Notes for Tuesday – November 24, 2015

November 24th marks the day that John Knox died, in 1572. (He was born in 1514.) AtheistAgendaPedia says: “Born near Haddington Scotland, he was influenced by George Wishart, who was burned for heresy in 1546, and the following year Knox became the spokesman for the Reformation in Scotland. After imprisonment and exile in England and the European continent, in 1559 he returned to Scotland, where he supervised the preparation of the constitution and liturgy of the Reformed Church.” o o o The countdown is on! Just seven more days until the release of “Land of Promise”! Please wait until December …

Our Family’s Journey to Preparing For an Extended Grid Down Event- Part 2, by Old Man

Katrina was one of those life-changing moments, when we awoke and realized how unprepared we really were. Katrina caused us to completely overhaul and step up our prepping. We changed many things, but for purposes of this article I will focus on the power aspects. We began to ask ourselves what would we do if we had no power for weeks. We answered that question by taking an inventory of everything electrical in the house. Due to the work we previously did with reducing our electrical usage, we had a complete inventory. Additionally, as an unanticipated benefit, we had already …

Three Letters Re: An Alternative to Calcium Hypochlorite, by TLS

HJL, Great article on the Pentair Intellichlor. A couple of things I gleaned from the Amazon listing attached to the article: “…I’ve been told the power unit is simply a fancy transformer that reduces the voltage from 120V down to 12V…” So, perhaps the unit can be run, grid-down, without the need for an (energy consuming) inverter? (directly from a battery bank?) And: “It won’t generate chlorine if the water temperature is too cold. The water temp needs to be at least 52 degrees.” Good to be aware of this limiting factor. – Best, P.R. o o o Hugh, We …

Economics and Investing:

The Fed Balance Sheet & The Price Of Silver o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: Equities vs. Everything Else: Deutsche Bank Warns One Side Must Be Wrong (Zero Hedge) When Wall Street Gets DeFANGED — LOOK OUT! (Contra Corner) Brazil Inflation at 12 Year Highs Compounds Economic Crisis (Financial Times) Finland Emerges as the “New Sick Man of Europe” as the Eurozone’s Worst Performing Economy (The Telegraph) A Sign that the World’s Richest are about to Hit a Rough Patch (Business Insider) Puerto Rico’s Rapture (Huffington Post) Americans Shoplift $13B in Merchandise Each Year (Market Watch) The Price of …

Odds ‘n Sods:

A recent Oath Keepers podcast interview: Winter Prepping with James Wesley, Rawles o o o If you can’t hide from them, obfuscate! SurvivalBlog Reader Keeper sent in this link profiling two browser plugins that gives the data collectors what they want. Enough of it to choke on and make the data random and worthless. o o o Or, if you prefer the more traditional way of just dropping off the radar altogether, D.S. sent in this link on How To Disappear And Live Under The Radar o o o Useful information for those of us who still think that all …

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages. Nobody but a beggar chooses to depend chiefly upon the benevolence of his fellow citizens.” – Adam Smith

Notes for Monday – November 23, 2015

FLIR is offering huge manufacturer’s rebate on many thermal imagers they make through November 30th. In addition, JRH Enterprises has put these popular models on sale as well. The very popular Scout II 240 model is on sale as well as having a $500 rebate (from FLIR). Weapons mountable Thermosight models like the RS32 are also on sale for $500 OFF and FLIR is offering a $1,000 Rebate on that model. Other FLIR models on sale with rebates at JRH Enterprises.

Pat Cascio’s Product Review: Driven From Our Homes (DVD)

There has been a few short mentions on and other websites about the DVD and companion book, Driven From Our Homes that is being sold by Infidel Body Armor. I have been dealing directly with IBA owner, Chad Cooper, since he started the company, and I’ve tested many of his products extensively. To be sure, IBA doesn’t produce any junk! It’s simple as that. When Chad contacted me about his new DVD and companion book, I couldn’t wait to get it. Before it arrived, Chad was kind enough to give me access to their website so I could watch …

Obsoleting Sodium Hypochlorite – The MSR SE200, by Hugh Latimer

In 2004, the devastating Southeast Asia Tsunami stimulated charity from all over the world. Fresh drinking water was one of the prime concerns in this disaster and MSR (Cascade Designs) had been specializing in back country water purification for years. They lept into action, delivering many of their water purification devices to the area. Unfortunately, they learned some hard lessons along the way. In their own words, they admitted that the philanthropic effort, though well intended, was humbling. The logistics were complicated, so delivery of the devices was hindered, and once there they discovered that the size of the devices, …

Recipe of the Week: Quick Chili Con Carne, by T.M.

Instructions: 1lb lean ground beef 1 small onion, chopped 1 tsp salt 1 to 2 tsp chili powder 1 bay leaf 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce 2 (8oz) cans tomato sauce 2 (16oz) cans kidney beans, drained Directions: In a skillet or slow-cooking pot with a browning unit, break up beef with a fork and cook until lightly browned Pour off excess fat. In a slow-cooking pot, combine meat with onion, salt, chili powder, bay leaf, Worcestershire sauce, tomato sauce, and kidney beans. Cover and cook on high for 2 to 3 hours. Remove bay leaf. Makes 6 to 7 servings. …

Letter Re: An Alternative to Calcium Hypochlorite, by TLS

Gentlemen, I just read the excellent article written on chlorine usage for water disinfection. As a long time analytical chemist, it was a pleasure to read such an articulate article on the subject. I wanted to add a caveat to the article. One must keep in mind that when using chlorine, a minimum contact time of one hour is required to kill organisms, and you should maintain a residual of chlorine in the water. Contact time is the length of time the chlorine is allowed to work. And since the chlorine reacts with the organic molecules composing the undesirable organisms, …

Economics and Investing:

A very interesting read on the coming economic disaster: Is This How the Next Global Financial Meltdown Will Unfold?. Sent in by GJM o o o The Future of Money – Banking without a bank in Kenya. – C.L. o o o Items from Professor Preponomics: Next Crisis in the Making: David Stockman Points to the $4.6T Leveraged Loan Market (Contra Corner) ECB Policymaker Says Monetary Policy Risks Becoming Ineffective in a Low Growth World (Reuters) China’s $1.2T Debt “Ponzi Scheme” Could Trigger Financial Crisis (Breitbart) Container Freight Rates Plummet 70% in 3 Weeks (Zero Hedge) Investors Warn of Greater …

Odds ‘n Sods:

From SurvivalBlog reader S.H. – While I don’t make a habit of watching PBS, this caught my attention. Though the technical aspects were mostly over my head, the ramifications were not. This type of terrorism vastly widens the threat to the power grid along with other infrastructures. Cyber War Threat o o o Real Danger Is Violence and War-Catherine Austin Fitts This is in-line with what I have been saying for quite some time. There is a huge economic crises coming, yet TPTB will keep kicking the can down the road, watching the crises grow larger and larger until some …

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“What manner of men had lived in those days…who had so eagerly surrendered their sovereignty for a lie and a delusion? Why had they been so anxious to believe that the government could solve problems for them which had been pridefully solved, many times over, by their fathers? Had their characters become so weak and debased, so craven and emasculated, that offers of government dole had become more important than their liberty and their humanity? Had they not known that power delegated to the government becomes the club of tyrants? They must have known. They had their own history to …