Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader “Sharp Shepherd” highlighted this article: Rental Goats Clear Brush Better, Beat Cosmonauts in Space Race    o o o Bridget sent this, about the ever-encroaching Nanny State Britannia: Every phone call, email and internet click stored by ‘state spying’ databases    o o o The folks at Directive 21 (one of our advertisers) are having a special on Royal Berkey water purification systems. The regular price is $275, but for a limited time they are $262.50. The sale will end when their small on-hand stock of the filters runs out, so don’t hesitate. OBTW, because of state certification issues, …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

Nothing is more certain than that a general profligacy and corruption of manners make a people ripe for destruction. A good form of government may hold the rotten materials together for some time, but beyond a certain pitch, even the best constitution will be ineffectual, and slavery must ensue. – John Witherspoon, The Dominion of Providence Over the Passions of Men, 1776

Letter Re: How Can I Make and Store Dog Food?

James, I read the blog regularly and have noticed people mentioning the value of having a large dog on a property–for protection, extra set of ears, etc. Having recently purchased a German Shepherd puppy and seeing the costs of dog food rising, plus the looming dangers of hyperinflation and disruptions of supply chains, I’m wondering if anyone out there can share the recipe for a nutritious food for a large breed puppy/dog–especially a food that can be made from common items and stored. Otherwise, when the storm hits I may have a great dog, and no suitable food for her. …

Wound Irrigation in Austere Environments

TEOTWAWKI will result in a lot of wounds, including not just lacerations but scrapes and burns as well.  These will happen regardless of if the injury is the result of a disaster or if post-crash efforts lead to injury.  This is bad enough, but you could be in even more trouble if infection sets into one of these wounds.  A lot of preparedness/survival-types focus on suturing, including having access to suture material and instruments to allow for laceration repair. While this is all well and good, you shouldn’t focus too much on actual wound repair without first being sure that …

Influenza Pandemic Update:

Andre sent this from Radio Nederland: Madagascar! Slovakia closes borders with flu-hit Ukraine Bobbi-Sue mentioned that respected surgeon and fiction author Robin Cook thinks a mix of avian and swine flu could be the next global plague on the scale of the Black Death. In a piece in Foreign Policy magazine, he details why. Belarus Has 1/4 Million Swine Flu Cases Suspect H1N1 Death in Romania on Border With Ukraine US Pandemic Options Include Crippling Home Modems WHO Silence On Ukraine Sequences Raise Pandemic Concerns “In the days post shipment, cases in Ukraine have quadrupled to over 1 million and …

Economics and Investing:

Reader O.J.W. spotted this: Why the price of gold is rising Ryan mentioned this: Report: 10 states face looming budget disasters Jason H. and “Oxy” were the first of dozen readers to mention this article: Peak Gold? Barrick shuts hedge book as world gold supply runs out Items from The Economatrix: Fed Officials Warn Weak Recovery Won’t Spur Jobs Why Gold is Shining Brighter Gold Bars Selling Like Hotcakes at Harrod’s Gold Hits New Record, Now Eyes US $1200 Jim Willie: Ultimate Conditions for Recovery Failure Written into “Too Big” Policy Job Openings Remain Close to Record Lows FDIC Boss: …

Odds ‘n Sods:

D.F. in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula suggested this solar homesteading and woodworking web site: ManyTracks    o o o Jimmy suggested a YouTube clip on inexpensive heat and light: A Common Man’s Grease Lamp. It uses Australian beeswax and petroleum jelly mix, sold under the brand name Murray’s Beeswax. Buy a jar for each of your survival kits. OBTW, it will likely melt in a hot car trunk, so be sure to store each jar in two thicknesses of Ziploc bags. Or, if you live in a hot climate, perhaps re-pack your supply in a small water-tight container with an o-ring …

Letter Re: It Takes a Village for Perimeter Security

Jim: I’ve been reading your blog for some months and went out and purchased “Patriots” as soon as I learned about it. Good job, I very much enjoyed it and will probably read again and again as I often do with books I enjoy. After reading your ‘Precepts’, I thought I would drop you a note. because I have always appreciated anyone that agrees with me. First, I am a retired cop and a retired soldier so I have studied people in one career and weapons and equipment in another. I have been to a number of Third World countries …

Letter Re: The List of Lists

Jim: I’m writing this to thank you for your blog, novel and preparedness course. Reading those has revitalized my prepping efforts, which had gone dormant since Y2K fizzled. Since then, I had the nagging feeling that I should be preparing, but I wasn’t–until I stumbled across your novel in a local bookstore. Then I got back on track. (BTW, it was mis-shelved in with the “how-to” books! Or maybe it wasn’t mis-shelved, since its a novel that doesn’t fit any mold!) And it wasn’t until I read through your “Rawles Gets You Ready” course that I had any real sense …

Letter Re: Why I Began to Prepare

James Wesley, In September 2008 a chain of events began which got me thinking about food storage and survival. Living in a small bedroom community to a moderately large city we’ve always had food, water and electricity, except for an occasional day or so when we have a storm. However things changed when Hurricane Ike rolled through the Ohio Valley (along the Ohio river). We had power outages and destruction city-wide of the magnitude of what you would normally see from a tornado that hits part of the town. But in this case a city of 1.5 million was without …

Economics and Investing:

FDIC Disowns Geithner Embarrassment. (Thanks to “Word” for the link.) Morris suggested an editorial about the coming collapse in commercial real estate by Doug Hornig of Casey Research: De Nile is not just a river in Egypt G.S. liked this: The gun that beat inflation; Commentary: How the Colt Peacemaker outshone gold. [JWR Adds: And you can’t shoot a burglar with a Krugerrand. Well, maybe you could with a Wrist Rocket, but that would take some explaining, in court.] Items from The Economatrix: Fed: GMAC to Receive More Bailout Money Sprint Plans to Cut Up to 2,500 Jobs Economists Seek …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Joshua K. suggested this free instructional video: How to make your own powdered eggs.    o o o Several readers suggested this article: Blackout raises doubts over Brazil infrastructure. Reader Steven W. noted: “Knowing how fragile our grid system is, I thought the readers would find this article on yesterday’s power outage in Brazil interesting, especially the note about gunmen robbing people en masse, in Rio.. I work for a Brazilian company and have been to both Rio and Sao Paulo and can tell you they are not safe under normal circumstances and I cannot imagine what really happened during …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

"The mania for giving the Government power to meddle with the private affairs of cities or citizens is likely to cause endless trouble, through the rivalry of schools and creeds that are anxious to obtain official recognition, and there is great danger that our people will lose our independence of thought and action which is the cause of much of our greatness, and sink into the helplessness of the Frenchman or German who expects his government to feed him when hungry, clothe him when naked, to prescribe when his child may be born and when he may die, and, in …

Notes from JWR:

Today, 11/11, is Veteran’s Day in the US (aka Remembrance Day or Poppy Day in Canada), when we honor the hundreds of thousands of men that have selflessly served, and often bled and died, in the defense of our Republic. If you have a relative that served, please send them a thank you note or e-mail, or give them a call , to thank them for their service. — In response to my recent comment about the Federal Tax credit available for some electric vehicles, where I mentioned Eco E ATVs and Bad Boy Buggies, I received this contributed article. …