Odds ‘n Sods:

Wow! Because of a temporarily stronger dollar, someone in New York just kicked the slats out from under the spot price of silver, pushing it down more than 10% in one day, to under $9.90 per ounce. Meanwhile, gold tumbled more than $35 per ounce. As I’ve stated before, it is best to buy on these dips. This correction is a great buying opportunity before the metals bull resumes his charge. This is essentially a second chance for everyone that felt that they had “missed the boat.” Just don’t hesitate, because I suspect that this is the deepest dip we will see for quite a while.

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Frequent SurvivalBlog content contributor R.B.S. spotted this great site on economics and investing: UrbanSurvival.com. It is dubbed “A One Man Business & Financial Newspaper.” It is written from a Elliott Long Waver’s perspective. Great stuff. By all means check it out.

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From SurvivalBlog reader Steve H.: A specific N95 mask recommendation

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The World Bank reports: Less than $384 million spent on combating Asian Avian Flu out of the $1.9 billion that had been pledged