Letter Re: Available Rawles Books–Request for Clarification on Various Editions

Mr . Rawles, I’m a bit confused. There are no so many editions of your books out there–hard copy, e-books, and audio books, and now I hear that there is a British Edition of “How to Survive TEOTWAWKI”. Can you please for me clarify exactly what the book options are, and your recommendations on the least expensive places to buy them? Are there autographed copies for sale? How many copies of each are in print? And what are you writing next? Thanks, – James Y., a Ten Cent Challenger JWR Replies: Sure, here is a thumbnail list: Fiction: “Patriots: A …

Two Letters Re: “Apocalypse Man” Absurdity on the History Channel

Good day Mr. Rawles, I love to read your blog and recently noticed a few articles about the “After Armageddon” program on your blog, but I have not seen it yet. Last night I did see a show, also on the History Channel, called “Apocalypse Man”. I usually enjoy a new book or television show along this subject line; even though most prevailing theories are fairly similar, it’s nice to compare details. “What’s in your bag?” “Mine is bigger!” “Oh yeah, how many rounds do you have?” and so on. However, the show last night was a little off the …

Two Letters Re: Lessons From The Twilight Zone

Jim, Sean in Malibu mentioned watching the episode of The Twilight Zone called “The Shelter”. Your readers might like to know that the full episode is viewable online [free of charge] at the CBS web site. Best, – Matt R. James Wesley, That episode of of The Twilight Zone a reader mentioned was one of the reasons that prompted me to be very quiet about my preps. I (and my family) use the “need to know” rule. I’m all for charity, but I agree with your approach of doling it out anonymously, through our church. (We’re Baptists.) The characters in …

Letter Re: The After Armageddon Documentary

Mr Rawles, Thanks for all you do for the Prepper community. It is always a pleasure to see what is new on your site. Just for the record, I was the black shirted “Tracking and Survival Expert” quoted on After Armageddon. I consulted fairly extensively with the production company on the direction of the script early on, but did not know what was going to happen until I saw it. We filmed my interview up in Harlem in an old condemned apartment building in August. The epidemiologist from England was there also. They filmed three hours of interview with me, …

The “After Armageddon” Docudrama is Scheduled to Air Again

SurvivalBlog readers Len and K9 both mentioned the two hour special docudrama “After Armageddon” will soon air again on The History Channel. The program shows in graphic detail just how fast normal society can break down, and even has a small segment on the importance of amateur radio to be able to communicate without infrastructure. While the program uses the flu virus as the reason for the breakdown, It could just as easily be any one of a number of other causes.that “After Armageddon” re-runs: What have past acts of destruction taught us about what will happen to mankind after …

Letter Re: Lessons From “The Twilight Zone”

Sir: I’ve just watched an original episode of [the 1960s television series] The Twilight Zone called “The Shelter” from 1961. It’s interesting to notice how some tenets of preparedness haven’t changed much in almost 50 years. In the episode, a group of neighbors is gathered at a birthday party when a report of unidentified flying objects, alluded to as nuclear missiles, comes over the radio. As the guests depart for their homes to gather food, medicine and water, we learn that the protagonist, Dr. Stockton, has a recently completed fallout shelter in his basement. He secures his family in it …

Letter Re: The Upcoming “Book of Eli” Movie

Hi Jim, I received an email from Grace Hill Media regarding the upcoming movie “The Book of Eli.” From the looks of it, it’s your standard post-apocalyptic, TEOTWAWKI story, but there’s a twist that the main movie trailer doesn’t really address – the “book” is the last known Bible on earth. I learned this because there’s a Web site with clips from the movie and sermon notes as part of the movie’s marketing campaign. While I’m not really a supporter of turning the pulpit into a marketing tool for Hollywood films, the material might provide a starting point for Christian …

Three Letters Re: Best Military Manuals with Field Fortification Designs?

