Odds ‘n Sods:

The Assembly Of Muslim Jurists Of America’a Ominous Post-election Statement – H.L.

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From Reader Prepared Grammy: This is from the local news channel. Students from my area were in DC to sing at the inaugural events. This is what the wonderful, peaceful demonstrators did to this bus full of students from the junior and senior high schools from Southern Illinois. I guess they were only concerned about the rights of the protesters, not those of the innocent children in this bus. I bet you didn’t see this on the national news. If it weren’t for the fact that Kyle Childers is a prominent citizen (an orthodontist with several offices in the area), I wonder if it would have even made the local news. And WE’RE the ones who are intolerant and unreasonable, even deplorable.

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23 Prepper Items To Look For at the Goodwill Store – DSV

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Mexican Cartel Stockpiling Grenade Launchers at Texas Border – W.C.

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First GMO apple slices to go on sale in Midwest – DSV