Odds ‘n Sods:

Supreme Court says government seizure of raisins is unconstitutional. Wait… was that actual logic that came out of the SCOTUS? – MtH o o o Spy Agency’s Secret Plans to Foster Online “Conformity” and “Obedience” Exposed. – H.L. o o o Seven Deadly Sins Map – Where Does Your State Fall?. – G.P. HJL adds: Once again, the American Redoubt region ranks favorably. The methodology used to calculate the results is as interesting as it is humorous. o o o They Won the Vote, But Lost the ‘Trust of the American People’. – P.M. o o o Don’t forget that …

Notes for Tuesday – June 23, 2015

I just noticed that for the first time, our Survival Realty spinoff site now has more than 200 property listings. Many of these are unique retreat properties. Check them out! – JWR o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 59 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three day course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those …

The ABC’s and 123’s of Survival Preparedness – Part 1, by The Circumspect Survivalist

End of the Line For those who are already deeply entrenched in the fortified bunker of their survival awareness, it is universally understood that we as a nation and a world are about to transit through a very dangerous and challenging period in our history. Whatever your personal beliefs, there is no question that either because of an economic collapse, social and or political breakdown, another world war, or one or more environmental catastrophes, our present way of life is about to change forever. The days are drawing near, if not already upon us, when the luxuries and services that …

Letter Re: Personal Notes of Application From SurvivalBlog’s “The Frog in A Slowly Heating Pot”

Dear SurvivalBlog Editor, Regarding the letter, Personal Notes of Application From SurvivalBlog’s “The Frog in A Slowly Heating Pot”- Part 1, by C.F., Saturday June 13, 2015, I always recommend to folks wanting to setup a sentry organization that they review the United States Armed Forces’ General Orders for Sentries. This gives the organization an excellent starting point for how to organize an effective watch program and insures that all participating are using the same vocabulary. Since the prosecution of George Zimmerman in FL in 2012, many folks would like for their sentries to be unarmed, but I encourage all …

News From The American Redoubt:

Patriots! Shahram Hadian will be in Bonners Ferry on June 27th for two presentations! First is the introduction to the historical Assemblies and Committees of Correspondence, which are forming in Idaho and Washington right now. Second is the POWERFUL and eye-opening presentation, “Unveiling the True Face of Islam”. Be there! God bless you, and may America bless God once again. In Christ, -John Jacob 2:00pm presentation, “Restoring our Republic & Historic Assemblies/Committees:”Assembly meeting on website. Assembly meeting on Facebook. 6:30pm presentation, “Unveiling the True Face of Islam:” On our website and Facebook (for people to share and invite others). o …

Economics and Investing:

Seneca’s Cliff: Greece, Debt and Paper Silver o o o These 15 states still haven’t recovered jobs lost in recession . – H.L. o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Existing Home Sales Spike To Highest Since Nov 2009 As Prices Soar For Expensive Homes Greek Banks “Unofficially” Limit Walk-In Withdrawals To €3,000, FT Reports ECB’s Nowotny – Greek banks have funding extension for today (Monday) “It’s Time To Hold Physical Cash”, Fidelity Manager Warns Ahead Of “Systemic Event”

Odds ‘n Sods:

Talking Barbies are ushering in a new era of mass surveillance. – H.L. o o o Navajo Generating Station Powers and Paralyzes the Western U.S.. – P.S. o o o 12 Signs That The United States And China Are Moving Toward War o o o A disaster foretold — and ignored. – J.S. o o o Free Range Parents Cleared: CPS Declares Kids Playing Outside Alone is Not Neglect. – D.S.

Notes for Monday – June 22, 2015

During World War II, the U.S. 10th Army overcame the last major pockets of Japanese resistance on Okinawa Island on June 22nd, 1945, ending one of the bloodiest battles of World War II. The same day, Japanese Lieutenant General Mitsuru Ushijima, the commander of Okinawa’s defense, committed suicide with a number of Japanese officers and troops rather than surrender. o o o Do you have a recipe that you would like to share with other SurvivalBlog readers? I’ve been caught with my hand in the proverbial cookie jar this week. My queue of recipes is low and while Mrs Latimer …

Scot’s Product Review: Steiner 7×50 Marine Binoculars

Before I go into the review, I would like to compliment Armasight for replacing a small part on my Spark Core night vision monocular that I reviewed recently. I have been complaining about how I had been unable to get a response from either their information email address or their relations person, but when I needed a small part their service department replied promptly and sent me the part within a week of my request. I found that impressive. Since the service people are efficient, that takes away much of my reluctance to recommend their products. Getting back to the …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Zero Tolerance 0630 Folder

Not bragging, not in the least, but when I was in high school and beyond, everyone used to say I was the coolest guy they knew. Just about everyone who signed my high school year book said I was “cool”. Go figure? I guess that puts me in the same camp with “Fonzie” from the TV show “Happy Days”. Fonzie, from the show, and I had a couple of things in common, and one of the major things was that we both hated admitting we were wr…….., er, um, wro…..ohhhh, wron…..ok, ok, we hated admitting when we were wrong!! I …

Recipe of the Week: Chicken Enchilada Casserole, by Mrs. Hugh Latimer

This is a very easy recipe and one of our family’s long-time favorites. However, I also have a camping (or emergency/SHTF) version of it that is almost as good. I’m going to give you both versions, as a sneak peak for recipes I’m assembling to share in an upcoming food preparation cookbook, which has not yet been titled. (We produce and store most of the food we consume, including spices and even some medicines and teas, so stay tuned. It’s in “the works”. We also enjoy scrumptious meals regardless of where we find ourselves (at home, on the road, on …

Letter Re: The Lack of Police and Fire Training

Hugh, This comment is in regards to the Letter: The Lack of Police and Fire Training or Preparation for the Aftermath of an EMP. I have had the pleasure of working for one of the Northeast’s largest cities in their Emergency Management Department, and I am currently the Director for a County EMA in the Midwest. I agree with your comments that the risk is not high on the list that we prepare for, but we do have conversations regarding this quite a bit. Part of the problem is that the run of the mill police officer or fire fighter …

Economics and Investing:

Jim Rogers: Turmoil Is Coming. – G.G. o o o The Next Great European Financial Crisis Has Begun. – B.B. o o o Tens of thousands march against austerity in London. What will happen in our inner cities when America is similarly really BROKE????? Those in better neighborhoods will be struggling, BUT will be in more danger from those feeling “deprived”! – H.L. o o o Why A U.S Shale Slowdown Will Hardly Effect Oil Prices