coming, and Gold’s Gonna Love It, by Arkadiusz Sieroń

Editor’s Introductory Note: This article was first published by Sunshine Profits. It is reposted with permission. — As the Fed tightens monetary policy, fears of overdoing it are rising. However, the US central bank is far from overtightening. It increases the odds of stagflation and a bullish time for gold. As central banks all over the world are tightening their monetary policies, more and more analysts, including Paul Krugman, are afraid that Powell and his colleagues are hiking interest rates too aggressively, risking going too far. They believe that inflation will soon decline, so the Fed is braking too hard. …

WEF’s Stakeholder Capitalism Is Just Global Fascism By Another Name, by Brandon Smith

The concept of “fascism” was originally entered into the Encyclopedia Italiana by Italian philosopher Giovanni Gentile, who stated that “Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” Benito Mussolini would later take credit for the quote as if he had written it himself, but it’s important to note because it outlines the primary purpose of the ideology rather than simply throwing the label around at people we don’t like as a dishonest means to undermine their legitimacy. Despite the fact that leftists today often attack conservatives as “fascists” because of our …

Greater Idaho Movement Gains Two More Oregon Counties

The vote tallies are in! The mid-term elections held on Tuesday (November 8th, 2022) included a few interesting county-level and state-level ballot propositions in several states. But in this article, I’ll be focusing on Oregon. First, for some background, take a couple of minutes to read this article, from a liberal publication: Gun laws, abortion, taxes: Why Eastern Oregon is voting to join Idaho. The votes in favor of partitioning Oregon for attachment to Idaho passed easily in both Morrow County and Wheeler County. There are now 11 counties in central and eastern Oregon that have passed Greater Idaho ballot …

Do Not Comply – No Matter What, by SaraSue

Articles in SurvivalBlog are generally, focused on practical “How To” survivalist topics. I’ve been concerned more about my mental and emotional state lately. With so much negative news as of late, I’ve been focused on the practicality of managing my spirit as I work on practical things. I thought I’d share – this is where I stand. There comes a time when you realize that there is nothing left to do but face the Evil and stand firm. You’re done with trying to convince people, especially people you dearly love, that the Evil is here now. You’ve reconciled yourself to …

Red States Have To Build Alternative Economies, by Brandon Smith

Economic centralization is the ultimate form of organized conspiratorial power, because it allows a small group of people to dictate the terms of trade for a society and therefore dictate the terms of each person’s individual survival. For example, the Federal Reserve as a banking entity has free rein to assert policy controls that can disrupt the very fabric of the US economy and the buying power of our currency. They can (and do) arbitrarily create trillions of dollars from thin air causing inflation, or arbitrarily raise interest rates and crash stock markets. And according to former Fed chairman Alan …

CBDCs: From Blockchains to Tyrant’s Chains

Today, in place of my regular Economics & Investing column, I’m posting my predictions for the nascent sovereign cryptocurrencies — now commonly called Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs.)  The CBDCs will use a variant of the blockchain technology that was first created for Bitcoin. But unlike private cryptos that use a fully distributed semi-anonymous network, control of the CBDC will be centralized and monitored. My predictions reflect my views on history, trends in governance, recognition of mankind’s sinful nature, certain chaotic variables, and some historical parallels. I may fall short in predicting some of the particulars, but I feel quite …

Update: Big Decisions — Weighing The Risks and Benefits

JWR’s Introductory Note: The following is a slightly expanded update to a post that I wrote for SurvivalBlog back in September of 2005: — When doing radio interviews or giving lectures, I’m often asked where the “perfect” place is for a survival retreat. The short answer is: There is none. Granted, there are a lot of places that are much better than others, but there is no single “one size fits all” perfect place. Much ike buying a pair of boots, the decision has as much to do with the size and shape of your feet as it does the …