Letter Re: Questions from A Not-Quite Convinced Reader

Hi James, I’m new to reading SurvivalBlog and pages like it. A year ago, I wrote off survivalists, thinking there was no real chance of any kind of collapse. I’ve been changing my mind, though, and would like to know more about why you think such a thing is likely enough to prepare for. I haven’t read “Patriots”, but I’ve added it to my list. I don’t want to believe in a coming collapse. There have been depressions before, and the fall of civilizations, but as far as I can tell, nothing on the scale of what you seem to …

Two Letters Re: Disseminating Local News and Information in a Grid-Down Societal Collapse

Jim, I think Brian raises a good question and your suggestion about using manual typewriters and mimeograph machines is a great idea. Here’s another one. While watching the the first season of Jericho DVDs, I noticed that in an episode titled “Black Jack” some of the characters went to a barter fair called Black Jack. They had to travel 200 miles to get to this town. The town’s fairgrounds were used as a barter fair location and in the middle (I assume the middle) was a tall board with a platform and a big roll of newspaper on the top. …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Our friends Cheryl N. and Commander Zero both sent a link to an interesting article encapsulating the hows and whys (or at least one interpretation of them) of the current economic situation: Uncomfortable Answers to Questions on the Economy.    o o o Cheryl N. also found this: US Food Groups Plan Hefty Price Raises    o o o Bloomberg reports: GM, Ford ‘On the Verge of Bankruptcy,’ Altman Says. (A hat tip to Dan B. for the link.)    o o o Frequent content contributor Kevin A. sent this: “Is America ready for (true) foreign ownership of major financial …

Note from JWR:

I heard from a dozen readers that I was recently quoted by WorldNetDaily, in an article about food shortages. (The article misidentifies the location of the Rawles Ranch, but I don’t mind keeping people guessing.) Food price jumps and food shortages have a tendency to get into a self-amplifying cycle, during times of crisis. Floods, droughts, and crop failures started the most recent cycle. But in my estimation it will be sharply higher prices for fertilizer and fuel that will exacerbate the problem. The bottom line: Be prepared for considerably higher prices and continued shortages in the next few years. …

Letter Re: What Preparations Should I Undertake Next?

Jim, I just finished your novel “Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse”. Thanks so much for writing it! I just wish I had found it sooner. I’ve always had a survival bent; I guess it started when I was in the Navy going through aircrew training. However in retrospect I realize now that it was kind of how I was brought up. I feel that I’m pretty squared away on the firearms battery , stored ammunition and communications gear. I hunt, fish and camp with my family often and am an avid shooter. Other that these things my wife and I …

Letter Re: The Importance of Pistol Holster Selection

James: Thanks for the response! I didn’t expect my letter to hit the web page. I agree about the belt and my wonderful wife just got me a new black dress belt from Mitch Rosen gun leather (a bit over a hundred bucks but well worth it) as my original one was looking worn and (her word) ‘ugly’. I always carried a Surefire [flashlight]- I’ve still got my original [Surefire Model] 6P from when they first came out. I’m [working] in an office (where guns are banned) now but always have the 6P on my belt next to my cell …

Four Letters Re: Advice on Motorcycles

Jim: If you don’t want to mess with mixing gas and oil in a 2-stroke bike engine, try the 4-stroke engine at BikeEngines.com. I’ve got one and it runs like a champ, at a couple of hundred miles per gallon! Regards, – Hawaiian K. Jim: The 2-cycle bicycle motorizing company mentioned also has a 4-cycle gasoline version. With those, of course no fuel mixing oil required. – SF in Hawaii   Dear Jim and Family, Dunno if you’re aware, but methanol required for a mimeograph is a normal fraction from the alcohol still process, usually the upper third of the …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Frequent content contributor Cheryl N. flagged an article at WorldNetDaily: 1930s Bank Runs Are Back. Speaking of banks, a recent Market Oracle article notes that Wachovia will soon close its wholesale lending unit and henceforth will lend only to bank customers, not brokers. Meanwhile, Bank of America’s purchase of Countrywide that supposed to close this quarter may not happen after all. B of A says it will not guarantee the Countrywide debt.    o o o The latest from Ultra Nanny State Britannia: Now there are 1,000 laws that will let the state into your home    o o o …

Letter Re: UV Light for Sterilizing Water

In my reading about water purification one of the things that I read about was ultraviolet (UV) light purification. I discarded it because I live at a fairly high northern latitude (lower intensity light) and it is fairly cold here most of the year. I just noticed something though. Sitting next to me I have a “halogen gooseneck desk lamp” with a 20 Watt halogen JCD bulb in it. While looking at the glass piece that sits between the light and outside world I noticed that it says “UV Filter 001”. This got me to wondering how much UV light …

Letter Re: Pre-Assembling Charity Food Packets for Storage

Jim- As always I love your site (that’s why I’m a 10 Cent Challenge subscriber), I am so sorry to hear of your wife’s accident and hope and pray she returns to her normal routine quickly. Taking your inspiration (and some info from others) my wife and I have expanded upon a concept called “365 meals”. My original idea (after reading your info on “Dispensing charity from a safe distance” was to use our impulse sealer to make “quick meals” of some rice, bullion cubes and TVP to distribute in the event that we needed to dispense charitable food stuffs …

A Reader’s Observations on Preparedness for Hurricane Dolly

Mr. Rawles, As you may remember from our profile we recently moved to new residence in luxury community in South Texas because of a job loss in the Pacific Northwest. Last week my wife and I learned of the tropical wave that ultimately created this storm, immediately we stocked up on gas and purchased some cheap extra batteries. (The pantry is still full). We also threw some clothes together and pre-positioned those in the car. We withdrew some extra money and got ready to board up (Our G.O.O.D. bags were already prepped and a once over was sufficient to add …

Odds ‘n Sods:

Courtesy of Eric B.: World warned over killer flu pandemic    o o o Reader Bill N. suggests checking out what Schmidt & Bender (a European rifle scope maker) has to say about their pricing and the declining value of the Once-Almighty US Dollar    o o o Eric B. and Brian H. both sent us this: Saving rainwater: Does it belong to the state?    o o o Regional Banks in Fear of Cash Calls. (A tip of the hat to Cheryl N. for sending that link.) JWR’s comment: The credit crisis is far from over, and we are …