Note from JWR:
I have once again expanded and updated The SurvivalBlog Glossary. Please send me an e-mail if you notice that I left out any noteworthy acronyms or terms. Thanks!
I have once again expanded and updated The SurvivalBlog Glossary. Please send me an e-mail if you notice that I left out any noteworthy acronyms or terms. Thanks!
Hi Jim, Regarding the thread on converting generators to propane, last year I installed a tri-fuel conversion kit on my 7.5 KW generator, that has a Honda engine. [Since the conversion] it works perfectly and [the conversion kit] was very easy to install. If the [grid] power goes out, I can switch it to the piped-in natural gas and if that goes out, I can either use propane or gasoline. I also got an inexpensive solar trickle charger and connected that to the battery, so that the battery is always fully charged. Best Regards, – Kurt JWR Replies: I consider …
Jim, Having both worked in a hospital and worked for hospitals for the last 18 years I must loudly concur with “Mike the MD in Missouri”. As a service specialist in an un-named Level 1 trauma center I had access to almost every inch of the facility(s) including the warehouses where we stored our unused equipment and all the patient care products. Naturally I was able to assess the on hand stock versus the use and replenish rates at a glance. I was always amazed at how little there actually was for a hospital in a city of 150,000 people. …
Readers Scott S. and Gokuryu both mentioned this article: Saudi-Based Al Qaeda Group Calls for Attacks on Oil Facilities Worldwide to Cut Off Flow to U.S. o o o “The Werewolf”–our correspondent in Brazil–sent us this bit of emerging technology: Pinpointing land mines with ultrasound beams. o o o RCP mentioned this article: Grocers Prep For Pandemic Run On Food
"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." – Ralph Waldo Emerson