Dear James, In response to the person who asked about military manuals, most (at least US Army) are available online for free, from the following sources: GlobalSecurity.org The site has lots of military and world sitrep information updated constantly. The Federation of American Scientists has tons of military hardware systems information. The pictures are useful for recognizing and there is data on each system’s performance, purpose and use. Also, the US Army maintains the General Dennis J. Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library at Fort Eustis, Virginia. It used to be mostly open access, but I believe it’s changed to …

Letter Re: Best Military Manuals with Field Fortification Designs?

Jim – There is an absolute plethora of military manuals out there. I’m looking for a Listening Post/Observation Post (LP/OP) diagram such as you use in your novel “Patriots”. What manuals would you consider your “must read and own” manuals that would answer this question and others I that haven’t arrived yet? I’m a 10 Cent Challenge subscriber and enjoy your web site and books. Thank you and God Best You, – Brent I. in Louisiana JWR Replies: The basics describing and illustrating one-man and two-man fighting positions (suitable for LP/OPs) with overhead cover can be found in FM 7-8, …

Letter Re: The Best Defense Show on The Outdoor Channel

James, I have been soaking up your web site for the last month now with great respect, thank you for this wealth of knowledge. You may or may not be aware of a television show that is on the outdoor channel called “The Best Defense” they have completed their second season earlier this year. The first season was all about personal self defense, awareness, and they reviewed a lot of handguns. The second season is the “survival” series covering topics from HazMat, forest fires, earth quakes, civic unrest, to economic collapse, some group and team development, and they moved into …

Letter Re: Book Recommendation: “Possum Living”

Dear James Wesley, In October 1978, with a seventh-grade education, 19-year-old Dolly Freed published a book called Possum Living: How to Live Well Without a Job and with (Almost) No Money, about the five years she and her father lived off the land on a half-acre lot outside of Philadelphia. The two of them lived in a renovated gas station bought “free and clear” in foreclosure for $6,100; they raised rabbits for slaughter in their basement and obtained the rest of their food by growing it in their garden and fishing in local creeks; neither chose to hold a job …

Letter Re: Living in the Time After TEOTWAWKI

Dear Mr. Rawles I read with interest the letter you posted this morning (September 10, 2009) from Bear in California with regard to the skills and services that will probably be required in a post-SHTF scenario. It was all good stuff, and it caused my eyes to drift towards a set of books that have been on my bookshelf for over 30 years. Although, somewhat dog-eared since they only came out in soft cover, they are still highly valuable to me. I am referring, of course, to the Foxfire series that came out in 1969. While you are probably aware …

Letter Re: Old Boy Scout and Girl Scout Handbooks are Available Online

Mr. Rawles, I loved seeing the recent mention of the older Boy Scout Handbook on your site. I know I have been writing you back and forth for ten years or so now and I can’ t ever remember mentioning my Boy Scout history and the materials I have collected from the various Boy Scout books over the years. First off I am an Eagle as are both my brothers, as is my father and all of his brothers, and as was my grandfather and all of his brothers who were young enough to participate in scouting (his older brothers …

Letter Re: Old Boy Scout and Girl Scout Handbooks are Available Online

Sir, For those who don’t have an “old” copy of the Boy Scout Handbook, the 1911 edition is available from Project Gutenberg in a variety of electronic formats. Also, they have the Girl Scout Handbook, 1920 edition. There is some overlap with the Boy Scouts handbook, but also much that is unique, especially in regard to care of the home, growing a garden, storing food, outdoor and indoor cooking, and a good section on first aid and home health care. Regards, – Andrew H. JWR Replies: For any families with teenagers, or pre-teens, I recommend getting hard copies of these …

Letter Re: The Quasi-Reality Television Show “The Colony”

James, Last night was the first episode of a survival reality show on The Discovery Channel, ‘The Colony’, It is a 10-week experiment illustrating how 10 people cope with life after a biological wipe-out. They started with the first six participants being sleep deprived for 30 hours, then “raiding” a department store for whatever they can find before engaging in an eight mile walk through the Los Angeles River [–now a concrete aqueduct, which is dry most of each year–] to find an abandoned factory marked “Sanctuary”. The show did illustrate how most of us who are unprepared will fail …