Does the Number of the Beast Have an Area Code?, by CTS

[Editor’s Comment: SurvivalBlog does not endorse the concept of the “number of the beast” being associated with any form of technology; however, the information presented in this article is of import to anyone who is concerned about the collection of private information and government oversight.] Listen carefully. I’m about to tell you something that they don’t want you to hear. I’m also about to tell you something that you most likely don’t want to hear, so you may want to sit down for this. You don’t need your cell phone. There I said it. You may say, “but they are …

Letter Re: Economics and Investing Article Reference, by TC

HJL, That was fascinating reading. It is important to read the article AND the comments. I regard myself as middle class and have read the WSJ since 1978, when my Economics professor required it. Those people commenting regard themselves as middle class, and they sound like me. I look at the people that the media and democrats call middle class, and I don’t see myself. My own spending habits revolve around expenditures that lower my cost of living, ensure I can provide for my family (preps), and the acquisition of new assets that pay me or improved assets that will …

Economics and Investing:

Why you should care that Robert Prechter is warning of a ‘sharp collapse’ in stocks. – G.G. o o o Video: 2015 Systemic Market Crash. – G.M. o o o MUST SEE CHART: Major Bank Fraud Adds Up To A Lot Of Silver o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Greece Delivers Reform Plan to EU, Warns on Cost of Failure Guess How Many Nations In The World Do Not Have A Central Bank?

Odds ‘n Sods:

Superbugs ‘spread by hospital wet wipes’. – D.S. o o o Here They Are: Three Shocking US Immigration Statistics in Three Simple Charts. – B.B. o o o Hungry FBI Creating Fake Terrorists o o o Russia Determined to Revive Nuclear Armed Trains. – H.L. o o o This will get interesting… AFDI Rolls Out New Free Speech Billboard Campaign Featuring Muhammad Cartoon. – P.S.

Notes for Tuesday – June 09, 2015

On June 9, 1954, Army counsel Joseph N. Welch confronted Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy during the Senate-Army Hearings over McCarthy’s attack on a member of Welch’s law firm, Frederick G. Fisher. Welch said, “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?” o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 59 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from …

Conditions for Combining Survival Groups Under Extraordinary Circumstances – Part 2, by G.R.

How much of the land floods? i.e. During past tropical storms, how much of the land was under water? Again, this is ***(a southern state)***. Yes, the land gets wet when heavy rains come. All campsites and camper parking areas must be able to be elevated by the owners. The harder the rains, the worse the situation would be. In fact, a very good chore would be scouting and foraging for lumber and then constructing suitable platforms for tents. There is nothing different here than at any scouting campground or other public campsite. The land is protected by a wide …

Letter: Food Shortage

Dear HL and Readers of SurvivalBlog, We all know that in a TEOTWAWKI situation, people will panic. After what I saw this week, I believe it will happen sooner and to a worse degree than I previously thought. I live outside a small town in the Midwest. We have one mom-and-pop grocery store, a “milk store”, two convenience stores, Walmart, and Kroger as our choices for local grocery shopping. I noticed the shelves at Kroger were somewhat bare the last two times I shopped. I was wondering why this was the case but just thought the employees were not doing …

News From The American Redoubt:

News Video: Flash Floods Devastate Lusk, Wyoming o o o Feds release final plan for recovering Snake River sockeye o o o Over at Radio Free Redoubt, host John Jacob Schmidt recently posted links to a two-part podcast that related to the need for underground churches in the United States, in the near future: The Coming Underground Part 1. The Coming Underground Part 2. o o o In The East Oregonian: One man tasked with keeping small town of Ione operating o o o Magic Valley Legislators Respond to Refugee Center Concerns – RBS

Economics and Investing:

Gold At $64,000 – Bloomberg’s ‘China Gold Price’. – B.B. o o o 103 Years Later, Wall Street Turned Out Just As One Man Predicted. – H.L. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: U.S. Authorities Say “Uncomfortable” with Strong Currency; Dollar Drops Experts Worry that ‘Phony Numbers’ Are Misleading Investors – This is far from the only smoke and mirrors in the room… Stay Out Of Harm’s Way—-The Casino Is Fixing To Blow

Odds ‘n Sods:

The Maine and Texas governors are poised to sign open carry bills. The Maine law will be Vermont-style Constitutional Carry (unrestrictive–with no permit whatsoever), while the Texas law will require training and a permit. Despite a couple of recent setbacks in Montana and West Virginia (where their Democrat Party governors both recently vetoed Constitutional Carry laws) freedom is on the march, folks! o o o Michigan: ‘Urban’ military training exercise damages downtown building. – JBG o o o SWAT team destroys man’s home to capture shoplifter. – M.R. o o o $30 Geiger Counter for Android/IPhone – Works! (on Android) …

Notes for Monday – June 08, 2015

On June 8th, 1776, Canadian Governor Sir Guy Carleton defeated American Patriot forces under John Sullivan. After taking heavy losses and the loss of General Richard Montgomery at Quebec, the Patriots were pursued by Governor Carleton. Halfway between Quebec and Montreal, at the Trois-Rivieres, the Patriots turned to fight. The Redcoats and German mercenaries killed 25, wounded 140, and captured 236, but Carleton allowed the rest of the 2,500-man force to complete their retreat. This battle changed the priorities of the Patriots, and Arnold wrote “let us quit and secure our own country before it is too late.”

That Pesky Little First Amendment

Over the weekend, by way of the NRA some troubling news spread across the Internet: “Commonly used and unregulated Internet discussions and videos about guns and ammo could be closed down under rules proposed by the State Department, amounting to a ‘gag order on firearm-related speech,’” This stems from an Obama Regime reinterpretation of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR). The State Department is updating the ITAR, which implements the Federal Arms Export Control Act (AECA). The net effect of this new ITAR amplification would be to reclassify gun blogs, forums, chat rooms, and firearms “how-to” web pages as …