Odds ‘n Sods:

Ready Made Resources is having a Veterans Day sale. They are adding two boxes of Infrared Chemical Lights (a $70 value) and a Surface Trip flare for those Chemical Lights (a $25 value) to either the PVS-14 3rd Gen+ or the PVS-14 2nd Gen+ Night Vision packages. All standard accessories come with the units along with a 10 year warranty. They also have a one week return policy if you are not 100% satisfied. Thank you, Veterans, for your service. o o o This is a very uncomfortable thought. Sniper Attack on California Electrical Grid an Inside Job? (CNN) – …

Notes for Tuesday – November 10, 2015

November 10th is remembered in the United States as the “birthday” of the U.S. Marine Corps. Coincidentally, the 10th is also the birthday of the late Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov, born in 1919, died December 23, 2013. He didn’t design a lot of different guns, but one of his few designs was the prototype for what turned out to be the world’s most widely produced assault rifles. Once an iconic symbol of international communism, the AK’s curved magazine profile has in more recent years become just a symbol of citizens being well-armed. o o o Today, we present another entry for …

Infectious Disease in the TEOTWAWKI World- Part 1, by Militant Medic

Before we start, here’s a quick disclaimer: I am a physician who has been practicing for 11 years, so I hope I know what I’m talking about, BUT this information is written for a TEOTWAWKI scenario where routine hospital based care is unavailable and the only antibiotics you have are ones designed for pets. This article is written for the desperate times ahead. Please do not use it as a guide to infectious diseases or how you should provide care to your family now. If you or a family member are ill and the hospitals are still staffed with knowledgeable …

Two Letters Re: Love Thy Neighbor…Trust No One

HJL: I’ve got the same issue on my one acre in a small town in Georgia. Great soil but with neighbors that think it is theirs. In my case a 45-foot section of board fence drew a line. I continue to fence the corners and plant hedge material when nephew labor is available. Periodic extra tall posts seem decorative now but will make a splendid support for barbed wire. My intent is to make it possible to fence it quickly from stored supplies should misfortune befall us. I hesitate to go ahead and install the fence because the location, while …

News From The American Redoubt:

Here is a follow-up to a sketchy item from last week’s column: Idaho rancher’s wife: ‘I saw them murder my husband’ o o o Casper, Wyoming: Enforcing The New Smoking Law o o o Eye on Boise: Idaho tax changes in the works o o o SurvivalBlog reader C.T. from Idaho wrote in: Fox News reported that Italy is under siege & political revolt over the Italian’s Mafias long held control over Italian politics and how the Mafia and their politicians are getting filthy rich off of the Social Welfare programs they’ve created by flooding Italy with illegal aliens. Exact …

Economics and Investing:

SurvivalBlog reader GJM writes in: This is one example of what my “hegemony warnings” have been about. Like Brazil back in ’90s, it’s only one domino; but unlike anything else so far, it’s a game-changing big one. Ultimately, America either goes to war to maintain a slowly-degrading status quo…or accelerates to fast-fall… War with China means war with Russia means war with Iran means… Fast-fall has the likelihood of being very fast and falling very far. No military retiree would get a tiny shard of his expected retirement; no police officer will ever get a pension—or much of a paycheck, …

Odds ‘n Sods:

On Both Sides Of The Atlantic: Coming Soon To The Politically-Vulnerable Near You. Puppetmasters don’t move an underground irregular military into your community out of “compassion”, any more than they agitate low-achievement and frustrated isolates and enclaves already among you into becoming the pawns of irregular militaries (e.g.: The “New” Black Panthers) of the future, out of “compassion”. Acid or base is not added to a previously-stable compound out of empathy for the acid or base; it’s added to move pH and destabilize the compound, so that it can be altered–an old thing destroyed, a new thing made of its …

Notes for Monday – November 09, 2015

November 9th (1938) “Kristallnacht” Be forewarned, folks: Once a group in any society has been singled out, they can be systematically attacked. Someday it may be “Constitutionalists” who are targeted. o o o SurvivalBlog reader “jollyrogerf14” (a friend up in Montana) has started several Gunbroker.com auctions for some scarce guns. Part of the proceeds will benefit SurvivalBlog, so please consider bidding! Thanks, – JWR

The Survival Mule Secure Locker/Trailer Combo

I’ve been posting SurvivalBlog for more than 10 years. I’ve seen a lot of great products come to market, but very few of them have been truly novel concepts. Most of them are just variations on a theme. But I recently had some conversations with a consulting client that amazed me. This former Marine has truly “built a better mousetrap”. He calls it The Survival Mule. This is a fantastic solution to a common prepper dilemma: “How do I get a trailer load of Get Out of Dodge gear on the road, quickly?” What he came up was a wall …

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Leatherman Tread Multi-Tool

I’m not exactly sure when I bought my first Leatherman multi-tool, but it was a couple decades ago, and since then I’ve probably owned just about every model they have manufactured over the years. There have been many imitators, but Tim Leatherman invented the original multi-tool. Leatherman is located here in Oregon– my adopted home state– and I keep getting invited to go to the Leatherman factory for a tour, but I just don’t get up into the Portland, OR area very much these days. I prefer living and staying out in the boonies. I cherish my privacy! Tim Leather …

Recipe of the Week: Spaghetti Casserole, by L.H.

This is a flavorful, simple, and inexpensive casserole for any occasion where you’d like to provide a meal to someone in need, such as when there’s a new baby, or a medical or condolence call. I like to make it in a disposable aluminum pan, approximately 10” x 12” in size, so that the recipient doesn’t have to be concerned with returning a dish, and I deliver it with a loaf of store-bought French bread on top. Voila! It’s a complete and comforting meal for the family. It also freezes well (along with the bread, too), if it’s not needed …

Letter: A Note on Infant Nutrition

Dear Sir, Regarding the very helpful letter on alternatives to commercial baby foods, I wanted to add the widely-used practice sometimes called “baby-led weaning”. This consists of introducing a six-month or older child to larger chunks of soft foods that they can grab, manipulate, and gum on their own. The two keys to make this practice safe are that the chunks be too large to aspirate (perhaps the size of a large french fry), and soft enough for the baby to mash or dissolve with their tongue or gums. Banana and avocado are often used as first foods in this …

Economics and Investing:

US labour force participation stays at a 38-year low Only 62.4% of American civilians over the age of 16 are either working or looking for work. – G.G. o o o Biderman: “Welcome To The First Global Recession Created By Central Bankers” Sent in by G.G. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: The Fed Desperately Tries to Maintain the Status Quo (Mises Institute) Ensure Your Financial Strategy Passes the Sleep Test(Christian Science Monitor) Collapsing Obamacare Co-ops Signal Big Trouble to Come(Fiscal Times) U.S. Debt Ceiling Has Risen No Matter Who Was In Office (Visual Capitalist) How One Retailer is …