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  1. 1) One thing that might prevent the Fed from raising US interest rates — and making the dollar stronger — is the flattening of the yield curve. Difference between 10 year and 2 year rates is only 0.56 percent at this point.

    2) The best investment for the deflation of a depression is long term US Treasuries–NOT gold. The current demand for long term Treasuries –as shown by the low long term rates — suggests that the smart money is not all that confident re the global economy.

    An inverted yield curve — short term rates going higher than long term rates — is a pretty good 1-year leading indicator of a major recession. It predicted the 2000 Clinton Internet bust — which would have been worse absent the massive government spending in response to Sept 1, 2001 attack and it also predicted the 2008 crisis — the yield curve inverted in January 2007.

    3) However, one oddity is that much of the demand for Treasuries is from foreigners –who accept low rates for safety. Our NIIP –net debt owed to foreigners — soared during the 8 years of Obama’s administration. From 2 Trillion to over $8 Trillion

    4) And much of the stock market rise has been due to Obama allowing CEOs to steal from Corporate pension plans — and allowing the federal government to steal from our Social Security/Medicare plans. US pensions are now greatly UNDERFUNDED because Obama allowed an accounting fiction — CEOs can assume they are going to earn 5% per year over the next 25 years on pension assets. So plans that are underfunded with assets less than 80% of needed levels are listed as being funded at 95%.

    5) And the Me Too movement is a Democratic Con desiged to divert women’s attention away from how Obama screwed them out of $40,000 to $100,000 in Social Security benefits. Which he did by destroying women’s right to claim 1/2 of their Spouses’ benefits from age 66 to 70 so that their own accounts could grow in value.

    6)So the real question is how much more of US assets can Democrats steals and hand off to foreigners to keep Bill Clinton’s “Globalization” con going. A con that is enriching Democrat billionaires while slowing destroying America’s middle class– of all races.

  2. Gold is only valuable if you can sell it. One method is a coin shop at $30 dollars off market price or the second method is private buyers.

    And both pay in cash, but if these two buyers do not by, all one has is an expensive paper weight.

    And the idea gold and silver will be used in the collapse is based on what? Food and ammo will be the currency of the day.

    If gold hits anyway near $2,000, sell it and sell it fast.
    The markets manipulators will crush the price spike again

    1. I sigh heavily as I repeat this.

      Of course you need food, buy and stockpile it as you need.

      Of course you need ammo, probably not as much as you think, but fine, load up.

      Now get out of debt, get good farm land, etc

      Once you are there buy silver and gold, its better than currency!

      I know its hard for new preppers to imagine having all their poop in a pile, but a few of us have, and then we invest in the future. My grandchildren will probably profit from my insight.

      1. Well said, a youtube channel described taking care of priorities in this order:
        1. Water
        2. Food
        3. Medical/Hygiene
        4. Security
        5. Barter items

        First run through the list for a 3 day supply, then 1 month, and finally 6 months. Obviously the timeline can vary, but a 6 month supply of silver barter should never take precedent over 3 days worth of water.

    2. It is stating to look like ammo may become the coin of the realm in California, at least until the Justice Department arrests and prosecutes the current legislators for their crimes against the people. Restricted ammo sales and violation of Interstate Commerce laws. Add adding and abetting federal criminals, i.e. Illegal Immigrants, as well as conspiracy to commit criminal activity. I say Get to work Federal Justice Dept. earn your pay.

  3. Just be sure that opsec is the highest priority. I had a lot of my weapons stolen out of a secured area as well as a super max safe. I never will have all my eggs in one basket again. I wasn’t In country so that is the way it is. I don’t have any family members that are awake. Even in your house, never show anyone including family you can’t fully trust where you might have your precious metals.. I have replaced most weapons, but I would highly recommend the NRA insurance. Montana farmer , you are so correct.

  4. The Constitution for the united States of America still mandates gold and silver coin as tender for the payment of debt; anyone aware of any amendment, proposed or ratified, which may have changed this?? Didn’t think so. So Skip wake up son your about to fall off the back side of the power curve ….

  5. LT Mike
    You are correct about gold and silver as legal tender but so what? Have you used gold to pay your property tax? Some states allow but others not so much.
    Also the idea of gold as money is a foreign concept to millions. My friend tried an experiment trying to pay for a tank of gas with a one ounce gold coin, the attendant did not have a clue what it was.

    And now the counterfeit gold coins is brutal. My coin shop told me these gold coins have been drilled out and fill with a similar weighted metal.

    Now I did not say sell all of ones gold or silver, take profit but if one thinks he will use it after a economic collapse, good luck to you. I would rather have stores and equipment.

    1. Skip :
      I do not blame you for not fully getting in on the ” gold and silver ” are going to be currency when TSHTF, how ever do not rule it out and plan accordingly. Next, and this is probably just a little more important than getting on the ” gold and silver ” wagon what is the one thing that we are constantly told to invest in by JWR? Tangibles!
      Tangible items will go as far if not farther than any currency when things go ” pear shaped ” . Do both. God Bless.

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