Recipe of the Week: Homemade Graham Crackers, from A.J.

One of the things our family (everyone from toddlers to great grandparents) really enjoys for snacks as well as a dessert ingredient is graham crackers. When SHTF occurs and there are none in the stores, we’ll have the choice of going without or making our own. We’ve started making our own from our stores, as we need to now be in the habit of knowing how to provide what we want and need in the future. Wheat berries store a long time. We have a Country Living flour mill that grinds extra fine flour, beautifully. We raise chickens for eggs …

Letter Re: Egg Rationing

HJL, I am one of THOSE who do not yet have their own chickens but hopefully within a couple of months though. You may have seen this already. I haven’t experienced the rationing, but I bought eggs in April at $1.97 a dozen and went back yesterday to discover they were $2.97 a dozen at my local Walmart. Wow! – C.P. HJL Replies: We have had chickens for a number of years now and have enjoyed the fresh eggs tremendously. The price of eggs have always been a bit of a sore point with me though. I cannot produce eggs …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Police Seize 6 Children Simply Because Family Was Camping – D.S. o o o Huge problem for gun-grabbers: Polls reveal Americans know guns make their homes and neighborhoods safer. – H.L. o o o You Can Be Prosecuted for Clearing Your Browser History. – T.P. “Prosecutors are able to apply the law broadly because they do not have to show that the person deleting evidence knew there was an investigation underway.” o o o The president’s pistol: Ronald Reagan carried a handgun in his briefcase at all times during his administration, author reveals. – G.G. o o o New gun …

Notes for Sunday – June 14, 2015

During the American Revolution, the Continental Congress adopted a resolution on June 14th, 1777, stating that “the flag of the United States be thirteen alternate stripes red and white” and that “the Union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation.” The national flag, which became known as the “Stars and Stripes,” was based on the “Grand Union” flag– a banner carried by the Continental Army in 1776 that also consisted of 13 red and white stripes. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 59 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ …

Personal Notes of Application From SurvivalBlog’s “The Frog in A Slowly Heating Pot”- Part 2, by C.F.

Self-reliance/independence Self-reliance and independence is required in every area, if we wish to be free. It is always better to take the side of truth. Freedom is dangerous; tyranny is worse. Helpless dependence upon humanity is bondage. Helpless dependence upon Christ is freedom, for He is our source of ability. Remember the principle “that every man be armed” does not require that every man be armed with any particular tool but that every man be armed with the most effective equipment he can obtain and be trained in its proper and effective use. “Put on the whole armor…, and having …

Letter: Instinct Shooting

Pat: I have a question about instinct shooting. Several years ago I saw a video showing a technique called “index shooting”. This video had the shooter standing with his handgun arm locked at right angel and elbow locked to side with handgun approximately six inches out from lower ribcage. Wrist is locked and shooter swings torso to change radial firing direction. Off hand is held up toward chest with palm pressed to upper chest to keep it behind the muzzel. In the video demo the shooter was very accurate, but I have not seen this technique elsewhere and have lost …

Odds ‘n Sods:

7 Key Events That Are Going To Happen By The End Of September. – J.C. o o o An interesting reality show is getting ready to air on the History Channel. Advertised as “no props, no camera crews and no safety nets”, Alone is set to air on June 18th at 10/9C. Take a peek at the sample videos. – K.B. o o o SpaceX Plans to Launch Network of Satellites to Provide Off Grid Internet Access. – W. o o o DALLAS POLICE SHOOTING: ‘Zombie Apocalypse Assault Vehicle and Troop Transport’. – JBG o o o 12 Reasons America …

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.” Mark 10:13-16 (KJV)

Notes for Saturday – June 13, 2015

Today, we present another entry for Round 59 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. This entry is a little bit different than the normal “how-to”. Rather than presenting an article of his own experience, this author has given us an inside track to his thinking while analyzing another article on the blog. He shares how the information he reads applies directly to him and what he can learn from it. I’ve included it as an example of what we should all be doing for any experience. Evaluate what happened, change what didn’t work, and emphasize what did work. You might …

Personal Notes of Application From SurvivalBlog’s “The Frog in A Slowly Heating Pot”- Part 1, by C.F.

First of all, let me say that Mr. N.H., who wrote The Frog in a Slowly Heating Pot, is a skilled writer; he provided a very picturesque, succinct, and articulate article. More importantly, the experience he shared was dynamic and highly educational. It was not some far-fetched, improbable scenario, but a very common and probable one, and the lessons he learned can be a blessing to many, it seems. Yes, we have questioned the story’s authenticity, but upon close examination I cannot find anything that would prove it to be fictitious based on internal evidence. If it is fictitious, the …

Letter Re: Regarding Army Manuals

HJL, Don’t send people to Amazon for the U.S. Army manuals. They are available for free on the Internet. – S. HJL Responds: We know that they are free, and a simple Google search will turn up a variety of places that you can download a .pdf copy of them. We also have copies of many of the .pdf versions of U.S Army manuals contained on the SurvivalBlog archive that we put together every year. However, on the more relevant manuals, we feel it is important to have a hard copy in hand. You can print out your own hard …

Economics and Investing:

Is Greece at risk of becoming the next Zimbabwe?. – JBG o o o THE SYSTEM IS COLLAPSING: Time To Get Physical o o o How Do Companies Quietly Raise Prices? They Do This – G.G. [May require a login] o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: ‘Who’ Really Runs Your State? – I don’t really believe that is who’s running the state in most cases, but it’s an interesting map. Did Greece’s Time Just Run Out?