Potential Bioterrorism Agent Found in Colorado, by Cynthia J. Koelker, MD

July 2014: One of the deadliest diseases on earth is right here in our own back yard, so to speak…with no vaccine, fatal without antibiotics, and on the CDC’s “Category A List” of potential bioterrorism agents. Don’t panic just yet. The disease also occurs naturally, as is the case in this month’s outbreak. However, overnight I’ve changed my outlook on the disease. What I’ve recently described to my students as highly unlikely is instead alive and well on the prairie. I’ve gone from believing I’d never encounter this infection to thinking it’s entirely possible. The next time I see a …

Letter Re: Home Brewing for SHTF

Thanks for providing the warning based on scripture concerning alcohol. Please make sure the readers know and understand that distillation of any alcohol product, without proper state and federal licensing will land them in the federal pen. I don’t think the writer of that post was clear enough on that. We call it ethanol now, but the BATFE still calls it moonshine if the producer doesn’t have his ducks in a row. – G.F.

Economics and Investing:

EPA claims it has the power to garnish wages without court approval – T.P. o o o Pure Manipulation, $1.3B of Paper Gold Dumped Onto Illiquid Market o o o Items from Mr. Econocobas: Individuals Pile Into Stocks as Pros Say Bull Is Spent The Final Warning: Individual Investors Piling Into Stocks, Market Leverage Hits All Time Highs Video: John Williams of ShadowStats-Terrible Currency Crisis Ahead

Odds ‘n Sods:

Police Militarization: The New Search and Seizure o o o Owners of FAL, L1A1, and LAR-8 rifles will find these almost indestructible magazines of interest: Moses Mags – JWR o o o Going along with today’s article from SurvivalBlog MD, Cynthia Koelker, is this news report: Drug-Resistant Superbug Cases Rise Significantly in Southeastern US. – H.L. o o o From the same organization that has your best interests at heart: 300 vials labeled influenza, dengue found at lab. – P.M. o o o Russian Intelligence Moves Back Into Cuba. – B.B.