Odds ‘n Sods:

Rob C. sent us a bit of good news: Vehicular open-carry expanded in Utah.

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HPD forwarded this item from Police State Britannia: Revealed: police databank on thousands of protesters

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Appleseed shoots are ramping up! There are a huge number of “shoots” scheduled all around the nation, with many on our around Patriot’s Day weekend (the weekend of April 19th). For example, Southern Arizona will be hosting its first ever Appleseed Shoot and Rifle Clinic.on April 25th and 26th, in Sierra Vista. The cost is $70 (pre-registered) for a two day rifle clinic and free for all children under 21, women, and active duty military.

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Two recent news stories: Multiple deaths reported in Alabama shooting spree and After attacks, Europe hurries to tighten gun laws. Hmmm… why is it that when there is a “lone gunman on anti-depressants, run amok”, the shooter so often ends up conveniently dead? Cui bono? Any bets on whether or not these events will be used will be used as a pretext to renew the 1994-to-2004 Federal “Assault” weapons and magazine ban?