Note from JWR:

The high bid in the current SurvivalBlog Benefit Auction is $390. This auction is for a big mixed lot: a NukAlert radiation detector, donated by KI4U–a $160 value), a DVD of 480 E-books on Alternative Energy (donated by WK Books–a $25 value), and the following package of survival gear all kindly donated by One case of MREs, one pack of water purifications tablets, a bottle of colloidal silver, a fire starter, a bottle of potassium iodate tablets, an emergency dental kit, a pack of “Shower in a bag” bath wipes, and one messenger bag to pack it in.

A July, 2008 Jim Rawles Interview by AlterNet

The following is a transcript of an interview that will soon be run at the popular left-of-center AlterNet web site: AlterNet: Is survivalism a failure of community? A celebration of it? JWR: I’d say that survivalism is indeed a celebration of community. It is the embodiment of America’s traditional “can do” spirit of self-reliance that settled the frontier. AlterNet: Is it engineered by personal issues? Is it a racial, or economic phenomenon, in your opinion? Or both? JWR: Survivalism [is a movement that] crosses all racial and religious lines. It is essentially color blind. For 99% of us, we could …

Letter Re: Insect-Free Long Term Food Storage

Jim. I have been buying flour and corn meal in five pound bags and placing in the freezer for a couple of weeks to destroy any “nits” still in them, and after that putting them in plastic bins. I really have no idea if this works long term, but would appreciate any suggestions on whether or not there is any method to preserve these items other than this. I have a Porkett hand grinder, but to grind wheat fine enough for bread flour is difficult. Thanks, – Charlie P. JWR Replies: Just freezing the grain doesn’t kill all the insect …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Reader Robert V. mentioned a news service report on the recent bank run in California.    o o o From Yahoo! Finance, What if my bank fails? Some questions and answers. (A hat tip to Kevin A.)    o o o Outfitters Supply (one of our advertisers) is offering SurvivalBlog readers free freight on all wall tents and wall tent frames, which is a savings of at least $29 and up to $240 for a full tent package. Mention that you are a SurvivalBlog reader and they will deduct the freight charges.    o o o Paul B. sent a …

Notes from JWR:

Congrats to JJW, the high bidder in the recent SurvivalBlog Benefit Auction. Today we begin a new SurvivalBlog Benefit Auction. This one is for a big mixed lot that includes: a NukAlert radiation detector, donated by KI4U–a $160 value, a DVD of 480 E-books on Alternative Energy (donated by WK Books–a $25 value), and the following package of survival gear all kindly donated by One case of MREs, one pack of water purifications tablets, a bottle of colloidal silver, a fire starter, a bottle of potassium iodate tablets, an emergency dental kit, a pack of “Shower in a bag” …

The Tomato Rebuild–Machining Technology is Crucial to Modern Society, by Thomas G.

Have you ever really thought about your food? The intricate system that conveys it to your fingertips, and often to your mouth directly? The complicated processes and machinery that make everything run so smooth? You mat be amazed at the phenomenally complicated process involved in bringing that jug of milk, candy bar, or perhaps a simple tomato to your feast. This is an abbreviated sequence with the express purpose of shedding light on a dwindling craft: Machine work. While this trade is flourishing around the world, we here at home have swept it under the rug in favor of cheap …

Letter Re: .22 Rimfire Conversion Kits for SIG-Sauer Centerfire Pistols

Dear Jim: Recently, I purchased a .22 conversion kit for my SIG P226 .40 S&W pistol. I was not aware that SIG was making such a unit until I saw it in the gun shop. Although pricey, ($369 factory price, $315 store price, [and I] managed to get one for $295) I went ahead and bought it. I can happily report that this conversion worked flawlessly out of the box. While I did not have the opportunity to really test it for accuracy, I was able to bounce a pop can around at fifty yards. The three kinds of ammo …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Eric mentioned this article from The Guardian newspaper, in England: Honey, they shrank the packets of food. Eric’s comment: All the more reason to purchase whole foods in bulk, learn how to process it into edibles, store it, etc. They cannot shrink the size of a 50 pound bag of red hard winter wheat.    o o o Eric also spotted this: Mother’ s Solar Heat Grabber    o o o Kevin A. flagged this: The US Housing Bubble’s Pop Could Doom Boomers by Lauren Tara LaCapra. It begins: “The collapse of the housing bubble will likely wipe away most …

Jim’s Quote of the Day:

“The mistakes made with excessive credit at artificially low rates are huge, and the market is demanding a correction. This involves excessive debt, misdirected investments, over-investments, and all the other problems caused by the government when spending the money they should never have had. Foreign militarism, welfare handouts and $80 trillion entitlement promises are all coming to an end. We don’t have the money or the wealth-creating capacity to catch up and care for all the needs that now exist because we rejected the market economy, sound money, self reliance and the principles of liberty.” – Congressman Ron Paul

Notes from JWR:

The Memsahib had a serious mishap here at the Rawles Ranch and will require surgery. We’ve chalked it up to being part of life, living and working with horses. We would appreciate your prayers. OBTW, because of her surgery I may be a bit sporadic about making SurvivalBlog posts for a few days, starting either Friday or Saturday. Thanks for your patience. Will there be more bank failures and bank runs? You betcha. IndyMac was just the first big one. (And it was, in fact, the second largest bank failure in US history.) I have been warning about the threat …

Letter Re: Rampant Inflation in Steel Products

Dear Jim, According to the Federal government, the consumer price index (all items less food and energy) rose just 2.4% since May, 2007. If that’s the case, then I wonder why the [modular steel] cattle panels down at the local farm supply went from $12.99 on May 20, to $18.99 on June 12, and are priced at $27.99 today. That’s a whopping 125% price increase in just 60 days. Call me curious, – Dutch in Wyoming JWR Replies: I hope that SurvivalBlog readers took the advice that I posted back on May 19th. It bears repeating: “Of immediate concern is …

Letter Re: Marginal Cartridges Without Proper Placement Fail to Stop an Aggressor

Sir, If you ever wanted graphic proof of the lethal supremacy of the 7.62mm NATO round over the 5.56mm, a recent thread from is the argument stopper! (Be forewarned, these documents have graphic pictures of the wounds to the deceased Bad Guy taken at the Coroner’s.) This FBI study of a police and SWAT shooting incident shows in graphic clarity why training (shot placement under stress) and superior ballistics are so important in a fire fight, especially a fight where your aggressor is determined and motivated for the fight. The subject (a determined street thug) took more than 17 …

Letter Re: Novel Recommendation–“Solar Flare” by Larry Burkett

Mr. Rawles, I have read your novel Patriots and passed it along to several people that I know. Most of them now own their own copy as well and it has been a big boost in helping them see the need for making preparations for the times ahead. It is with great interest that I have read the recent discussions about solar flares on the blog. The novel that first piqued my interest in survival and preparedness was the book Solar Flare by Strategic Air Command veteran and former NASA employee Larry Burkett. The premise of the novel is an …

Odds ‘n Sods:

KAF sent us this follow-up article about the recent IndyMac bank run and closure: Chuck Schumer, bank killer. OBTW, I stand by my prediction (since 2007) that there will soon be widespread bank failures and runs. The global credit collapse has made them inevitable. JWR’s recommendation: Check up on your bank’s safety rating. Spread out your risk between institutions by opening numerous smaller accounts, and keep extra cash on hand! For many years, I have recommended Weiss Ratings (now part of as an information source for judging the safety of banks and insurers, for my consulting clients. Marty Weiss …