Odds ‘n Sods:

Germany to spy on US for first time since 1945 after ‘double agent’ scandal – G.P. o o o More Illegal Immigrants from China Crossing Border . – P.M. o o o A Call to Vigilance – B.B. o o o You knew the “Global Warming Crises” was junk science to begin with. Now there is proof: Government Data Show U.S. in Decade-Long Cooling o o o America’s Most Likely – and Most at Risk – Gun Owners? People Over 65 – RBS With the concept of a “Doctor’s Note” being kicked around to be able to exercise your 2nd …

Notes for Tuesday – July 08, 2014

Seed for Security is running a great sale right now. Their Super Survival Pack is 20% off. You get a total of four pounds of survival seeds and two pints of healthful grains. All of their seeds are heirloom, non GMO, and none are hybrid. This offer is for a limited time only. o o o Sparks Grid Down Comm Course is being featured at the Midwest Comm Connection on Saturday and Sunday, September 13 & 14 in Horicon, Wisconsin. It’s your opportunity to learn effective radio comm tactics to use when times get tough. Check out this flyer if …

A Get Home Plan, by H.H.

First, I want to thank all the contributors for all the time and effort that they have put into this blog. I won’t say I have read all of them, but I have considered a significant portion of them not only in my own lifestyle but in my preparation. My own situation is that I work in a large city in the south and the family is miles away. I have been prepping for a few years now and would just like to offer a few observations. I have done all the normal things at the retreat, including food to …

Two Letters Re: So You Think Starting a Garden Will Be Easy After TEOTWAWKI

Hugh, Finally someone has addressed something that has been on my mind for quite some time. Thanks Dr. Prepper for pointing out that gardening alone will be an insufficient means to provide adequate food when the SHTF! Your 2000 cal/day figure easily shows the shortfalls of relying solely on a vegetable diet, but under the high stress and increased activity levels that will be required when the SHTF a 3000cal/day requirement often is used as a more realistic figure. This would increase the required amount of the harvest by 33%! I wonder what the net caloric gain is with the …

News From The American Redoubt:

Three brilliant young men from the University of Idaho are launching a company that synergistically employs 3D Printing and cloud computing: SkyForge. Throw them a few bucks via Kickstarter, and see what happens. o o o Is the Pacific Northwest Ready to Deal with a Catastrophic Quake?. – T.H. o o o Small group protests Idaho’s wolf management plan. – RBS o o o Oregon aims to be first state to map GMO fields. – H.L. o o o New Boise scam entices victims to ship stolen goods. – RBS

Odds ‘n Sods:

This has been covered before, but its importance bears repeating. Extent of US dependency on prescription drugs revealed: UN report shows 6% of American adults hooked on pills. – T.P. o o o MS-13 gang members and jihadists let in over the border as children. – B.B. o o o Why are police shooting so many family dogs?. – G.B. o o o IRS Spending: Administration v. Refundable Credits. – PLC o o o Four librarians gagged and threatened with prison time under the Patriot Act. – H.L.

Notes for Monday – July 07, 2014

Survival Medicine 101 Workshop to be held August 4-6, 2014 in Bessemer, Alabama with Dr. Cynthia Koelker, Medical Editor of SurvivalBlog Classes feature suturing, minor surgery, casting, splinting, clinical labs, infection, chronic illness, and much more. Register online at www.armageddonmedicine.net. o o o Today we present another entry for Round 53 of the SurvivalBlog non-fiction writing contest. The $11,000+ worth of prizes for this round include: First Prize: A Gunsite Academy Three Day Course Certificate, good for any one, two, or three course (a $1,195 value), A course certificate from onPoint Tactical. This certificate will be for the prize winner’s …

Surviving the Collapse, Not Only Physically But Spiritually, by F.C.

So often, we hear about how to prepare for the future collapse. We hear, and correctly so, that we should store up food and other essentials to survive in the future. However, what will life really be like after the collapse has taken place? What will we do besides just survive? What should we do? Let’s assume that there is no longer any electrical power, either due to an EMP, general societal collapse, terrorist attack, natural disaster, or some other reason. This means there is no more Internet, cable or satellite service, television, Facebook, video gaming, and texting, and it …

Scot’s Product Review: Magazine Loaders

I have long sneered at magazine loaders. I’m lucky to be strong enough to load magazines myself, and frankly, most of the loaders I’ve tried haven’t worked well enough to make me feel they offered any benefits. I have a nine-year-old son, though, and he simply doesn’t have the strength or dexterity I have and has problems getting magazines loaded. I was getting tired of loading them for him and felt that my doing his work for him was a bad example. I, therefore, became receptive to the concept but had no idea if there are any magazine loaders that …

Recipe of the Week: Breadsticks, by C.T.

Ingredients: 1 cup scalded milk 1/4 cup butter 1 1/3 T. sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 1 pkg. yeast, dissolved into 1/4 cup lukewarm water 1 egg white, beaten 3 1/2 cup flour Directions: Add butter, sugar, and salt to milk. When lukewarm, add dissolved yeast, egg white, and flour. Knead and let rise. Roll out to a little less than 1/2 inch thick. Use a pizza cutter to cut into 1 inch strips. Keep strips together, and let rise again. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes. Brush with melted butter, garlic salt, coarse salt, parmesan cheese, or …

Letter Re: So You Think Starting a Garden Will Be Easy After TEOTWAWKI

Hugh, Regarding the article “Starting a Garden After TEOTWAWKI”, Have you forgotten the most rapacious “varmint” on earth? I’m referring of course to the Insects. Although here in FL, where we have cockroaches that fly around and knock out streetlights, bird screening may work. lol Maybe screening should be added? – R.D. o o o HJL, Hello and thank you for this series. It was very useful, concise information. I would like to add, when space is at a premium for you (as it is for me) or advancing age is slowing you down, some things are better purchased than …

Economics and Investing:

A creative way to steal money? Spain Issues Retroactive 0.03% Tax on Bank Deposits to “Boost Economic Growth and Job Creation” . – P.S. o o o Being young increases your odds of being unemployed in the US: 40 percent of unemployed workers are Millennials. The long-term impact of young unemployment. o o o Central Bank Smackdown o o o CEO Of One Of The World’s Largest Energy Majors “Sees No Reason For Petrodollar”. – J.L.