The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “HJL”. One Michigan school is completely full of hockey puckey. The Army’s Next-Gen Weapons Reader H.L. suggested this article on the Army’s Next generation squad rifle and pistol. Both weapons are designed specifically to improve on the weaknesses of the existing M16/M4 and the M9. Features of the squad rifle include higher velocity bullets and the ability to penetrate body armor. The M17/M18 pistol incorporates modern proven technology to increase the handling characteristics …

Preparedness Notes for Wednesday – November 28, 2018

On November 28th, 1520, Magellan finally reached the Pacific Ocean after navigating the dangerous straits on the southern tip of South America that now bear his name. He became the first European explorer to reach the Pacific from the Atlantic. o o o We are nearing the end of Round 79 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. Make sure you get your article finished up and sent in. o o o SurvivalBlog Writing Contest Today features another entry for Round 79 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The nearly $11,000 worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A …

Living the Old Way, by G.T.

Ever since I was a little boy I dreamed of the life of a mountain man, living the old way. I grew up largely in Central Idaho. Stories of the Rocky Mountain fur trade and the men that forged a life in the wilderness were a big part of my life. My Time in Service After high school, I joined the Marine Corps, did five years, received an honorable discharge, joined the Army for another three years, and again was also honorable discharged. During the tail end of my time in service, I was able to study and become an …

Economics & Investing For Preppers

Here are the latest news items and commentary on current economics news, market trends, stocks, investing opportunities, and the precious metals markets. We also cover hedges, derivatives, and obscura. And it bears mention that most of these items are from the “tangibles heavy” contrarian perspective of JWR. (SurvivalBlog’s Founder and Senior Editor.) Today’s focus is on investing in M1903 Springfield Rifles. (See the Tangibles Investing section.)   Precious Metals: First up, over at Gold-Eagle: Gold’s Net Gain Of Nothing o  o  o 50% Equity Market Drop Won‘t Drive Gold Prices Higher – CrossBorder Capital   Economy & Finance: Government debt …

JWR’s Recommendations of the Week:

Here are JWR’s Recommendations of the Week for various media and tools of interest to SurvivalBlog readers. This week the focus is on illumination items (See the Gear section.) Books: Churchill: Walking with Destiny o  o  o Instant Pot Pressure Cooker Cookbook: 500 Everyday Recipes for Beginners and Advanced Users o  o  o Planning to celebrate Hanukkah?  Then learn the real reason for the season:  Maccabee   Movies: The Man Who Would Be King.  From Roger Ebert’s 1975 review:  “John Huston’s “The Man Who Would Be King” is swashbuckling adventure, pure and simple, from the hand of a master. It’s …

A Compulsion to Disarm: The History of Grabby Governments Since 1026 BC

In the wake of the 2018 mid-term elections, so-called “gun control” is back in the news. Even though the murder rate in the United States is declining and at a 33-year low, the mass media’s much-heralded “threat of gun violence” has politicians in a frenzy much like those seen in 1968 and 1994. Gun control laws and decrees should be called out for what they really are: Systematic Civilian Disarmament. In Western nations, most such legislation usually starts small, progressing from registration to wholesale confiscation. First one category of weapons is banned, and then another. Gradually, these draconian laws can …

SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt

Here is SurvivalBlog’s News From The American Redoubt. This weekly column features news stories and event announcements from around the American Redoubt region. We also mention companies of interest to preppers that are located in the region. The emphasis this week is on the new $1 million CNC mill at Lone Wolf Distributors. Region-Wide I’m repeating a link to a must-watch video. Please send this to any of your conservative friends who feel the need to move away from the liberal coastal states, but can’t decide where to go: What is the American Redoubt? o o o UPDATED: Inland NW …

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “HJL”. China’s social credit system is already having an impact on citizens even though it is not fully implemented. China’s Social Credit System “Nobody does authoritarianism quite like China.” Paul Joseph Watson has a new video on YouTube that explains China’s new social credit system. The system will be fully implemented by 2020 and every person will have a score that goes up and down based on their behavior. Behavior that leads to …

The Editors’ Quote of the Day:

“Integrity is not a conditional word. It doesn’t blow in the wind or change with the weather. It is your inner image of yourself, and if you look in there and see a man who won’t cheat, then you know he never will. Integrity is not a search for the rewards of integrity. Maybe all you ever get for it is the largest kick in the ass the world can provide. It is not supposed to be a productive asset. Crime pays a lot better. I can bend my own rules way, way over, but there is a place where …

CZ P10-C, by Pat Cascio

One of the most in-demand 9mm pistols these days is the CZ P10-C. We have taken a close look at it and are pleased to give our test results here. Everything I Hoped It Would Be and Then Some It’s not often but this sometimes happens that when a pistol is so popular and in-demand they actually sell for more than retail. With this being the case, you know this one is a winner. The CZ-P10-C is under review, and it is everything I hoped it would be and then some. CZ CZ is world famous for their firearms, and …