Preparedness Notes for Wednesday — December 8, 2021

Today marks the birthday of Eli Whitney, (1765–1825) the inventor of the labor-saving cotton gin, several firearms, and dozens of other mechanical devices. He was the first to demonstrate the advantages of fully interchangeable parts, in firearms manufacture. — A reminder: Our biggest sale of the year at Elk Creek Company ends on Saturday (December 11, 2021.) Oh, and I just added this recently-arrived gem to our online store: Rare Spanish Contract Loewe Mauser M1893 Cavalry Carbine. — SurvivalBlog Writing Contest Today we present another entry for Round 98 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The prizes for this round …

Your Red Bags: Stop The Bleed – Part 2, by Philip J. Goscienski, M.D.

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.) Things to consider beyond bleeding No matter how good you are at stopping a hemorrhaging blood vessel, you or someone that you designate must call 9-1-1 right now! Don’t say “Somebody call 9-1-1!” Bob may think that John will call; John thinks that Bob is calling – and no one calls. Instead designate: “John, call 9-1-1!” If you are faced with more than one victim, which might occur in a motor vehicle accident, decide as quickly as you can where the worst bleeding is occurring – which person and which part of …

SurvivalBlog Readers’ & Editors’ Snippets

This weekly column is a collection of short snippets: responses to posted articles, practical self-sufficiency items, how-tos, lessons learned, tips and tricks, and news items — both from readers and from SurvivalBlog’s editors. We may select some long e-mails for posting as separate letters. — First up is this bad news: U.N. Taking Down Private Websites – Domain Level Censorship. JWR’s Comment: The only thing worse than corporate censorship (a la Facebook and YouTube) and national censorship (a la the Chinese Communist Party) is supranational (globalist) censorship. Soon, it may be time to break out your old IBM Selectric. o  …