Preparedness Notes for Sunday – April 01, 2018

April 1st is  Molly Ivins Day which refers to this key verse: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” (Psalm 14:1 KJV) April 1st, 1886 was the birthday of Arthur W. Pink, who died 15 July 1952 and was an English Christian evangelist and excellent Reformed Biblical scholar. It was his meticulously referenced arguments in his book, The Soverignty of God, that first convinced JWR of the truth of the doctrine of Election.

Proposing a U.S. Sovereign Cryptocurrency and Free Trade Zone

In February 2018, there was a small news item that didn’t get near the attention that is deserved. It described how The Marshall Islands–formerly  a U.S. Territory, but now an independent sovereign nation–plans to launch it own cryptocurrency, called the SOV and use it as legal tender. This will be the world’s second sovereign cryptocurrency.  (Venezuela has announced pre-sale of a national crypto that is backed by oil. But the Marshall Islands SOV is a much more legitmate venture.) Sovereign Cryptocurrency For any sovereign nation to release a legitimate sovereign cryptocurrency and give it legal tender status is huge news–even if …

Letter: Colin Wilson and the Dominant Man Theory

Hi Hugh, A long time ago I came across a book called The Outsider. It was written by a man from England whose name was Colin Wilson. He joined the RAF at a young age, did some manual labor; and set about writing books. This was his first book published when he was only 24. He wrote the book sleeping on hills near his local library, where he researched.. The book became a New York Times bestseller. He later bought a house, and wrote about another 200 books that were published. He Raised a family; and led a respectable life …

The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods:

SurvivalBlog presents another edition of The Survivalist’s Odds ‘n Sods— a collection of news bits and pieces that are relevant to the modern survivalist and prepper from “HJL”. More Social Media news today. Social Media Reader S.M. sent in this article on how the State Department has unveiled new rules that require most visitors or immigrants to the United States to turn over their recent social media histories. This is part of President Trumps “extreme vetting” national security enhancements. Given that social media is a primary means of communication among radicals, this is certainly a step in the right direction. …