Notes for Tuesday – March 03, 2015

Ready Made Resources is offering two classic assortment buckets and one essential assortment bucket at no extra charge, when you purchase their Mountain House Entree Pac. o o o Seed for Security has introduced two new products– their Colossal Security Pack and their Heirloom Herb Collection. The Colossal Security Pack has approximately 84,305 open-pollinated, non GMO seeds. The shipping weight is 7 lbs. and 9 ounces. Their Heirloom Herb Collection features five flavorful, healthful herbs. Both the Colossal Pack and Herb Collection are packed for long-term storage. o o o Today, we present another entry for Round 57 of the …

Defending The Castle, by R.T.

Numerous articles and blogs have appeared over the last couple of years, targeting the prepper community and those people associated with standing up for our God-given rights as well as those rights afforded us from within the Constitution. These articles are generally positive, and they supply the reader with a fair amount of good quality advice in regards to surviving a “grid down” situation or some other catastrophe that may come about. Being that it is nearly impossible to know which impending event might suddenly occur with little or no notice, it is extremely difficult to plan for ALL possible …

Guest Article: Gold – The Good, Bad, and Truly Ugly, by Gary Christenson

THE GOLD STANDARD: Although it may be unrealistically optimistic, I believe my paraphrase of a Churchill quote: “Central Bankers will eventually do the right thing and return to a gold standard after they have exhausted all other alternatives.” While central bankers are exhausting all other alternatives, I worry about the collateral damage to 90% of the population who are not first in line on the fiat money gravy train that benefits the financial and political elite. Clearly, central bankers will return to a gold standard only if forced by a financial implosion, economic collapse or equivalent disaster. Hence, the powers-that-be …

News From The American Redoubt:

Doctors able to save cat severely burned in Seattle RV blast o o o SurvivalBlog normally avoids “zombies”, but this one is kind of funny: Cornell researchers find safest place to hide from zombies. – H.D. o o o Hindu prayer to open Idaho Senate Idaho patriots, legislators, and assemblies, I wanted to bring to your attention something that is planned in our state capitol and something I feel requires a strong response from you and me, as Christian patriots, to our legislators. Next Tuesday, the Senate will be opened for business with an invocation including a Hindu prayer. Idaho …

Economics and Investing:

Billionaire Warns Of Total Collapse End Game Scenario: ‘No Way Out… Your Money Will Be Worthless’. – B.B. o o o MARC FABER – World Economy Grinding to a Halt. Don’t Trade With Leverage o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Another Record: $4.235 Per Pound for Ground Beef Gold Falls From 2-Week High, Eyes US Policy Housing Bubble Redux: Subprime Auto Market Begins To Crack Mission Accomplished: Nasdaq 5000

Odds ‘n Sods:

Our friend Tam over at the great View From The Porch blog mentioned this handy yet compact tool that should be on everyone’s EDC keyring. o o o Video: How to Make Aspirin If You Are Lost in the Woods. – P.S. o o o WH Plans to Develop a “Country Within a Country” of 15 Million “New Americans” . – B.B. o o o The Life-Saving ‘Survival Tree’ When You Need Food, Shelter Or Medicine. – D.S. o o o Deadly Bacteria Accidentally Released From Louisiana Lab. – H.L. o o o “World-Leading Economist” And Advisor To Chancellor Osborne …

February In Precious Metals, by Steven Cochran of Gainesville Coins

Welcome to SurvivalBlog’s Precious Metals Month in Review, where we take a look at “the month that was” in precious metals. Each month, we cover the price action of gold and silver and examine the “what” and “why” behind those numbers. Gold trended lower during February, after hitting multi-year highs in January, for several reasons. Physical demand from China was lower, after the habitual gold binge in January for the Lunar New Year. The Greek debt crisis tended to swing both gold and the U.S. dollar back and forth, but the warfare in Ukraine seemed to do little for gold …

Scot’s Product Review: Nikon PROSTAFF Target EFR 3-9x 40mm Rifle Scope

If my rifles had feelings, I bet my .22’s and air rifles would feel slighted. They don’t get the expensive accessories that my centerfire ones get, the most important of which are quality optics. I usually have to pinch pennies, and I view the most important firearms in my collection to be the self-defense and hunting ones, so that’s where the money goes. The importance of self-defense does not need to be stated, while hunting puts food on the table and also serves a critical function. I don’t get to hunt as much as I would like, but when I …

Recipe of the Week: Cheddar Chowder, by L.H.

It’s cold outside! So my menu-planning mind marches determinedly toward hearty and warming comfort foods. This soup fits the bill, and it’s one we’ve come to enjoy over the last 25 years as a “meatless Monday” meal. You may want to add cooked ham bits or crumbled bacon to it, but really we haven’t found that the addition of meat enhances it in any significant way. Served with some hearty garlic toast, it’s a pretty wonderful winter meal, as is. Ingredients: 4 Tbsp. butter 1/4 c. finely chopped onion 1 cup chopped green pepper (optional; I have always omitted it, …

Letter Re: Tactical Preparedness

Hugh, I would offer a short story to your readers: Some years ago a friend, who has been preparing for the fecal matter to hit the oscillator for some years, was at the house of another friend, who was his neighbor. He asked her to show him her pantry. She did this, and it contained about three days worth of food. He looked her in the eye and told her that when things really go south, “The first place I am going to go is your house, and I am going to kill you, your children, and any other threat …

Economics and Investing:

Russian Supermarkets Freeze Prices for Inflation-weary Shoppers. – H.L. o o o An interesting document describing the mechanics behind the fiat money creation machine: Modern Money Mechanics. – P.M. o o o US Will Never Gain Oil Market Crown Says IEA Head o o o Exposure To Falling Oil Prices Driving Global Defaults and Slowdown

Odds ‘n Sods:

Obama Threatened to Shoot Down IAF Iran Strike. – JMC o o o Private police carry guns and make arrests, and their ranks are swelling. – P.M. o o o Vandalism in Arizona Shut Down Internet, Cellphone, Telephone Service Across State. – J.G. While the reports suggest vandalism, accessing the cable required the use of power equipment and significant labor. This seems like something more than a bunch of delinquents causing a ruckus. My mind tends to run towards disgruntled employee sabotage or deliberate probing for weakness. – HJL o o o Loretta Lynch’s Secret Prosecutions. – P.M.

Hugh’s Quote of the Day:

“Emma felt frightened, apprehensive, yes, but also elated and excited, her feelings all tumbled and mixed together like a stew of varied ingredients tossed into the same pot. She was aware of the blood coursing through her veins, the beat of her heart, the breath in her lungs. Was aware, too, of that clenched knot that hung in the pit of her stomach. This was what it was to be alive, to be at the edge, facing survival eye to eye, knowing, KNOWING, you would win.” ? Helen Hollick, The Forever Queen