Notes for Wednesday – January 28, 2015

January 28th is the anniversary of the rescue of General James L. Dozier from his Italian Red Brigades kidnappers. Tangentially, Colonel Jeff Cooper created a shooting drill in honor of those who freed him– The Dozier Drill. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 56 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day …

Lessons Learned While Living in San Francisco, by JGD

I’m writing this as I wrap up my 18th year of living in San Francisco to outline a recent experience with crime in this city. Beneath the surface, this city has big problems. Above the surface, San Francisco is a beautiful city, and it’s a ton of fun to live here. There are thousands of things to do and amazing places to visit; you name it, and it’s here. I’ve got a great career and a beautiful, like-minded woman. I own my house and have a great sailboat and lots of friends. I could not be more blessed. Things just …

Letter: Canned Food Alternatives

Dear Survival Blog, I have been reading your blog for several years. You have a lot of great information, and I am glad that you are putting this information out on the net. However, I have a couple of questions. I want to start my stocking up, but my family does not eat canned food. Is there an alternative to canned food? I know about MRE’s; would that be a possible solution for our food storage? What do you do when there are items listed on the list of lists that you either don’t eat or don’t have access to? …

Economics and Investing:

Evidence Grows Showing Wall Street as a Negative Economic Force. – P.K. o o o Gold: Its Time Has Come o o o Comparing the inflated cost of living today from 1938 to 2015: US Dollar losing an enormous amount of purchasing power since 1938 o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Treasury Yields Rise From Record Lows as Fed Meets on Rates Path – Path to rate hike, that’s going be like finding the end of a rainbow… Greece’s New FinMin Explains “This Is What Happens When You Humiliate A Nation & Give It No Hope” – While there …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Have a look at “Tactical Walls” – Very impressive gun hidden storage systems – video – 2 mins. – T.P. o o o An excellent example of charity – before TSHTF: Save a life or sneer at an idiot – your choice o o o 1 in 3 on Disability Have Mental Disorder; 42.9% in D.C.. That makes sense, seeing as how between the Congress and the Executive Branch mental illness runs rampant! – P.M. HJL adds: While that number is disturbing, don’t forget that the standard manual for defining mental disorders has been expanded so significantly that pretty much …

Notes for Tuesday – January 27, 2015

January 27th is the birthday of the late Helen Chenoweth (born, 1938, died October 2, 2006). She was a controversial Republican congresswoman from Orofino, Idaho. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 56 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $12,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s choice of three-day civilian courses. (Excluding those restricted for military or government teams.) Three day …

Be The Gray Man, by M.F.

Blending In for Survival One of the lesser-discussed survival topics, even among preppers, is the eventual need to go out into what’s left of the world after the fan turns brown. Most preppers focus on making preparations to survive the onslaught of unforeseeable calamities that are more than likely heading our way in the near future. While none of us can say for sure what exactly will happen to bring on a survival situation, we are all pretty sure that something wicked this way comes. Even non-preppers can “feel” that something is wrong. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to …

Letter Re: Food Items Past Expiration Dates

Hugh, I have been an avid reader of SB for about five years now. It amazes me that folks with what appears to be good common sense are throwing away products they have used to start or continue their prepping activities. Most of these comments say they are tired of throwing out stuff that has gone past its expiration date. With all the long-term storage info available on this site, I cannot for the life of me understand how someone would do this. With good storage rotation practices, first-in first-out, store what you eat and eat what you store habits, …

News From The American Redoubt:

Many are asking why President Obama is choosing Idaho o o o This is incredibly expensive toilet paper! Craigslist ad: Obama speech ticket – $1000 o o o Some megaload protesters report text messages from FBI. While I can’t condone the protester’s message, they have the right to protest. The FBI, however, has demonstrated some scary behavior here. – RBS o o o Study Indicates Eastern Oregon’s Ontario is the state’s Least Safe City. For some residents of the border town, they refer to it as CompTario in reference to crime infested Compton, California. – RBS o o o How …

Economics and Investing:

Markets or Mercantilism. – An interesting view of the free market. – S.B. o o o The global economy has degenerated into one massive currency war. This is not sustainable nor a rising tide that lifts all boats… o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Precious Metals Coveted Once More as Draghi Acts: Commodities S&P Cuts Russia To Junk, Ruble Plunges To 6-Week Lows Greece Election: Big Syriza Win – This is going to get interesting. David Stockman: Meet Bloomberg’s Latest Idiot: Shobhana Chandra On Why Falling Prices Cause Hungry People To Starve

Odds ‘n Sods:

American Radio History (Including ‘Technical & Engineering’ magazines/books). – A.D. o o o Mark Dice is revealing the utter stupidity of regular Americans again: Americans Want Obama To Repeal The Bill Of Rights: “Let’s Do It, Let’s Get Behind It”. – F.B. o o o U.S. Spies on Millions of Cars. – G.P. o o o Video (43 Seconds): Binary Firing System – Franklin Armory o o o Where food crises and global conflict could collide . – RBS

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“I told Ella Mae Cheeks Johnson, then age 105, that she was the only person over 80 who I’d ever met who never referred to her physical infirmities or health problems. To which she replied, “I have my difficulties; I do not rejoice in them.” ? Patricia Mulcahy, It Is Well with My Soul: The Extraordinary Life of a 106-Year-Old Woman