Letter Re: Pre-TEOTWAWKI Survival is All in The Numbers

Dear James: It occurred to me while training kids on water safety, that some of the most basic elements of surviving everyday life are perhaps neglected by many of us while focusing on worst case scenarios.  We can be so wrapped up in getting through TEOTWAWKI that we neglect first surviving to TEOTWAWKI. It doesn’t do any good to be fully prepped for TEOTWAWKI if you, or a loved one, dies in the meantime from one of the statistically most likely causes of death – namely disease and accidents. By the numbers, if you are younger an auto accident may …

Pat’s Product Review: Bardin & Marsee Waterproof Bible

I was recently sent a Bible, a waterproof Bible, for testing for SurvivalBlog. Okay, I have a shelf full of Bibles, I hold several ministerial degrees, including a Doctor Of Divinity Degree, so I use different Bibles for studying God’s word – some versions are easier to understand that others – thus a shelf full of Bibles. When a survival situation comes down, I can’t think of anything more important to have, than having a faith in God, and being a Believer in Jesus Christ – it is a saving faith, and one that has gotten me and my family …

God Invented Prepping, by M.B.F.

Consider the evidence:    Preppers throughout the world sense a coming, apocalyptic event.  If you are a prepper, God’s warnings, in part, are already clearly formed in your heart:  “A prudent man foresees the evil, and hides himself [knows how to escape calamities]:  but the simple pass on, and are punished”–Proverbs 22:3.  [Words in brackets mine]  In the book of Hebrews, we read of perhaps the most famous prepper of all time:  “By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he …

Spiritual Preparedness for Hard Times, by ZeBo

In preparing for hard times, it has long been my belief that the first priority of Christian men and women must be preparing spiritually for the difficult road ahead. The church and culture of the United States have grown very soft, and, unlike our forefathers, most Christians in America today have little experience coping with hard times. We live in a culture that believes in having an insurance policy or material solution for any crisis that life brings our way. This applies down to the smallest personal tragedies, with only a handful of exceptions, and leaves us woefully underprepared to …

Two Letters Re: Pre-Trib Rapture Doctrine and Preparedness

Howdy; I’ve been researching the ‘rapture’ for a while now. I discovered that they all have something in common with the three theory’s of evolution. Each proves the other two wrong. My take is that I’m not smart enough to know Gods mind and it really don’t matter. When it happens it will happen. The bible says that he will come like a thief in the night. We are told to be working until he comes. So be it. I will prepare and prep as I can’t be effective if we’re starving because we didn’t heed the warnings in his …

Letter Re: Pre-Trib Rapture Doctrine and Preparedness

Dear Mr. Rawles: I have been reading articles on your blog about the pretribulational rapture not being mentioned prior to 1800. I realize the writer is just ignorant of the facts. Someone needs to tell this guy the truth about the facts.   The pretribulational rapture was mentioned in Pseudo-Ephraem) in AD 373.  There are many other ancient writings dating back prior to 1800. These are mentioned in the easy to read book, “The Popular Handbook on the Rapture”. By Dr. Tim LaHaye, Dr. Thomas Ice, and Dr. Ed Hindson.     I am a Christian and I believe in the pretribulational rapture because it …

Pre-Trib Rapture Doctrine and Preparedness, by P.H.

In my conversations in person and online as well as select daily readings including SurvivalBlog; it seems to me that there are a few very common themed roadblocks that people throw out as reasons why they can’t or don’t need to prepare or are unable to take their prepping to the next level. The four that come to mind are: 1)      My spouse doesn’t buy into the need to prepare 2)      We can’t afford to move 3)      God is in control; He will take care of us. 4)      Your prepping is actually a sign of a …

Letter Re: Dealing With Mentally Unbalanced Trespassers

James, Regarding the recent post “Dealing With Mentally Unbalanced Trespasser, I’d like to begin with a relevant Bible passage, Matthew 25:31-45, King James Version (KJV): When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then shall the King say unto them on his …

