The End of “Free Will” to Lovers of Truth and Freedom, by FW

Many of us have lived our lives and used our free will to determine the course of our lives. And during that time, we easily recognize that many have benefited greatly from their choices while others have made choices that have not benefited their lives at all. Why have some failed while others have succeeded? The Concept of Free Will I don’t know about you, but I find that I am troubled by the concept of free will, because I wonder if it still exists. In order to use our free will, we must have alternatives from which to choose. …

Planning Scenario Number One- Part 2, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

With a well-funded overthrow of the U.S. government since Trump’s election underway, there is reason to prepare for consequences that might come. In part 1 of this article, I went through some of the potential scenarios should the Liberal Left gain power and international powers react. There are also internal conflicts to consider as well. I outlined what difference all of this makes to prepping and things to consider. Let me continue. Not Seen As A “Black Swan” I don’t see this as a “Black Swan”; I see this as an “Unfolding Disaster”. See my previous articles (Forecasting Disaster Part …

Planning Scenario Number One- Part 1, by ShepherdFarmerGeek

What follows is my humble attempt at drawing connections between deep threads in world events. The links I’ve provided are just tiny samples of the information that is available online. This isn’t meant to be a thoroughly-documented report, but one potential scenario that some might have overlooked in the current enthusiasm for our new president. Some of this is a bit dated, but it points to the general reaction of Trump as president. This is my family’s current “Planning Scenario Number One,” and the pieces of the puzzle that fit so far. A Serious, Well-Funded Move To Overthrow Trump Administration …

Some Lessons Are Learned Too Late For Some Of Us, by Old Bobbert

There are some lessons that I’ve learned in my life. I will start out by sharing some of the problems I see and their solutions. Then, we’ll move on from there. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance Preparation is key. Proper preparation prevents poor performance. Without it, there is trouble. Here are some problems that occur and solutions that can resolve them. #1 Problem/Solution #1 Problem: There are powerful and extremely dangerous storms moving inland from the Atlantic. The Solution: None. #2 Problem/Solution #2 Problem: Five million people were ordered by the state government to evacuate the southern half of Florida. …

G.O.O.D. Skin Care, by TK

Market research studies reveal that the skin care industry anticipates sales of $121 billion in 2018. It is a huge industry, with creams and potions promising much and not always delivering. Practicing good skin health costs less and has a better payoff. Skin Care Practicing proper skin care now, in preparation for economic, natural, and governmental disasters, will pay off in the long run with overall better health. Our skin is our largest organ and is vital to survival and health. It protects everything inside our bodies, regulates temperature and water loss, communicates external environmental factors through the nerve endings, …

Preparing for Winter and What It Can Teach Us About Prepping, by Erik

Ready or not, winter is on its way. As my family is working through finishing our items to get the homestead ready for winter, I couldn’t help but think of the parallels to prepping in general. For our winter “turndown service” of the homestead, we work from a list that has been refined over the last several years so that nothing is overlooked or ignored. The list is prioritized so bigger jobs don’t get put off to the end and critical items get the attention they deserve. This is also the similar approach we take to prepping in general, and …

‘Twas the Night After SHTF- Part 2, by H.C.

The intent of my article is to first, bring to view the reluctance issues we have that keep us from securing our stuff, and also to think ahead when actually doing it. The only thing worse than not hiding your preps, is hiding them poorly! Common Arguments About Caching (continued) In part 1, we began listing and addressing some of the common arguments against caching. Let’s continue with this. I Will Defend My Stuff If Necessary Will you defend your stuff? Have you thought all of that through? If you are caught off guard with a couple of nasty people …

‘Twas the Night After SHTF- Part 1, by H.C.

Twas a night after SHTF, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, except for the louse; The rifle was hung over the chimney with care, In hopes not to use it, but to know it was there;   The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of normalcy, danced in their heads; And mamma still canning, and I getting undressed, Had just been discussing how we felt so blessed;   When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang with my rifle to see what was the matter; Away to the …

Living with WVO, by P.G.

It has been said that necessity is the mother of invention. Needing fuel for their war machine lead Germany to invent and perfect the diesel engine. It was designed to run efficiently on vegetable oil, and they do to this day. Circumstances forced me to make a move from my East Texas home to the deep Southwest. It was a slow, long process of gradually moving my stuff and my wife to a new homestead. I commuted from Nevada to East Texas for almost three years, at least monthly. Growing up farming, ranching, and trucking, I had a lifetime of …

Smoke Grenades – Any Utility?, by T. in Virginia

I’ve participated in a few discussions recently about the utility, if any, of smoke grenades and similar devices to an average person, or even a reasonably trained and equipped prepper, in a SHTF situation. There are certainly some valid points to both sides of the arguments. So, this short article is intended to share a few thoughts to help SurvivalBlog readers make up their own minds. Smoke grenade use generally falls into two areas— signaling or obscuration. Large scale smoke, such as from vehicle-mounted or stationary military-style generators, can also have other applications that are beyond the intended scope of …

Knowledge For Outside The Norm, by Phoenix WEA

If you’re like me and you spend a great deal of time reading articles and books or viewing videos about survival and prepping, this article will resonate with you. Getting out there with boots on the ground, learning the basics, is very important. However, what I would like to offer you today are some out-of-the-box suggestions to keep in mind while you train. It’s knowledge for outside the norm. Water To start, if your scenario requires you to walk several miles to get home, you will need water. Well, most people don’t think about the water that’s in the pipes …

Prepping and Practical Minimalism- Making Them Coexist- Part 2, by FLSnappyTurtle

In part 1, I stated the I believed prepping and practical minimalism can coexist. It seems a bit of an oxymoron to have both the words “prepping” and “minimalism” in the same phrase, but I believe it makes sense. We are renters, and recently I stepped back for a moment to take a good look at our way of living and our stuff. We had too much of it. Facing another cross-country move, I started taking inventory of everything we own and made some tough decisions about what to do away with. I’ve developed a new attitude of what I …

Prepping and Practical Minimalism- Making Them Coexist- Part 1, by FLSnappyTurtle

My family has been prepping at a slower-than-desired rate for the past eight years. Like many survivalists, we add to our gear, food, and water supply as money and time permit. We are renters and tote our items from place to place when a move is required. Practical Minimalism Recently, I stepped back for a moment to take a good look at our way of living and our stuff. We had too much of it. Facing another cross-country move, I started taking inventory of everything we own and made some tough decisions about what to do away with. I’ve developed …

Dietary Change To Fit A Post Collapse World- Part 2, By J.L. Augusta

In part 1 of this article, we took a look at the carb-based diet logistics in a post collapse world and outlined some of the health and practical concerns. Additionally, I introduced the Keto diet. The Keto diet focuses on consuming 75-80% or more of your calorie needs from fat sources, 15-20% of you caloric needs from protein, and 5% of your caloric needs from carbohydrates. The human body uses two types of consumable (food) energy. Sugars/carbohydrates turn into glucose and fats, which turn into ketones. Since most individuals have never really been on a Ketogenic diet (except when they …

Dietary Change To Fit A Post Collapse World- Part 1, By JLA

In most first-world nations, the diet most individuals partake in consists of a high carbohydrate, moderate to low protein, and low fat regimen. This diet type is inefficient for a post-collapse world. Tribal groups who have had to live in a more limited and primitive manner had a diet that consisted of a high fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrate regimen, also known today as a Ketogenic diet or Paleo diet. This article will go into the negative aspects of continuing a high carbohydrate diet and the positive aspects of transitioning into a high fat diet before the collapse occurs. …