Letter Re: Preparing Your Sons and Daughters

[Editor’s Note: The following letter was edited substantially, for factual accuracy and for protection from potential libel litigation.] Dear Mr. Rawles, Readers should be made aware that the ALERT Academy has some connection to the defunct Worldwide Church of God. I would never put any child of mine under this influence. While it sounds like a wonderful program, their founding roots were in a group that at one time had very dangerous doctrine. To understand the influence of cults, I recommend the Under Much Grace web site. I believe that you never intended SurvivalBlog to endorse this kind of doctrine. – …

Letter Re: One Christian’s Plan for When Things Fall Apart

I would like to thank B.H. in North Idaho for his candid discussion of world views and the church.  As a Christian, I have the same beliefs that he has.  And as a Christian, there is no way I cannot feed the hungry and the poor.  Jesus said the most important commandment is to love God and the next is to love your neighbor.  That means charity.  And charity entails feeding the hungry.  I may run out of food and die myself, but I know God would bless what I did for others.  As long as I’m doing what God …

Three Letters Re: The Commerce Model of Prepping

James, In reference to “The Commerce Model of Prepping”, that was one of the best written and thought provoking pieces I have read on your web site in quite some time. If one can afford the Rawlesian Approach to having a high quality retreat in a highly rural location I believe that is a great decision, because it will allow that retreat to help kick start the local economy after a SHTF event, while continuing to be a blessing to those around them (acting as Christ to one another). I thought the authors point, to those who are not in …

The Commerce Model of Prepping: A Personal Re-Evaluation, by B.H. in North Idaho

Introduction: Over the years since I first read the novel Patriots by James Rawles and made the decision to embrace prepping my idea of prepping has changed.  It started when I recognized that friends, acquaintances and strangers all had varying ideas and degrees of preparedness even within very similar prepping models.  The greatest characteristic of Survivalblog.com is that there is something for everyone presented in articles and information.  Regardless of your station you’ll find information pertinent to your specific situation to help you improve your own preparedness level. I realized that my own prepping mindset was slowly shifting over time …

Auction Recap: PVS-14 Gen 3+ Night Vision Scope to Benefit C.R.O.S.S. Ministries

Reader M.V. was the final high bidder in the auction AN/PVS-14 Gen 3+ Night Vision Scope, with his very generous bid of $3,900. All proceeds (100%) will be donated to C.R.O.S.S. Ministries. (A very worthy Christian ministry that is sharing the Gospel of Christ in South Sudan. Their outreach method is unique: They are teaching rural villagers tactical marksmanship, water purification, and firefighting skills, free of charge.) The monocular is one of these. (The same model that we use here at the Rawles Ranch.) These night vision scopes normally retail for around $3,600. (Although Ready Made Resources sells them at …

Auction Update: PVS-14 Gen 3+ Night Vision Scope to Benefit C.R.O.S.S. Ministries

CURRENT BID is $3,900. (Generously bid by Reader M.V.) Hit reload to see any updates to this post made this evening. This is the last day of the benefit auction of a brand new AN/PVS-14 Gen 3+ Night Vision Scope. All proceeds (100% of your bid) will be donated to C.R.O.S.S. Ministries. (A very worthy Christian ministry that is sharing the Gospel of Christ in South Sudan. Their outreach method is unique: They are teaching rural villagers tactical marksmanship, water purification, and firefighting skills, free of charge.) The monocular is one of these. (The same model that we use here …

Auction Update: PVS-14 Gen 3+ Night Vision Scope to Benefit C.R.O.S.S. Ministries

CURRENT BID is $3,700 (Bid by Reader M.V.) Simply e-mail us your bids. I will post regular updates on the bidding. The final deadline will be Midnight EST on Monday, March 11, 2013. Thanks for your generous bids in support of C.R.O.S.S. Ministries. We are continuing a benefit auction of a brand new AN/PVS-14 Gen 3+ Night Vision Scope. All proceeds (100% of your bid) will be donated to C.R.O.S.S. Ministries. (A very worthy Christian ministry that is sharing the Gospel of Christ in South Sudan. Their outreach method is unique: They are teaching rural villagers tactical marksmanship, water purification, …